01. Thursday: [T] Took Emma Siewert – Rose Mauritz
–Thres to the cottage. Rose mission of
curtains, find she does not have enough goods, took her back to Boston Store
for more. Mary Ann and the Heips visit
Aunt Mary. Uncle Joe Weisheipl is to
leave early tomorrow morning, about 2 AM for Musicians Convention in Texas. When I came to the cottage tonight I find
Otto Lemke playing cards with Emm and Thres.
02. Friday: To 700 Oclock Mass St.
Vincents. A new assistant offers the
Mass. Thres visits Aunt Mary. Rose Weisheipl leaves on her vacation tonight
with Marion and Mr. Frentz’s secretary.
They leave Milwaukee tonight on the Clipper for Muskegon Mich. They expect to make an extended trip into
Com. Mary Ann –Donald Family
03. Saturday: Syl Widzinski put on new shades for
us at the cottage, this morning.
04. Sunday: To 730 Mass Father
Wagner. The Catholic Graduates of the
Oshkosh Hi School attend Solemn Hi Mass at St. Vincents Monsignor Bastian
assisted by Father David Bunkleman and Frances McKeough. Joanne Mauritz is one of the Graduates. Mother attends shower at Celia Drexlers for
Marion Drexler. Mary Ann and self attend
Motor Cycle Races this P.M. at Fair Grounds.
Very interesting and thrilling.
Visited George and Alvina Stadler tonight. Hadn’t been there since last year.
Com. Anna Hohler
06. Tuesday: Visited the Rexall Display at
Northland Hotel Green Bay. Took Fred
Baumgartner and Mary Ann along. They
have a fine display of general and holiday merchandise. Al Leonard – Gene Mitchell – Ken Sipersky are
there. Thres and Emma Siewert are busy
at the cottage. Took them and Otto Lemke
to Otto’s Hi K for a steak dinner.
08. Thursday: Had luncheon at the Athearn. Addison Bleyer – Dr. Jasper Lockhart –_______
and myself at table.
09. Friday: Took a drive to Neenah this afternoon
to pick up some acid pumps.
10. Saturday: Betty Binder and Jack Coxhead are
united in marriage at 9 this morning by Monsignor Bastian. Thres and self attend the reception this
afternoon at the Athearn. Met Jack’s
Father and Mother. They are from Denver. Stopped at Ed Wirtz for cocktails before the
reception, at Les Borish after, the folks also looked over our new store, then
to the Takodah Club at Fond du Lac for dinner.
Met Ed Worms clerk Sitzberger there, also Rheiny Reifs son and wife. Back home at 1130. Serenaded the Binders but no response. They had either gone to bed or were gone. When we got home we hit the hay at once very
tired, but we’ll never forget the fun we had.
11. Sunday: [T] To 730 Mass at St.
Johns, I believe thats the first or second time we attended there this year. Took a rest this morning. Had “Ham Dinner” at Sacred Heart took Thres
and Mary Ann to Sisters Party at St. Vincents.
Sister Romania and Sister Edgar are honored. Sister Romana has been here 47 years. Sister Edgar is soon to leave Oshkosh her
time as Sister Superior being up. I
cleaned up at home while to ladies were gone.
To the cottage for the night.

13. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon. Dr. Pfefferkorn –Al Stillwell –Eric Boller
and myself at table. Emma Siewert has a
long wait for me to take her to the cottage.
My gas tank in the Plymouth sprung a leak. Took Bill Mauritz and Rose along tonight. The ladies sew, Bill does odd jobs and then
for some cards
14. Wednesday: [T] Dr. Pfefferkorn, his son Dolph,
Mrs. Pfefferkorn and her mother leave for New York. They will sail in about a week for Germany
for family reunion. They will cover
England – France also.
15. Thursday: Sisters
of St. Vincents are having their outing at our cottage. Sister Romana
showed me the lovely watch she received Sunday from the ladies Altar Society.
Met Carl Diener at the bank today. Tells me he sold out last week. Is going to
take a vacation. The C and L Food Shop is no more. Took the sisters home
at 730. They surely had a nice time and nice weather. I
understand several of them took bicycle rides, some played croquet others played
bean bag; they all played bingo. Faye Baier and Carol Schmidt rode from town to
the cottage on their bikes. They spent the day there also. Thres and self took
a drive to town to see Aunt Mary at the hospital tonite. She had a bad day,
very feverish.
16. Friday: Ed Radtke is at the cottage to
complete the electrical work he started last year. We are happy this job is out of the way. Harry – Agnes – Mary – Johnnie Kujawa –
Berlin pay us a visit tonite. Johnnie
caught a 25 pound muskie near Berlin a short time ago.
17. Saturday: We have a sudden skid in temperature. Yesterday high was 84° this morning 38°
official. We visited Aunt Mary at the
hospital, also Mrs. O’Connor and Mrs. Joe Reichard. Mrs. Reichard had an apendectomy and some
very large gall stones. This evening
took Thres and Mary Ann to the Strand. “Francis”
the talking mule is very comical, stars Donald OConnor –Patricia Medina –Zasu
Pitts– Ray Collins. Co-hit is “Alias the
Champ”. I’ve seen this picture before.
18. Sunday: To 730 Mass St.
Vincents – Monsign. Bastian. Father Faust delivers the Sermon. Mary Ann attends miscellaneous shower in
honor of Marion Drexler. I’ts an all
cousin party. Fathers day presents a
sport shirt for mother – shirt and tie from Mary Ann – cigars from Don’s family. Don and Arlene take Debby to the “Sisters St.
Vincents” for a visit. Sisters wanted to
see Debby. Joe and Annie Weisheipl and
Marion and Rose drive to Cornell to Frank Weisheipls Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Com. Sacred Heart of Jesus
19. Monday: Father Wagner takes Thres and Mary Ann
to the cottage this afternoon. He took
along young Bougie and Fuchs. They burn
of rubbish along the lake front. Father
Wagner and myself attend fourth degree K C meeting at Al Shenar’s. A dinner (Chicken) precedes the meeting. Election of officers. Anthony Serwas is our new Faithful Navigator. Home at the cottage at 11.40 P.M.
20. Tuesday: Thres
cleaned up along the shrubbery at the cottage, about 10 good sized wheel barrow
fulls. We learned the Heips are stranded at Cornell while their car is being
repaired at Marshfield. We get a new car this evening, a “DE Soto” Custom
built. Its pretty job only 2506 dollars with radio, clock, direction lights,
21. Wednesday: [T] Father Wagner is out again to
burn up more rubbish. I visited Aunt
Mary today. She seems in good spirits. Sister Irene tells me, Aunt Mary is their pet
patient. Summer begins today for the
temperatures are quite low.
22. Thursday: Mary Ann visits Aunt Mary today. She is very good today. She also stops to see Anna O’Connor, she is
waiting for the ambulance to take her home or rather to her sister Mary Beck’s
23. Friday: A hot and muggy day altho the
temperature is not too bad, in the high eighties. We are in for a storm and we get it this
evening. Joe Baier, Joey and Mary Jane
are at the cottage to spend the evening.
24. Saturday: A nice day after the storm. It is quite hot. The VF W parade takes place today. Uncle Joe Weisheipl Marches with his band. Some of the marchers look pretty tired. Thres and myself visit Aunt Mary. I had a nice visit with Sisters Laurentia and
Kunigunda. Mary Joe Lange is married to Richard
O’Connor at St. Peters Parsonage this afternoon by Father McKeough. Joe Weisheipl Jr. is at the organ.
25. Saturday: To 730 Mass St.
Vincents. Monsignor Bastian, Sermon
Father Faust. I think Father Wagner is having
services at Twin Lake Scout Camp. Worked
this morning, also part of afternoon until 5 P.M. Visited Aunt Mary, Annie Heip is there also. Took her home stopped for short visit. This evening Annie – Joe Weisheipl –Thres and
Ed Fretschl are at the cottage. Their
first visit since it is made over. They
stay until 145 A.M.
Com. Geo. O’Connor
26. Monday: Took a drive to Berlin this afternoon
to see Harry Kujawa at the bank. He
showed us around the town to see the damage done by the tornado last night. It uprooted large trees, in some places
dozens of them. It took the top of St.
Michaels Church steeple, did damage to the inside and roof of the church, threw
the pastor out of bed in the parsonage, knocked him unconscious. The damage was confined to the west side of
27. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon. Sat at table with V.C. Adams Detroit Kiwanian,
Thomas Dunbar Oshkosh, W. Landis Taycheedah all guests of our club. Carl Shoemaker of Madison spoke about the
various agricultural plans considered by Congress.
28. Wednesday: Received a card today from
Monsignor Reul from Italy. He tells me
his Kodachrome film is exhausted and none to be had. Clouds of war are again hovering over the
world. Communist invaders are pushing
into Southern Korea. U.S. Air Forces will aid the Southern Koreans.
29. Thursday: Temperature is 47° this morning. This is the coldest June 29 for many years.
30. Friday: Attended Requiem Hi Mass for Catherine
Holzbauer at St. Vincents 7 A.M. Three Masses
offered at the same time. Temperature is
54° when we leave for church. This is a
busy day at the store. Thres visited
Aunt Mary at the hospital. This evening
we pay our last respects to Marie Siewert at Konrad’s. She was the mother of Mayor Ernest Siewert.
Com. Catherine Holzbauer
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