Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30

1934: "It looks like warm weather is going to stay. I worked until 8:30 and then we took in the 'Walkathon' and stayed until 1:30 A.M. and was my bones sore from sitting so long." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1937: "The woodworkers in Oshkosh go on a strike, the first since 1898. This comprises crews at Morgan's, Radford's McMillen's, Foster's, Oshkosh Millworks. The Paine Lumber Company pays delinquent taxes today, amount $46,854.33. This would seem that they will again begin operations." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1954: "John Jungbauer passed away suddenly at 6:40 A.M. today. I spoke to him only Wednesday afternoon; he looked the picture of health. Born May 8, 1898. Paid final respects to John Roe at Fiss and Bill's. Funeral Service at 11 A.M. by Father McKeough. I see by the paper Heiss Bakery are closing their retail store. Well, I remember 50 years ago, they had one of the first soda fountains in Oshkosh, made their own ice cream and we kids would get a big ice cream sundae for 5 cents and all the oyster crackers we wanted." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Friday, April 29, 2011

April 29

1942: "Thres and Emma Siewert drive to the cottage to do some cleaning. After school I take Donald and Mary Ann out and Donald and myself put on the screens, cut grass. Things are now pretty well set at the cottage. Wisconsin Public Service pick up our refrigerator at the cottage. It has sprung a leak and it may be quite a job to repair it." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1954: "Surprised ourselves by buying a Philco Television Set at Appliance Mart. Attended the windup meeting of the 'Oshkosh Centennial Corporation' tonite at City Hall. We turned over to the 'Oshkosh Foundation' a check for $8292.85 profit which was made mostly thru the efforts of 'Brothers of the Brush' 5400.63 'Sisters of the Swish' 2433.75 a total of 7834.38 by these two organizations, balance 468.47 profit from all other activities. Are we lucky to have had Brothers of Brush and Sisters of Swish." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28

1933: "This is a beautiful day and I have spring fever.  In the evening some more shoe leather with Hemmer then to the monthly Red Cross Meeting. After they meet, Ed Marheine showed me thru the Heiss Bakery. Also met Mrs. Marheine and Mrs. Jack Faust. William Knobloch 66, Veteran Tailor died this morning at 2:20 in the home. He was born on Jan. 6, 1867. He was sick about a week. He worked with Fahter about 40 years ago for the J. A Nemitz Company." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1954: "We are getting plastered today, that is our east room upstairs is getting a new ceiling. George and Doris Mitchell begin washing walls; this afternoon they cleaned the living room. Took Annie Heip over to Walker Patric this afternoon. Walker drew up a will for her; I was named executor. Met John Jungbauer by the Oshkosh National Bank. He is looking very good. Haven't seen him for a ling time."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1957: "We are now on 'Daylight Saving' for the first time since World War One. To 7:15 Low Mass, Father Schorn. A beautiful day, not too warm. Little ones receive First Holy Communion at St. Vincent's. Carol Hazen, Lester Phelps are among them. Took a ride with Don and family to the cottage. Matt Drexler, Mandie and boys are there. Pat Karst comes out to measure up for our new dock. Mother is a K.C. Club in the finals of the Cath. Women's Tournament. No prize, Annie Weisheipl wins 8 dollars. Hardwood Products Corp. (Neenah) fire yesterday $300,000 loss." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27

1933: "Had a busy day today. On a shoe leather campaign with Joe Hemmer to get the boy scouts of our troop enrolled for their annual encampment at Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hahn lose their little daughter Cynthia Maritta, born June 16, 1932. Gene Clark Assistant Health Commissioner of Oshkosh lost his wife Bertha last night at 7:20. She was born at Blue Mound, Wis. April 23, 1861. [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1940: "Joe Baier is back for an afternoon's work. I took Donald to the 'Fisherman's Party' at the Merrill Gymnasium tonite. He enjoyed it very much." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1941: "To six o'clock Mass, Father Duerr reads the Mass and it is over at 6:35. St. John's is now on summer schedule 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 11:45.  Worked until 1 P.M. Took in Phil Laffey's orchestra practice this afternoon at First M. E. Hall. Donald plays second violin, about 16 young people rehearsed. [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26

1942: "To 6 o'clock Mass at St. John's. Donald took Robert Fretchel around with him on his paper route. Robert expects to take this route over next Sunday." (Note: Pa had the paper route for only a couple weeks.) [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1954: "Served as Honorary Pallbearer Robert Stamborski funeral with Matt Mertz, Gene Whittemore, Paul Dietzo, Bill Steckbauer, John Mateyka. Norm Brown is with us for the noon meal. Thres plays cards at Dess Wirtz's today. She gets no prize. Emma Siewert comes home with her and spends the evening at our place playing canasta. I did a little, I should say a little work in the attic."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25

1939: "Took Mrs. Whittemore to the Jungen home this morning to look things over; she is favorably impressed, and accepts the job to be housekeeper at 3 dollars per week."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1942: "Stopped to Joe Weisheipl's this morning to pick up Edward and Rose. Joe's hands are still looking very bad, even his face is infected. All men between the ages of 45 and 65 must register today for war service in case of emergency, that means I too must register. We take Anna Weisheipl to the Strand tonite to see King's Row starring Anne Sheridan, Robert Cummings, Ronald Reagan, Betty Field. After the show a 'Turkey Dinner' at Geo. Buchanan's." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1956: "Carl Traeger was named the new principal at the Oshkosh Hi School last night by the board of education. He has been assistant principal since 1950, succeeds J. Harwood Evans, resigned." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 24

1933: "Fairly nice day. Took 9th grade students of St. Vincent's to Waupun this afternoon. Took a trip thru the Prison and also the Hospital. Passed thru some severe showers on the way back. Court action begins today to determine if the City of Oshkosh is under the Commission or Aldermanic form of government. Frank Keefe is the attorney for the newly elected mayor George Oaks and Ray Dempsey for the present mayor T.G. Brown."[from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1946: "Aunt Lena is here for more house cleaning. This afternoon 5 o'clock we take a drive to the cottage; Donald and Mary Ann cut grass; I take care of the plumbing. Jimmy Geffers drops in to say hello. He was married this afternoon to Dorothy Umphenauer from near Lincoln, Nebr. at St. Mary's parsonage. He introduces his bride. Back home at 10 P.M.. Just learned Jimmy's wife is from Beatrice, Nebraska." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1956: "Little Debbie breaks out with measles today. She was home from school yesterday. To Kiwanis luncheon, had a very fine program. Autos from Aurora, Ill. showed color slides of a trip to the Grand Canyon. Little Donnie and Markie get shots from Ray Wagner this afternoon. Harry and Agnes Kujawa are our dinner guests today. Took them to the Town Grill, our waitress Mrs. Pattibone. After the dinner to South Park Junior Hi where we enjoy a concert by the United States Naval Band, conductor, Charles Brendler." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 23

1944: "To St. John's Church 7:30 Mass with Mary Ann. This is a big day for her even tho it rains most of the day. Rose Weisheipl takes her to Madame Curie at the Strand. In the evening she is confirmed by Bishop Bona of Montana. Rose Weisheipl is her sponsor. Aunt Lena is with us today for the first time since she was relieved by Ray Ostertags. We all have supper at Weisheipl's, it was Thres' first time out of the house for nearly a month." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1952: "Theresa Botz is in the store this afternoon. she tells me today is her birthday. She is 61. Thres attends card party of the "Council of Catholic Women" at St. Vincent's Gym. Court Whist is played. Donald and family are over tonite. We splice some more film. Find film of Don's wedding which I thought was lost. Debbie and me pick up Grammy Potter at St. Vincent's Gym. Debbie is still wide awake at 1 A.M. when her folks leave for home."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22

1934: "First Holy Communion at St. Vincent's this morning. It is not very pleasant weather. I work in the morning and in the evening. Slept most of the afternoon. After work played Keno at Sacred Heart, and won a tea kettle, 4# of lard, and 5# of sugar."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1953: "Feels like spring is here this morning; temperature is at 72 this noon. I visited Uncle Joe for a time this morning. I also did a little preaching. He is very anxious to get out and wants to march in the Memorial Day parade. I told him not to be in too much of a rush. Took a drive to the cottage this afternoon, our first one this year. Everything looks OK. Stopped at Amanda Drexler's with Thres. Mandie had a bad spell of dysentery today. She is very weak; her sister Elizabeth was with her. Richard Kock's aunt, Lillian Zellmer is in this morning. She tells me he is working for Ford Hopkins, Kaukakee, Illinois and is divorced from his wife. Got a sudden urge to clean the back attic today. Donald is over with his family and helps a lot. They leave for home at 1 A.M. Rose Weisheipl to Rexall Meeting at Green Bay." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21

1933: "Spoke to about 30 High School students this afternoon. Spoke to them on "Pharmacy." They were very much interested. Leo Kern and Claire Hochans are here today for a surprise visit. Leo almost had a new girl. Claire is back in Milwaukee and doing nothing, She has been at Madison but is back for several weeks. We bought Leo some of our special size 5¢ beers at Dick Doman's."[from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1942: "Attended banquet of Blue Cross Plan at Athearn Hotel at 6:30. Plan is explained by Mr. Norby and Mr. Murphy. It was attended by about the most representative group of men I ever saw, including Manufacturers, Retailers, Ministers, Priests, Teachers, and Professional Men. Dr. D.G. Hugo, O.J. Hardy, Ed Serwas and myself comprise the advisory board."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1957: "A little cooler this morning. Worked a few hours this morning. Took Don and family with us to dinner at the Raulf. The children are very well behaved. Markie has an unusually good appetite. Donnie surprised us by eating most of his meal. Back at the house after dinner, where the Easter Egg Hunt is taken over by the children." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20

1933: "Joe Heip is appointed Beer Inspector for our district by Lieutenant Governor Robert Henry. Nine men were appointed out of about 700 applicants. Helped Fred Rothe celebrate his 54th birthday at Joe Carter's place. Sheephead is the game and the ladies win. Fred Rothe likes the Baker Sepp song. Dick Doman [said?] that he got home at 11:20 P.M., but it was 1:20 A.M." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1934: "The ladies are busy cleaning house, even if the weather is somewhat cold, and tonite we have snow. Attended the operetta Pickles by the St. Peter's High School students. Edward Weisheipl and Constance Heinzl take part and so does Joe Henkel. Joe Weisheipl Jr. furnishes the music." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1939: "Attend funeral services for Mrs. Rose Jungen at St. Vincent's. Then to the wedding ceremony for Joe Weisheipl Jr. and Marjorie Haverty at St. Mary's. Had wedding breakfast at colonial Inn then reception at Marge's home 267 Washington Blvd. Met with the sisters of Mrs. Jungens at 3 P.M. to talk over the care of the 5 Jungens boys. Then to sork at the store. Met with Father Bastian in the evening, had an hour and a quarter with him, then took Anna and Leona Drexler out to the Weisheipls, then back for Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Fretchel. Had a nice time at the Weisheipls, got home at 2:30 A.M." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19

1944: "Rose early today. Father Bastian brings "Holy Communion" to Thres. Marion and Rose Weisheipl are over for a visit tonite. Took Mary Ann to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in Technicolor at the Oshkosh.  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1948: "Breakfast in the coffee shop at the Schroeder. Met Doug Hunt, then to the opening of the Rexall Convention. As President of the Wisconsin Upper Michigan Rexall Club addressed an assembly of about 200 at the opening 10 o'clock. Ernie Drushke Welcome from Milwaukee. Luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blust, Ed and Mrs. Ziebarth, Mrs. Bittner, Mrs. Jerry House. Jerry has a Rexall Store back of Carl and Margaret. After a nap back to the afternoon meeting. Met Mrs. 'A.C.' Till Bond and her niece from Platteville also Ed Kilkenny, Harry Mayer, Oscar ? from Kenosha, Warren Geers (Milwaukee) Then to the Maryland Hotel for a George's Special Charcoal 'Double Steak.' Our waitress Delores carved it for us, then back to our hotel for a Movie Rexall Square and then a Bingo game. Cash prizes were $8.00, $13.00, $15.00 and the last game was a black out. The prize was $100.00. I spent $5.00 and got nothing. Took a walk to cool off, temperature has been over 70 most of the day.Took in Telenews for an hour; back to the hotel at 11:45 and after a few night caps we are ready for bed." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18

1951: "Clark Hastins is in town with new detail man from Abbott. Had luncheon at the Athearn with Sunny Peck, Clark, and Martin. Dick Contino $4000 a week accordionist surrenders on the draft evasion charge. He failed to report for induction to his Burbank draft board. Thres Fretschel, Joe and Annie Heip are here for cards tonite. Cork calls for then as usual. Lunch at 1:45 A.M. Home 2 A.M. I made 90 cents. Mary Ann, Doris Heisler attend Apollo Male Singers Concert, John Carter guest artist." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1954: "To 7:30 Mass Father Wagner. Worked a few hours. Weather is nice, a little colder. Had our dinner at Hotel Raulf, took Joe Rieger along. Noted Joe Weisheipl Jr. having dinner all by himself, invited him to have dinner with us, which he did and it turned out to be quite a fun fest. Then to Mercy Hospital, visited Mama Klemmer Room 249, Loretta and Gertrude are with her. Met Sisters Laurentina, Irene, Mechtildis. Visited Aunt Mary; she's happy, also Mrs. Hazel Kleinschmidt and Mrs. Rebandt, Clara Gerth's mother. Home at 4:30. Donald and family came in for their Easter presents, we all pecked eggs, had a light luncheon. Donnie Jr. left a small package for us, it was accepted graciously. Worked a short time tonite. Mary Ann is also working tonite. Two games cribbage; I won one." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 17

1939: "Our near neighbor, Mrs. Rose Jungen passes away suddenly at 5 o'clock this morning at Mercy Hospital from a heart attack. Born 1886 at Whitelaw. This afternoon I am appointed guardian over her 5 boys Joseph, Leo, Paul, Carl, and Donald." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1949: "To 7:30 Mass Donald and Arlene are with us. Arlene receives her "First Holy Communion." It's a happy occasion for our family. Arlene is our guest at breakfast and dinner. Our hearts are gay, but the weather is not. Rain and a little snow all day, temperatures between 31° and 35°. Had a call from Sister Aquilina at St. Mary's Home. She has not been too well of late."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1954: "Joe Rieger moves to a new place this afternoon. Donald helped him to move his belongings to Mrs. Cath Panske's boarding home. He was with us since April 16th last year. I would say he has a nice start to be on this own. He has exactly 200 dollars in the bank savings account. We all wish him the best of luck."  [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16

1949: "Arlene Felker is baptized tonite by Father Alphonse Wagner. This has been her wish for several years. Thres, Mary Ann and self to the Strand Theatre. Two very good pictures The Fighting O'Flynn starring Doug Fairbanks Jr, Helena Carter,Richard Greene, Patricia Medina; Let's Live a Little very comical stars Heddy Lamarr, Robert Cummings, Anna Sten, Robert Shayne." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1953: "Attended Centennial meeting tonite. The book committee is voted into the centennial corporation. They have been on their own until now." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1957: "To 6:40 Mass with mother. To Kiwanis luncheon. Rev. Heglund from ? gave a nice talk. Salvation Army lassies are selling milk chocolates for their summer camp drive. The new managerial form of government takes over at 12:01 this noon and the old Council Form is out. Charles J. Fiss is elected President and Ivan Van Akkeren temporary City Manager. I attended Cemetery Board Meeting at 4:30 This evening to Church Service and then to Rosary by Bishop Grellinger for Gilbert's Pitz's son August." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15

1940: "Big Bowling match at Ollie Kinateder's alleys tonite between the North and South Side Mueller Potter Drug Stores. Well, the South Side Store wins three straight and also the total number of pins by 252. North Team: Elmer Salzieder, Leon Geiger, Laurence Churchill, Tom Gallagher, Fred Baumgartner. South Side: Art Mueller, Al Potter, Ed Fretchel, Ed Weisheipl, Roger Allmers. Rooters for the teams Rose Weisheipl, Naomi Mueller. I bowled 148-114-131. The girls left us in the middle of the last game. Walter Osterag is hanging around Rose, and takes her home. Maybe something is going to happen, or maybe it is just a date." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1955: "Deadline for personal income taxes both State and Federal today. Francis Lamb is in with our tax reports; all he needs is the checks.  As I got to the store to go to work, little Donnie met me saying 'You don't wanna work, let's take a ride in your car.' Pretty smart for a 2 year old. He got his ride." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1994: Tristan Rae Potter, daughter of Jason Potter, granddaughter of Mark Potter, great-granddaughter of Don and Arlene Potter, great-great-granddaughter of A.E. and Theresa Potter is born.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14

1937: "Fred Yahr, President of Yahr Lange Inc. and affiliated with the firm for 37 years is forced to retire from active management, as 115 employees stage a sit-down strike for 7½ hours until he does so. Fred says 'I go home to stay.' This is one of the most unusual sit-down strikes ever staged." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1945: "The body of President Roosevelt arrives at 10:15 this morning for funeral services this afternoon. Tonite the remains will be taken to Hyde Park, his home, to be buried. Donald leaves with the Col. Squires Basketball team for Beaver Dam. They are to play for the championship. He drives his own car. Our stores close today from 1:30 to 6 o'clock. Took Mary Ann and Thres to see Belle of he Yukon featuring Dinah Shore, Randolph Scott, Bob Burns, Gypsy Rose Lee, Charles Winninger. It's a technicolor picture. Also The Power of the Whistler by Richard Dix and Janis Carter."[from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13

1937: "Attended meeting of business men at Free Press Office. Discuss the getting of a Farmer's Market Day to Oshkosh at least once a month." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1952: "To 7:30 Hi Mass with Holy Name - Father Wagner. This is a day we will remember for some time. It is either rain or snow all the day. In fact it had rained most of the night. Mary Ann and self work this morning and this evening. We have our noon meal at the Athearn and then to Mercy Hospital to see Aunt Mary. She is not improving any. Had quite a visit with Sister Irene about Joe Rieger. After work tonite I phoned Milwaukee. Talked to Carl, Marge, Leona, Annie." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12

1933: "Baseball opens in the Major Leagues today. President Roosevelt sees the Washington team defeat the Philadelphia Nationals 4-1. This is a new deal in baseball. Pres. Hoover always saw them lose." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1936: "Easter Sunday turns out a beautiful day, somewhat cold. The Kiddies surely enjoy their egg hunt around the house." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1942: "To six o'clock Mass at St. John's. Donald gets his first experience carrying Milwaukee Journals. He made 48 cents. Well, it's OK for a starter." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11

1942: "Took Joe and Anna Weisheipl to the Strand Bud Abbott and Lou Costello with Dick Foran and Anne Gwynn star in Ride 'em Cowboy. A chicken dinner at Airport Tavern topped off the evening. Donald is out delivering Vanilla Compound and other items for the benefit of V.F.W. He earns $1.15. [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1943: "Today there was a debate in which it was on authors. 3rd class was for Washington Irving. The 4th class was for Edgar Allen Poe. They wanted to see who was the most capable one. The fourth class won. Poe was the best." [from Donald. Potter Sr.'s seminary diary]

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 10

1955: "A beautiful day, temperature 75°. To 7:30 Hi Mass with Holy Name. Then to work until 12:30. Took Donald and family to Town Grill for dinner. Children are over at noon for egg hunt around the house. They are still a little slow at finding things, but they did get a lot of fun out of it. Took a drive to the cottage, found the Robert Brands are there. They tried their luck at fishing. Met Art Mueller (T and S) at the post office today. He is looking good." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1957: "Temperature 6:30 A.M. 33°. Mother and myself to 6:45 Mass - Father Milbauer. Attend first meeting of the leaders, that is group leaders, for the New Catholic High School at St. John's. Bishop Grellinger, Father Williams, Jerry Moffet from Foleys were there with 15 leaders present. After the meeting I had a short visit with Father Williams. Among other things he tells me the Lord has been good to me and I heartily agree with him." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 9

1949: "Ed and Dess Wirtz have a formal opening of the Oregon Sandwich Shop today and tomorrow. Thres, Mary Ann and myself visit with Bill Mauritz tonite. Rose is bothered considerably with rheumatism or it may be arthritis." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1957: "Temperature at 6:30 A.M. 34°. To 6:45 Mass all by myself. Mother is too tired and not feeling too well. Electricians begin the wire work at our South Store preparatory to installing the dial telephone system. Had a visit with Sister Alverna this afternoon. She needs a nerve tonic for one of the Sisters." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8

1942: "Dr. Norman Kleinschmit fills some of my teeth and pulls a root which should have been out before this. Its' from a left lower molar and boy does it pain! Donald gets his permit to carry Milwaukee Journals. Fannie Heisinger issues the permit. Mrs. F.W. (Minnie) Mueller is operated at Mercy Hospital this morning. She is doing fairly well tonite. Worked writing up orders tonite until 10:30 then to the post office. Dropped in to the South Side Business Men's meeting after that. It's Rudy Hafemann's birthday party. [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1945: "To 7:30 St. Vincent's with Holy Name Society, then to work. This afternoon back to Merit Badge Show and also to attend Forester meeting at St. Vincent's to make plans for the coming golden jubilee.  At the Boy Scouts Show we awarded 15 Blue, 12 Red, and 3 Yellow Merit Badges, Back to work this evening and after work to Bill Siewert's Emm is there with a friendly greeting. I was lucky at cards. Mame Siewert is with us. Aunt Lena Baier gets a sick spell while there. We also have a surprise black-out. Carl Hanson is 30 today." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7

1933: "Beer 3.2% is back after being prohibited by law for 13 years. At 12:10 this morning Heip and self drove out to the Oshkosh Brewing Company to get a case of the new brew. Many cars are waiting. The band is playing and everybody is happy. George Weisheipl is on his way to Aurora for this evening's job." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1945: "The Boy Scout Merit Badge Show opens a 2:30 at the County. I'm on the job judging at 2, 4, 6, and 8 P.M. Howard Godshall, Harold Watson help me. This evening at 8:00 Frank Thew and Doc Nordhoof help me. The displays and activities are very good. I find myself quite tired tonite after the show, I go back to work. (Note: Grandpa Potter is the Chief Judge for the BSA Show which will continue on April 8, 1945.) [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6

1943: "Took Dave Collin to Kiwanis luncheon. Our table A.C. Gifford, Dave Johnson, John Bangert, Eric Boller. Received a questionaire from the Office of Naval Officer Procurement in regard to Stanley Alfred Mauritz. Received Donald's (son's) weekly letter and also his report, he tells me he is getting along better, well, his report proves that." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1954: "Election Day today. Temperature up to 55° Monday afternoon, up to 63° this aft. To Kiwanis Club, had an interesting movie on what makes "Kiwanis" tick. How the folks at "Elmdale" got a young doctor for their small town. When I come out "Lo and behold" I have another parking ticket by officer 104 this time. To Cemetery to look over the new fencing project. Find it is going along nicely by Ted Plier. then to Board meeting, find Jay Putney and Karl Schmidt there with a plea for open gates near the chapel. Donald and family and me to Stations. Mother to SSBM (Note: South Side Business Men's)Auxiliary potluck and cards. Ma furnished "Rye Bread" as usual." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5

1942: "To six o'clock Mass at St. John's. Donald (son) is trying a hand at carrying Sunday Journals. He helps Ed Steckbauer Jr. who is giving up his route. Harry, Agnes, Jackie and Mary Kujawa visit us this afternoon. After 7 hours of work I take the Weisheipls Joe Sr. and Annie to the Strand to see Mickey Rooney in The Courtship of Andy Hardy supported by Cecilia Parker, Ann Holden, Lewis Stone.  It rains a plenty tonite, after the show stop at George Buchanan's and Fritz Weisheipl's. Laurence and Dolores Kinateder stay here overnite." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1943: "Today we had our regular schedule. During music class (our last period) Dave Coy played some records of Tchaikovsky 6th Symphony which I enjoyed very much."  [from Donald Potter Sr.'s seminary diary] {Blogger's note: Tchaikovsky was the first composer introduced by Donald Sr. ("Pa" to me) to his children and the 6th Symphony is one of my favorites also.}

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4

1936: "Snow and blizzard today. Had intended to drive to Chicago, but changed our mind and took the train down at 4:23 P.M. Took Anna Drexler and Leona along down to see Rose Drexler Gittings. Arrived at 9:45 P.M. Bob was at the depot. Had supper at 10 P.M. and then a nice visit until 2:30 A.M. Met Tom Sweeney near Bob's place about 1 P.M." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1940 : "Our birthday sale begins at the store (32 years in business). Another gloomy looking day with some rain." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 3

1933: "According to Frank Janda Poor Relief Commissioner 2114 families of Oshkosh and 201 single persons are receiving aid which means about 10,000 people or ¼ of our population" [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1945: "To Kiwanis luncheon 'Dick Kimball' back on furlough from the European War Theatre, gave an interesting talk on what is going on over there. He was a Nazi prisoner for a time, but later escaped. Our table George Harrington, Frank Sullivan, O.R. Jones, Ray Baxandall, Myself. Clarence (Wally) Bronson and Warren Coe are elected school commissioners. Clarence got 2190 votes. Corky Coe 2031." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2

1948: "Julius Hagene passed away suddenly this afternoon at his home - 723 15th St. Born April 7, 1874 Married Martha Sonnenberg Oct 22, 1903. He was custodian at Smith School for 31 years. Harold Allender is installed as exalted ruler of the Elks tonite." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1957: "This is the big pancake-sausage day for the 'swimming pool' put on by us Kiwanians. This noon I had the pleasure of being with Mrs. Ella Meyer Christensen and Dr. Martin. Hadn't seen Ella for years. No job for me at this time. Thres played Court Whist at Zwicky's 1841 Doty this P.M. Mrs. Zwicky entertained ladies auxiliary S.S.B.M. (Note: South Side Business Men) Took Marge, Mary Ann, Mother to the Masonic Temple for pancakes and sausage at 4:30. I really got a job this time. Wally Zahn set me to dishing out the sausages, worked 2 ½ hours, dished out sausages for at least 1000 people. It was a never ending line from 4:30 to 7:00 o'clock, but it was fun." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1

In the strange but true category: I was doing some research today and found the first reference to my grandfather as Alfred Potter instead of his adopted name Alfred Jarosch in the 1910 Oshkosh City Directory.  He was a clerk at the Mueller Drug Store where he would later become a partner.  I decided to look up my grandmother's information. She was working at Paine Lumber Company where my other grandfather John Felker was also working.  At the bottom of her page, what business was advertised? Mueller Drug Store where my grandfather (her future husband) about weird!

April 1

1941: "Visited Grandma Baier, she is sitting up in a chair and looks much improved. Today is election day, but a very quiet one. Had to get Donald (son) out at 4:45 A.M. Her serves for Father Bastian at Sunnyview. Allis Chalmers plant is closed. The strikers riot for 3 hours, about 50 are hurt. Gov. Heil is unable to get Federal Troops to help keep order." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1952: "John Yonan brings a new rug for our bedroom. He tells much about Iran. Primary Elections today. John Rozek is home from the hospital today. He had been confined since one week from yesterday. Mary Ann (daughter) votes for the first time today." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]
1956: "To 7:30 Low Mass at St. Vincent's. Had Mrs. Jungwirth with us. Father Schorn very pleased with the turnout at the Holy Week Services. Worked from 9 to 12:30 then took Donald's family with us to the Raulf Hotel for 1 o'clock Dinner. The children are very comical especially little Mark. The family spent the afternoon with us and the Felkers spent the evening at their place. Thres, Mary Ann, and myself took in the movie Marty. It's a 4 Academy Awards Picture starring Ernest Borgnine and Betsy Blair. William Holden and Jennifer Jones star in Love Is a Many Splendored Thing." [from A. E. Potter's diaries]