This blog publishes the daily history of A.E. and Theresa Potter of Oshkosh, WI and their descendants.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Four Photos from Orphan Train to Oshkosh
These four photos were part of the presentation Orphan Train to Oshkosh that hadn't been previously posted. If there are any others that family members would like posted that aren't on this website, please let me know.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Alfred Potter Orphan Train Route (August 19-20, 1894)
I finally took some time and mapped out Grandpa's orphan train route. It has a few extra objects, but without leaving blank white spaces, I couldn't erase some of the map buttons.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Drexler family photos
I spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Anne and Gary Glisch. Anne is my second cousin. I met many of my relatives for the first time. These relatives are all part of the Dembowiak part of the Drexler family. Anne's mother (Clara?) was a Drexler before marrying Stan Dembowiak. There are several entries in Grandpa's diary about this family.
I'm also posting some photos from the Drexler part of the family. Pancratius (1848-1887) and Mary (Schwarz?) Drexler had eight children: Joseph (1869-1908), Frank M. (1871-1894), Mary (1872-1955) John (1875-1939), Caroline (1877-?) [Note: I know Pancratius and Mary had three daughters and Caroline is listed in the 1900 census as one of them.], Theodore (1879-1930), Anna (1882-1965) and Theresa, my grandmother (1886-1961). I know that there's also Ottillie Drexler, but I'm not sure how she's related to the Drexlers. [Note: Found out who she is. Ottillia Bleckinger Drexler She was Joe Drexler's wife.]
If you read Grandpa's diary entries from January 1935 you will see some of the Drexler names including Ottillie.
I'm also posting some photos from the Drexler part of the family. Pancratius (1848-1887) and Mary (Schwarz?) Drexler had eight children: Joseph (1869-1908), Frank M. (1871-1894), Mary (1872-1955) John (1875-1939), Caroline (1877-?) [Note: I know Pancratius and Mary had three daughters and Caroline is listed in the 1900 census as one of them.], Theodore (1879-1930), Anna (1882-1965) and Theresa, my grandmother (1886-1961). I know that there's also Ottillie Drexler, but I'm not sure how she's related to the Drexlers. [Note: Found out who she is. Ottillia Bleckinger Drexler She was Joe Drexler's wife.]
If you read Grandpa's diary entries from January 1935 you will see some of the Drexler names including Ottillie.
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Pancratius Drexler (Theresa Drexler's father) |
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Mary Drexler (Theresa Drexler's mother) |
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Frank Drexler (Theresa Drexler's brother) |
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John Drexler (Theresa Drexler's brother) |
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Theodore Drexler (Theresa Drexler's brother) |
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Lena Baier, Theresa (Drexler) Potter, Annie (Drexler) and Joe Weisheipl Theresa and Annie are sisters. |
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Reply/research from New York Historical Society
I received a letter this week from the New York Historical Society in response to my inquiry about records that they had from the New York Foundling Asylum about Grandpa Potter. Here's the response. There are a few new facts that I hadn't know. (We would have been Episcopalians?)
Thursday, May 14, 2015
A. E. Potter & Theresa Drexler wedding photo August 8, 1911
Letter from Rev. Wibbert to Foundling Asylum March 24, 1909
Here is a copy of a letter from Rev. Wibbert at St. Vincent's in Oshkosh to Sister Vincent at the New york Foundling Asylum. My grandfather's foster father had died ten days before and my grandfather now wanted his baptismal record so that he could revert to his original name. the number 21087 is his case number.
Grandpa's baptismal record
Here's Grandpa's baptismal record. Even though it states that he was baptized at St. Vincent Ferrer's Catholic church, he was probably baptized in the chapel at the New York Foundling Asylum like many of the other orphans, This also proves that by the time he was three weeks old, he was already at the Foundling Asylum. The photo is Rev. Sheehan from Google books The Catholic Church in the United States of America, Vol. 3 Plimpton Press (c) 1914 pg 372.

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Monday, May 11, 2015
New York Foundling Asylum Certificate of Indenture August 20, 1894
I've been meaning to post my grandfather's certificate of indenture from the New York Foundling Asylum, dated August 20, 1894. It shows that his birth name was Alfred Potter and is signed by the founder of the foundling home, Sister Irene. I've been told by a few orphan train authorities that none of them have ever seen a certificate signed by her.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Diary of Alfred E. Potter September, 1957
Sunday: [TG] To 730
Low Mass - Father Schorn. Instead of Sermon he reads a letter from the Bishops
of Wisconsin to the laity in regard to the census of Catholics to be taken
shortly. Don and family are in for a short visit; we all take a drive to the
cottage in my car. This is Don's day to be at the store. Mother and Mary Ann spend
the evening at the Sisters playing Canasta. They both win a prize of beautiful
hankies. It takes the Sisters to do lovely fancy work. I spend the evening
cleaning drawers in the bathroom. To the cottage at 10.00 P.M.
Com. Father John
Monday: Up at 830
AM. We learn that the Oshkosh Power Boat
Club burnt to the ground last night. The
frame building was about 50 years old.
Don and family out before 10 this morning. We immediately begin work on our shore line,
kept busy most of the day, and accomplished quite a bit. Don, did the heavy work and I to the lighter
raking, and seeding. Kathy Mueller
begins nurses training at Mercy School.
Tuesday: [Little
Donnie begin school today.] Public Schools open today. Donnie starts kindergarten
at Smith School. We have a number of showers during the day. At Kiwanis Club
Lloyd Buehler is our speaker. He spoke about his trip to Europe. I also met Dr.
Stone, Oshkosh's newest surgeon. Received a package from Elmont Stamp Company
Wednesday: Had Fire
Inspection at our house today. Three men
from Company Four were here. We get a
clean bill. Report signed by “Frances A
Salzer.” Have a card from New Subiaco Abbey Community that Father Paul M Natlen
passed to his eternal reward August 31. R.I.P.
Friday: I’m up at 6:00
AM. Late for Mass but in time for Holy
Com. Abbott Paul
A Natlen
Saturday: To 645
Mass Father Milbauer. Temperature 52° at
6.30 A.M.
Com. Vocations
Sunday: To 715
Hi Mass, the first after vacation.
Father Milbauer. Holy Name
Sunday, a fairly good attendance about 100.
Worked this morning. This
afternoon Bill Mauritz – Ray Ostertag and family is to the cottage to spend the
day. Don and family are out also. Bill and Ray trim trees and how they needed
it, there be a good sized truckload of branches to haul away. They also took down the old “Bird House”
which harbored many “Martins” in its day, it was in bad shape and no more
“Martins” around.
Com. Honor Nativity
Blessed Virgin
Monday: To 645
Mass Father Milbauer. Had Norm Brown
over this noon, and mother serves a special treat, T. Bone Steaks and are they delicious. Norm brings a package of frog legs.
Com. Immaculate
Heart of Mary
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1957 09 11-12 Found between pages |
Wednesday: [R Rt. Rev.
Paul Natlen] The day of rain finally got here, it is very welcome, the
weatherman has been announcing rain to come for several days. This is also the day for Thres’ Bingo Party
at the cottage. Took Thres –Mary Mauritz
–Annie Heip – Loretta Hill – Mary Paulick out this morning.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Diary of Alfred E. Potter August, 1957
Thursday: Took Thres
and Annie Heip to the cottage this afternoons.
I did more weeding in the lake.
Company right after supper, Don and family – Matt Drexler – Johnny –
Joey – Bill and Rose Mauritz. I believe
this is Bill and Rose first or second visit this summer told Bill to get on the
ball and take Rose out more. They staid
until 12.30 AM.
Election Results Tuesday
Republicans Kohler 109127 – Davis
100271 –OKonski 66746 W Knowles 23999 Henry Hughes 7536 G Lorge 7340 John
Shaffer 2233
Democrats Proxmire 86836 C. Zablocki 56329
Friday: [R. Rudolph
Kriz R Kate Kriz] A rather hot and
humid day. Met Albert Ruedinger an old St.
Vincents schoolmate at the Post Office.
A little reminiscing and about the family Grace – George – Leo –
Henry. Took Annie Heip home this
afternoon. A Record Crowd at the Braves
game 45820. The high record attendance
was 47604.
Saturday: [R Monsign.
Aloys Bastian] Had Eddie and Matt Weisheipl –Dave Wingrove and Don out to the
cottage this afternoon and evening. Matt
and I worked on the shore, the boys put in the roofing concrete blocks to make
a walk, did not complete the job, darkness halted them. The Brands have an outdoor party with between
35 and 40 present. According to Merlin
Van Dyke Secretary of Serra my attendance for the first 6 months at Serra was
Sunday: [TEG] Rather
cool this morning, 60° at 7 A.M. Mary
Ann to 5.45 Mass – Thres and me to 7.30 Father Milbauer. Cath. Order Foresters picnic at Mateyka’s Grove
on the Knapp Street Road.
Com. Caroline
Monday: [Visit to
Chapel Mt Calvary – R Caroline Baier.
Home at 11 P.M. Sister
Capistrana’s “tape recorder” arrives today.
Don and family take over the cottage.] This is the week of many
vacations at our stores. Art Mueller –
Rose Weisheipl –Ralph Ebel –Donald Potter –Bernice Novitch. This afternoon finds me heading for Mt
Calvary to help celebrate the Centennial of the Capuchins in Wisconsin. Met Fathers Gratian – George – Louis – Emil
–Crispin. The first alumni I met was
Father Ed Bovey – St. Josephs Church Hammond, other old-timers Fathers Frank
Haiman – Algoma, -Father Fox ___ Father Biddle brother to Father Celestine and
Berchman, Fr. Biddle is at St. Peters.
Father Peter Hildebrand –Fr. Reinig.
This evening attend the play “The Romance of Lady Poverty” After the
play and met Father Mark Stier, cousin to John Ostertag, Frater Martin son to
Chas. Pable.
Tuesday: [Don and
Arline married eight years today.] After completing work at the store back on
the road again at 10 A.M. for Mt Calvary.
Pontifical Hi Mass by Archbishop Meyer of Milwaukee. Very colorful, Bishop John Grellinger –
Bishop Thomas Noa –Marquette, deliver the Sermon – Bishop Matthew Niedhammer,
Blue Field Nicaragua, also at least 20 or more Monsignori. After a sumptuous dinner Father Gerald,
Provincial, introduced Arch Bishop Meyer for the talk of the day. Father Gerald is looking very good. Fathers Leo Sharp –Dominic Dietrich from
Chicago came in late. Met more old-timers
this afternoon, John Pfister –Elmhurst Ill, Stanley Walchomiak, Des Plaines
Ill. Nick Miller 1899-1900 Wilmette Ill
Fathers Le Que – Oconto, Andrew Quella Kaukauna – John McGinley Stevens Point
–Henry Letz, brother to John Letz, Manitowoc, Ed Wagner – Two Rivers. Ed tells me his Brother James is at
Mercy. On my way home stopped for an
hour to visit Father Adolph Wittman, St. Agnes Hospital Fond du Lac. He has two nice rooms in the new
addition. Home at 6.15 P.M. This evening
mother and I visit Don and family at the cottage. Father Louis Schorn is there also.
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1957 08 07 obit |
Wednesday: [R Anne Drexler] Another lovely
day. Don – Arline – Mary Ann and Father
Otto to Milwaukee to the Braves – Cincinnati Game. Tonight is Lutheran Day at the game. Fred Haney is honored by 7000 Lutherans.
Thursday: Today marks
the 46th anniversary of the day when I said “I do.” To Church at 730
A.M. find we are treated to a surprize Hi Mass by Father Otto. Jim Kirsch plays the Organ, the children sing
the Mass. This is followed by breakfast
at Don and Arline’s. Father Otto after
bestowing his Blessing leaves for home.
This afternoon I took Thres to see the “Ten Commandments” at the Time. Chester Heston as “Moses,” Yul Brynner as
“Rameses,” Anne Baxter as “Nefretiri,” Ed G. Robinson as “Dathan.” Yvonne De
Carlo as “Sephora,” Debra Paget as “Lilia” John Derek as “Joshua,” a very fine
production by a very fine cast, directed by Cecil De Mille. This evening Thres and I attend Serra Dinner
for Seminarians at the Athearn. Jim
Kirsch is our guest.
Friday: We celebrate
Don – Arline and our wedding anniversary at Columbus Club with dinner.
Saturday: Don is busy
shooting pictures at the air races this afternoon. Took Marge Haverty to her brother George’s
this afternoon. She begins her
vacation. Don – Arlene – Mary Ann to see
the “Ten Commandments” Mother and I take the children to the cottage, home by
10 P.M. The children are very well
Sunday: [TG] To 730
Low Mass, Father Schorn. Father Michael
an Oblate. Fathers are seeking help
Spiritual as well as Financial for the Oblate Missions. Don and family and Eddie Heip and family to
Milwaukee to take the children to the Zoo.
I just learn that Eddie and family could not go and so Don and family
went to Wild Rose. Dave Wingrove are is
taking a weeks vacation.
Com. Deceased
Holy Name Mem.
Monday: [R. Caroline
Baier] Eva Redmann begins her vacation.
Will be gone two weeks. To the
cottage this evening, the Chrysler hit 3000 miles on the way out, on the
crossroad at Bill Ternes’ farm.
Tuesday: [R Matt
Baier] Took the Sisters St. Vincents to the cottage for their outing at
Potters. Weather cloudy, hope it holds
out. To Kiwanis luncheon. I win Bruno Romanowski birthday prize, a
bottle of Sportsman Shaving Lotion. Mary
Ann Weisheipl Lichtfuss has a birthday.
Wednesday: [R Grandma
Baier] Josephine Spanbauer is granted a divorce from Joe (Crafty)
Spanbauer. Married in April 1912. She began divorce action in July 1953. Sadie Fleming’s will leaves 9828.00 to Zelma
Kempinger her sister, and 8555.00 to Barbara Kempinger, Frank and Zelma’s
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1957 08 15 obit |
Thursday: [11 hrs] To 630
Mass – Father Schorn. This is Lucille
Felkers birthday. Otto Lemke takes the
ladies – Thres –Thres Fretschl – Annie Heip and Emma to the cottage this
afternoon. Saved me a trip. I’m trying to catch up on some of my
work. Mary Ann and me had supper at
Wirtz’s, Father Schorn is there, having his also. George Bruchmueller died at Mercy at 11.30
this morning. Born April 8 – 1899. His wife of former Victoria Widzinski died
Nov. 29 – 1929. Mrs. John Glatz is a
daughter. Theresa Bruemueller a
sister. Henry Stroschein father to
Maynard – Arnold – Ralph passed away last night 10.20 at his home following a
stroke. Born Oct. 10 – 1886 married Alsetta
Leiby in Fremont Aug. 16 – 1911.
Com. Lucille
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1957 08 16 obit |
Friday: [George
Weisheipl 48 today. Madeline Bastian now
at Father Beckers, Menasha.] Took Aunt
Annie back to town with us. Mary Ann and
self at our luncheon at home. This
evening we have dinner at Hi K. Met
Henry Cain and Mrs., the former Dorothy Fluor Pfatenhauer. Mr. and Mrs. Schrank are there also. After dinner to town paid last respects to
George Bruechmueller at Fiss and Bills and Henry Stroschein at Marquardts. Then out to Bill Mauritz’s for a visit. Cork Weisheipl has a birthday.
Saturday: [Got a new
house number today. It is now 403 instead of 703.] Bill Hesser died last
evening 730 at Mercy, death was unexpected. I talked to Bill
yesterday afternoon at the South Store, asked how he is, not too good. Learned
later he had a prescription for nitroglycerine tablets. He had a heart
condition for some time. Agnes Embs is in this evening to order some items for
40 hours coming up in September. She tells me Father Bunkleman had cartilage
removed in his neck July 30th. He suffered egg poisoning after Easter two years
ago, and not too long ago he had calcium in his heels, his heart is not too
good. What next?
Sunday: [TG 7 hrs.] To 715 Low Mass –
Father Schorn. Spoke on Pharisees and
Hypocrites. Had Markie with us during
the 9 Oclock Mass, then the children stayed at Felker’s. Ray A and Pat Deal –Bill and Jeanie Mauritz
–Don and Arline to Milwaukee to attend Braves –Cardinal Double Header. The Braves lost both 8-6 in 10 innings and
6-0. Rain halted the first game 2 hours
10 min. The folks left at the eighth
inning and got home at 130 A.M. ((Error) 8/20/57 Jay Putney –
Pres. Oshkosh City Lines was a guest and
intent listener.) Took Mary Ann to work (eve) and stayed on the job. Home at 10 P.M.
Com. Geo.
Monday: [3 ½ hrs.]
Norm Brown is with us this noon. This
afternoon and evening I. Klein the south east attic and dirty it was. Worked only about 3 ½ hours at the store. Father Bunkleman suffered a relapse today and
is very ill for a time. He offered Holy
Mass yesterday, evidently became exhausted.
His new assistant is Father Norman Krützig. Agnes Spanbauer has some confidential news
for me today. Hope she will stay well,
so she can stay on the job.
Tuesday: Busy picking
off Phone directory –shirts at Shirt Laundry – trousers at Shilobrits – Paint
at Muellers –Order Curtains at Earl Stephans, haircut at Jansen’s –then to
Kiwanis luncheon. Hans Thorgrimsen spoke
on the Parking problem Jay Putney Pres. Oshkosh City Lines was a guest and
intent listener. Took Thres to the
cottage at 2.30 P.M. Mary Ann and self
at a steak dinner at Wirtz’s. Played
Chinese Checkers at State Hospital this evening Gene Bolts –Harold Harrington –
Warren Rohn – Dick Burr help entertain the inmates.
Wednesday: Took Annie
Heip and Thres Fretschl to cottage at 10 A.M.
Had early luncheon of Bratwurst, the lady sure enjoyed it. This evening Bill – Rose – Grandpa Mauritz
are with us. Took ourselves back to the
city, home at 11.00 P.M. Had a letter
from Abbott Paul M Nabler of the New Subiaco Abbey at Subiaco Arkansas. He is very low and this may be his last
letter to me
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1957 08 22 obit |
Thursday: [Joe
Weisheipl 50 today.] John Blau died last night at Mercy 11.55. John was in the hospital when I was. Live near Grandpa Mauritz at 1016 – 8th. Born Nov. 28 – 1882. Marge Haverty calls for Achromycin V Caps. She has some kind of virus. Dr. Williams prescribed for her. I delivered them and find she looks very
sick. Mother and I attend rosary for
John Blau at Poklasny’s Carrie Putzer leads the prayer.
Friday: No Serra luncheon today, it is
replaced by a picnic scheduled Sunday afternoon 3.30 at Paul Jansen’s Cottage
for the clergy by Serra. Today is a day
of intermittent showers –and drizzles of rain.
We came back to town this morning.
Sunday: [R Monsignor
Bastian.] To 715 Low Mass – Father Schorn. His sermon centered mostly on loose tongues. Don and family with mother spend the
afternoon and evening at the cottage.
Steve Kircher picked me up at 315 to attend the Serra
picnic at Paul Jansen’s at “Oakwood Beach.” Many fine homes along their, Francis
and Ray Spellman among them. Bishop
Grellinger had a very good time, Father Schorn – Father Bunkleman – Krützik
visited with us, Father Feeney –Van de Hogan –Detert stayed. Verne Huber gave us a ride in his cabin
cruiser. Don and family stopped in on
their way home at 9.30.
Com. John Blau
Monday: [T] A lovely
summer’s day, temperature up to 86°.
Norm Brown is with us this noon.
Fred Baumgartner is back from a two weeks vacation. Joe Baier had tough luck yesterday. During a distracted moment he went through an
arterial at the corner of West Irving and Wisconsin Ave. at 3.30 P.M. and was
hit by a car driven by Mrs. Edna Clark R #4.
Mrs. Thomas suffered a small cut on the head Joe’s car damage 500
dollars, plus a fine of about 30 dollars.
I attended Apostolate meeting this evening, 12 members present. Subject: A Home for the Apostolate. Eddie Heip and Donald are over tonite
checking on Xmas merchandise prior to ordering.
Confab from 10.30 to 12 midnite.
Tuesday: Temperature
is down today about 60°. Out to vote at
10.15 my number 112, this is a light vote so far. Our Kiwanis Club is host to Neenah and Fond
du Lac and Menasha – Appleton Clubs at the American Legion this evening. John Walter – Green Bay is the speaker. Neenah and Fond du Lac came in by boat.
Wednesday: Wisconsin
elected a Democratic Senator yesterday the first time in 25 years. William Proxmire beat Walter Kohler by well
over 100000 votes. Ryan Duffy went into
office with the Roosevelt landslide in 1932 was the last Democratic Senator in
Wis. Rain and cool most of today.
Saturday: Thunderstorms during the night,
turn into a nice day temperature is up to 83°.
Marion Fretschl Larson – Carlene and Davie move from her parents home
825 – 10th to 9th and Ohio. Upstairs, Mary Nigl’s.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Diary of Alfred E. Potter July, 1957
Monday: Attended 6.45
Mass – Father Milbauer. Norm Brown is
with us for the noon meal. Tells about
Aunt Nora’s funeral about 40 priests attended the service. Ed Fretchel and myself finish cleaning up the
back yard at the cottage and we find it up pretty hot job as I burn all of the
grass as fast as Ed cuts it.
Com. Rudolph
Tuesday: [T] To 645 Mass - Father Milbauer
- about 50 Communicants. Mother entertains the S.S. Business Mens Auxiliary, 37
ladies came to our cottage. It's a wonderful day, a real summer's day,
temperature is 86°. They all agree they had a very pleasant and enjoyable
time. After the party Don and family come with John and Lucille Felker to
celebrate Markie's birthday. He is two today and of all the presents he enjoys
a truck the most. We stay over night at the cottage, our first this year.
Com. Anna
Wednesday: [Haircut
this P.M.] Back to town at 9 A.M. Carl Radomski was operated yesterday at St.
Luke’s Milwaukee. Relocation of tubes to
promote the flow of bile normally.
Thursday: To 645
Mass – Father Milbauer. Temperatures 67°
at 630.
Com. Rud Novotny
[New Snug this A.M.]
Monday: Back on the
job this morning.
Tuesday: [R Monsignor
Bastian T] To Kiwanis luncheon, Lee
Eaton reports about the National Convention at Atlantic City. Thres Entertains 15 members of the S.S.B.M.
Auxiliary Card Club at the cottage. It’s
a beautiful day for it. Sylvester Larget
died in his sleep this morning at one at his home 41 Comet Street He was the
husband of Cora Schindelholz Larget who worked for us years ago. Born Jan. 1 – 1891.
Wednesday: [R Soul in
Purgatory R. Anna Drexler R Alvin Kelly] Took Emma Lemke and Thres Fretschl to
the cottage at 10 A.M. Took Ed Fretschl
along this noon. Annie Heip came out at
3.30 P.M. Aloys Mugerauer and family
came out for short visit this evening.
Otto Lemke tells me, he and Ralph were lucky fishing today, about 50. Up to see Dr. Will Wagner this
afternoon. Tells me I’m doing well. Had a visit over the telephone with Ven.
Sister Capistrana.
Friday: [Permanent for
Mother] To 715 Mass Father Milbauer. Temperatures 67° at 6.30 AM. To Serra luncheon, our table Dr. Fred Kronzer
–Verne Huber – Fintan Flanagan – Al Potter.
We had an excellent program.
Father Hodek “The Rosary Priest” as he is called showed slides for ¾
hour about Theresa Neuman of Konnersreuth.
He lectures as the slides are shown.
He states on an ordinary Friday she loses one quart of blood, on “Good
Friday” about a gallon. Visited Columbus
Club this evening, first time in months.
Com. Anne
Saturday: (on Sunday
14 July page) To 6.45 Mass. Father
Milbauer. Temperature 66° at 630
A.M. Worked this morning. Took Ed and Carl Fretschl to cottage this
afternoon. They put up the fence on the
east side of our lot. Had a note from
Fern Schilling today in regard to scholarship at Mercy. Mrs. Clara Blodgett had a sudden spell of
illness at ___ hair dress shop yesterday afternoon. Ambulance is called, she passed away at Mercy
at 4.40 P.M.
Sunday: (on Saturday
13 July page) To 715 Low Mass with Holy Name. Father Schorn. Temperatures 69° at 7 A.M. Mother and I leave for the cottage about
10.30. Don and family out about 3
P.M. Billy and Jean Mauritz out at 2
P.M. Matt – Amanda Drexler – Johnny -
Joey at 3.30 P.M. I complete the job of
cleaning the boathouse. Don has quite a
time starting the motor on the boat. Joe
– Ceil Drexler – Pete Kirsch and family out at 630. Sam Demboviak –Father Mike in town.
Com. Deceased
Holy Name Members.
Monday: [R Anna Jungwirth] In town by 830. Temperature only 81° during the day but
humidity and some very hot makes it feel like above 90°. Had Ed Fretschl working on the shore line
this afternoon. Jim Kinsler died at
Mercy 11 P.M. last Saturday. Former
assistant chief fire department. Born
Jan. 17 – 1883. Married Josephine Thomas
Sept. 30 – 1908. Worked for Oshkosh B
Gosh last 13 years. He lived back of our
South Store many years, the home Donald lived in later.
Tuesday: [R Bill
Schaefer] in town by 800.
Had a very good nights rest. To
Kiwanis luncheon. Frank Sullivan is back
from Florida. Heart attack has taken him
down. Program Toastmasters Club. Lee Eaton –Paul Theiss – Dr. Harry Colgan –
Eugene Beier – Ray Robertson. Had some
surprise visitors this afternoon. Romy –
Lovie –Marilyn – Arline Czekalski from Milwaukee. Took them to the cottage for supper. Give us information about Carl Radomski. He leaves the hospital for home tomorrow. Tonight I am with Kiwanians Dick Burr –
Howard Godshall –Ralph Mosling – Milt Seefeldt at Kempster Hall to help entertain
the patients in the recreation rooms.
Paid last respects to Jim Kinsler at Konrad’s this afternoon.
Wednesday: [R. James
Kinsler] Thres entertains the Bingo Club, their annual outing. A beautiful day. I attended the Kiwanis Interclub Dinner at
Neenah this evening. We made the trip by
boat, I was in Glenn Fadner’s. A ten gun
salute and the Official Police Boat from Neenah escorted us into the Harbor. Dinner followed at the Valley Inn Hotel. Home trip I managed a car ride from Frank
Thew, home at 9.15. Major John Glenn Jr.
of New Concord Ohio flew his F8 U – 1 Jet Crusader from Los Angeles to New York
2446 miles in 3 hours 23 minutes 8 seconds yesterday. This is a new record.
Thursday: [R. Anne
Drexler R Carl Radomski R Msgr. Aloys
Bastian] Another lovely day. I worked part of this morning, took off the rest
of the day. Came to town this afternoon to pick up Thres Fretschl and then
played sheephead with the ladies. Donald and family come out for supper and
spent the evening. Lawrence Kinateder brought out his dad and mother, Ollie and
Ann. Ollie is looking good but is unable to talk. Took the folks home at 1000
P.M. Don and Arline dropped in about 10.30 to let us know that Arline's grandmother Viola
Esslinger died at 610 this eve. at Mrs. Donald Kiesows
49 Lakeview Ave.
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1957 07 19 Esslinger obit |
Friday: Arline’s
grandmother was the former Viola Baker.
She lived on 14th Street when a girl, between Oregon and Minnesota
Streets, I’m not sure about this, but used to see her often in our neighborhood
when I was a boy, living at 1212 Minnesota Street. She is survived by 6 daughters and 5
sons. Taylor Brown former Mayor of
Oshkosh, State Senator and for many years Secretary of Winnebago County Fair
Association passed away at Mercy last night 11.22. Born Feb. 28 – 1890. Married May 22 – 1915 at Viroqua.
Saturday: [Art Hazen
begins vacation today.] Took Mary Ann, P. Schani, Marian Richter, Dolores Pable
to the Northwestern Depot for the 7:55 Streamline to Chicago. They expect to be
gone about 10 days. Met Victoria and Norman Zinth, they are headed to Denver.
Eddie Weisheipl and family spend the afternoon at part of the evening at
the cottage. Matt Drexler and boys also. The boys Johnnie and Joey -
Bobbie and Tommie - Ed - Matt - Don and also Donnie have great fun swimming
in front of our dock. Florence W. tells me she is going on a diet next week.
Sunday: To 715
Low Mass. Father Schorn. Temperature is going up. Small shower of rain before 715. Worked from 9 to 1200. To the cottage at 130. Don and family out at 3.45. Don works tonight, Arline is at Poklasny’s,
Mother and I take care of the children.
A heavy storm comes up. Little
Donnie is somewhat scared, but sleeps thru most of the storm. Before Mother and I drive to the cottage, we
pay our last respects to Viola Esslinger.
After Don and Arline picked up the children, we drove home arrived at 11
P.M. No Water in basement.
Com. Viola
Monday: Paid last
respects to Taylor Brown at Spikes McDonald.
His son in law Robert Horn is there to meet visitors. We learn that the city of Oshkosh was doused
with 3.09 inches of rain since last evening.
An accident had occurred on our corner.
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1957 07 23 Reischl obit |
Tuesday: [T] A cool
morning temperatures 66° at 10 A.M. To
Kiwanis luncheon. Steve Wittman and
Aaron King from George show pictures of last years Air Show at Oshkosh. Buttons are being sold for this year show
August 8 – 9 – 10th. Had a card from
Mary Ann. Mrs. Frank Reischl 1130-12th
passed away at 2 A.M. today. Born Mary
Friedl Aug. 8 -1890 married Frank June 20 – 1910. Sister to Joe Friedl – Waupun.
Wednesday: [R Taylor
Brown R Mary Reischl R Mary Kriz] Took Thres and Aunt Annie
Weisheipl to the cottage at 930 this morning. A beautiful day, not too hot – temperature
79° at 230 P.M. Aunt
Annie is beginning to like “Martinis” more and more. This fact is evidenced by the manner in which
she can handle two or three of them.
Paid last respects to Mary Reischl this afternoon at Poklasny’s.
Thursday: Took mother
for treatment to O.R. Simpson's at 9.15 A.M. To Post Office, North Store,
South Store, picked up Thres Fretschl, Emma Siewert Lemke, picked up mother and
out to cottage. Back to work. This afternoon Eddie Weisheipl and family -
Donald and family are out to spend the day. Don and Eddie work on the shore, I
cut weeds in the lake. Little Donnie caught his first fish and so did
Jimmy Weisheipl.
Friday: Took Aunt
Annie and mother to town, also gave them an idea what it means to sort mail –
make stores stops etc. took about an hour.
Mother to hair dresser at 100. Don took her because I attended “Serra”
luncheon. Our speaker Father Krutzik
newly ordained assistant to Father Bunkleman.
Saturday: [R. Caroline
Baier TG] Don and Children Out this afternoon.
Matt Drexler – Johnny and Joey also.
Matt and Don fix up our picnic table, kids have great fun bathing, even
little Donnie. President Carlos Castillo
Armos president of Guatemala was shot dead last night by a palace guard. He was 43.
He overthrew the Communist supported regime of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in
10 days revolt in June 1954.
Sunday: [Emma Baier
back home. Temp. 90°] Attended 7 Oclock
Mass St. Mary’s Church – Omro. After
church we drive back to town. Ohio
Street Merchants annual childrens picnic at South Park. Joe Baier takes Emma back home from the State
Hospital. Dropped in on Tony and Jenny
Pable to learn when the girls will be home.
They are in Chicago today. Also
paid a short visit to Bill and Rose Mauritz.
Their new modern kitchen is practically completed. Ann Ostertag tells of the heavy rain at
Island Beach about 5.30.
Com. Mary
Monday: Mother and me
spend the night at the cottage. Back in
town by 930. I picked
up the girls from the 130 train this aft. Don and family are there also. Mary Ann is very tired, and so are the
rest. She enjoyed the tour very much
altho the weather was very hot.
Temperature back to 90°. Norman
Brown is on vacation this week. John
Wendeberger is taking his place.
Tuesday: [Primary
election for U. S. Senator to take the place of Joe McCarthy. I’m #135 at 11.30 A.M.] In town by 8 Oclock,
took the Chrysler in for 2000 mile checkup.
It really has 2315 miles on it.
George has it back for me by 4.30 P.M.
He advises regular gas the year round, #10 Oil in summer #30 in winter,
26 to 28 # air in tires. Don and I
stopped at Ed Duwe’s in regard to concrete roof blocks for use at the boat
house for a walk. San Rafael California
suburb of San Francisco suffered a 2 million dollar fire yesterday. To Kiwanis luncheon. We hear about a European trip somewhat
similar to ours in 1950 this one mostly by boat made by Arlene Laedtke and
Dorothy Doman. Dorothy is the daughter
of Ruth Magnussen.
Left for Milwaukee at 11 A.M. – hit the city limits at 12.15. Took a drive to South Gate Shopping Center,
had lunch at Wallgreens, and browsed around various stores. Gimbels have a very nice layout there. Thres picked up a summer hat. Then headed for the east side to visit the
Radomskis. Took a few pictures, then visited
the Czekalskis. Lovie mentioned selling
their home, maybe not until next spring, they would one smaller. Back in Radomskis Carl puts up a splendid
strip sirloin dinner. Then for the trip
back – arrived home at 10 P.M.