01. Friday: [N-EL-ED2M1] To church St. Vincents 7
A.M. March is ushered in with rain. Charles Warren (Cenol) is in town. He tells me some news about Harold Prideaux. Com. Donald – Mary Ann
02. Saturday: [T] Francis Lamb is over this
morning to work on our income tax. These
are busy days for me, much book work and much merchandise to be checked in.
03. Sunday: To St. Vincents 730
Hi Mass. Father Malachy offers the Mass. After a nap this afternoon took Aunt Lena –
Annie Heip, Thres – Mary Ann to the Strand.
“Hold that Blonde” stars Eddie Bracken and Veronica Lake. “A Guy could Change” features Alan Lane and
Jane Frazee. “Magic on a Dick” shows how
Mr. Martin a druggist discovered the fore runner of the friction match made of
Gum Arabic – Potash and Sugar. After the
show picked up Thres Fretschl and played cards at our place until nearly 130
AM. Com. Stanislaus Jarosch
04. Monday: Thres attends Christian Mothers Guest
Night at St. Vincents. Mary Ann and I go
to the Mode. “A Tree grows in Brooklyn”
features Dorothy McGuire – Joan Blondell – James Dunn – Peggy Ann Garner –Ted
Donaldson. The poorest family I ever saw
in pictures. “Honeymoon Ahead” stars
Alan Jones. Myrtle Loewen wife of Henry
Loewen passed away Saturday night at her home 57 Mount Vernon. She was the former Myrtle Adams, her dad John
Adams, our neighbor when we lived on Ohio Street.
05. Tuesday: [N2 T] To Kiwanis luncheon. Ed Precour is the speaker. Lee Conroy and myself our table partners. William T. Stillman president of Stillman
Hardware passed away yesterday morning in his sleep about 630. Born in Oshkosh March 15 – 1877. Married August 1905 to Grace Mead at Moravia
N. Y. who died July 1 – 1929. Married
again Sept. 8 – 1931 Gana Bethke. Mead
Stillman a son survives, also 2 grandchildren Mary and William Stillman.
06. Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is ushered in with
rain, in fact it rained all night. Thres
does some shopping this afternoon.
Attended services at St. Vincents tonite. Aunt Mary goes to St. Johns. Joe Hemmer tells us that Pete (his brother)
is a papa. Its an 8 pound boy. He lives at Madison Indiana. Donald drives to Ripon tonite.
07. Thursday: This is Mary Ann’s birthday. She is sweet sixteen. Aunt Lena is over for the birthday
dinner. Aunt Annie Heip and Thres Fretschl
are over in the evening. Sheephead is
played as usual, I take 85¢ away from the ladies. Took them home at 12.30, find a car parked
near our driveway with the engine running, at 145 it was
still there with the engine running. I
called 102 and one this squad car came the got away in a hurry. Dolores Lefky clerk at our north store is 28
today. Art Mueller’s little girl Kathryn
is ___ today. Norman Brown leaves for
his first trip to New York.
08. Friday: [N-R2M] Snow fell last night and
continues all day turning into a heavy blizzard. I got stuck Marion & Jackson Drive, after
an hour got the car started, crawled home, got stuck again in our driveway. Had to do a lot of shoveling to get into our
garage. Mary (Mrs. Otto) Stoegbauer is
operated for gallstones and also has her gall bladder removed at Mercy. Dr. Lynch performed the operation.
09. Saturday: [J2] Ray Novotny (Our Postmaster) is
operated for appendicitis today at Mercy Hospital. Dr. Geo. Lynch operated. Herman Wachholz passed away suddenly
yesterday afternoon at 3 oclock at his home R #2, Nekimi. I knew Herman for many years, his brother
Bill passed away suddenly several years ago.
Herman was born in Van Dyne May 24 – 1889.
10. Sunday: To St. Vincents with Holy Name men. Donald serves. Then to work.
Took Aunt Lena – Annie Heip – Thres Fretschl – Thres and Mary Ann to the
Oshkosh this evening. A technicolor “The
Bandit of Sherwood Forest” stars Cornel Wilde – Anita Louise – Jill Esmond –
Edgar Buchanan. “One Way to Love” is a
very good comic starring Chester Morris.” Hugh Herbert is of course one of the
funsters. Thres has rheumatism tonite
right leg and knee.
11. Monday: [T] Attended Joe Stadtmuellers opening
of his new “Farm Home Store” on Jackson Street.
The opening was sponsored by the South Side Business Mens Club. Bill and Emma Siewert were with us. Also viewed the remains of Herman Wachholz at
the Konrad funeral home.
12. Tuesday: Harry Ferry and Larry Gerdes are in
town. To Kiwanis luncheon and it was an
unusually nice one, fine food. I did’nt
think much of the program.
13. Wednesday: This is Anna Drexler’s (Sick Aunti’s)
birthday. Took Aunt Lena – Thres Fretschl
– Thres – Marianne to see “The Bells of St. Marys” at the Oshkosh. Bing Crosby is Father O’Malley – Ingrid
Bergman is Sister Benedict. They do an
excellent job. Mrs. Ed Zinth (Frances
Hagene) passed away last evening 630 at her home 317 Bowen. Born Dec. 30 – 1878 married Ed May 6 – 1903. Ed passed away Jan. 18 -1926.
14. Thursday: [T] Are dense fog covers the city
this morning. Visited Ray Novotny and
Mrs. Otto Stoegbauer at Mercy Hospital this afternoon. Rain in Room 126 –Mary Stoeg. in Room 237. Took Mrs. Frank Haidlinger Sr. from the
hospital. She’s been working there since
last November. Frances Lamb is in to get
our income tax checks. Mary (Mrs. John)
Pable 1014 – 11th passed away this morning at Mercy Hospital. Born in Germany Feb. 6 – 1872 came to U.S. at
age of 12. Mother to Billy Pable, sister
to Lena Franz –Mrs. Percy Rice.
15. Friday: [E2M] Deadline for Income Tax returns. Donald drives to Menasha with 8th grade boys St.
Vincents, to play St. Patricks. Our boys
lose. Mother and I play 5 games of
cribbage waiting for his return. Mama
wins two and I win 3 games. Gratian Schneider,
231 Gunther Ave. passed away yesterday morning 10.35 at his home. Born Austria Nov. 27 – 1880. Survived by wife – 5 sons – 3 daughters. He was quite a funster years ago.
16. Saturday: This is Les Zimmers last day in
business at 926 Oregon St.. It was run
under the name “Les Food Shop.”
17. Sunday: To St. Vincents 730 High Mass. Father Malachy is celebrant. Then to work.
Donald stops in the store after serving 10.30 Mass. He takes Elsie Meixner home from work. This afternoon he is on for another eat her
so with the Symphony Orchestra. This
evening took Aunt Mary and Thres to Poklasny’s to view the remains of Mrs. Mary
(John) Pable. Rosary is offered by
Father Bastian. I took Monsignor Bastian
home after the prayers. Took Thres to St.
Johns card party. M.O. Mary Pable
18. Monday: Thres Fretschl had an accident at 645
this morning. Thinking she was pouring
coffee into the coffee can, she poured some floor gloss containing lacquer into
it, the fumes ignited her left hand burned severely, her right hand not quite
so bad, her hair singed, her nightgown burned, but no body burns. She was lucky. Could had been very serious. Thres and I play three games of sheephead, I
mean cribbage tonite. I win all three.
![]() |
Donald, my father with his violin |
19. Tuesday: Mrs. Minnie
(F.W.) Mueller suffered what may be a cerebral hemorrhage this morning at her
home. She is removed to Mercy Hospital this afternoon. To Kiwanis luncheon.
Jess Pierce substituted for our regular speaker. Ed Ledvina has a birthday
today, he is ___. I supply him with 2 pints "Old Forester." This
evening took Thres, Mary Ann, Aunt Lena, Annie Heip to Oshkosh Civic Symphony
Concert. Donald plays violin with the orchestra. This morning I had a cardiogram
made at Mercy Hospital by Doctor A.G. Koehler. Drs. Geo. V Lynch and Will
Wagner dropped in and told the doctor to give me the works. My blood pressure
is 110/70. Will have to wait a few days for the cardiogram to be developed.
20. Wednesday: [T N] Ray Trovinger and Norm Brown
are in this morning. Attended church
service at St. Johns this evening, and then visited with the Ed Fretschls. Thres is much improved. She will be able to use her right hand soon. Herman Drexler and Mrs. are also there. I lose 3 games cribbage tonite.
21. Thursday: Mrs. Mueller shows a little
improvement today.
22. Friday: Today marks a
sad day for me. Attended church service with Thres at St. Vincents, stopped at
the store about 8 oclock, Joe Baier tells me that Mr. Mueller called up saying
he had a heart attack and wished for a doctor. I immediately went to the house,
found him sitting in a chair. Asked him about the doctor. He said,”I havent
seen him.” I called to hurry the doctor. While I was on the phone Mr. Mueller
collapsed. When Dr. Bitter came, he breathed for a few moments and passed away
at 810. I have been associated with him for 37 years, and during
that time he always treated me like a dad.
23. Saturday: To Konrad funeral home with the
children Art – Harold – Norbert – Loretta. Gil Labudde from the Northwestern
Daily is there. The folks pick out a solid
oak coffin. I also stopped to see Walter
Patri about some legal advise.
24. Sunday: To 730 St. Vincents
Donald – Mary Ann – Thres – Myself. Then
to work. This afternoon I took a nap. Thres plays cards at St. Vincents, wins a
prize, brings Aunt Lena and Annie Heip for supper. I work until 830 and then
we have some sheephead. Took the ladies
home at 12.45
25. Monday: Flowers arrive for F.W., he is at the
Konrad funeral home, he looks younger and life like. Many of his friends pay their last respects. I met the folks I had not seen in 20 or more
years. Edward M. Schneider 1636 Oregon St.,
is found dead in bed this morning by his son Edward W. of Los Angeles who is
home on leave. He was born Sept. 17 –
1881 in town Nekimi, son of Henry P. and Bertha Schneider. Married to Harriet Sebauer Oct. 12 – 1906. Secy. of Schmidt Milling Co. for the last 26
26. Tuesday: Our stores
close at noon in memory of Mr. Mueller. It turns out a lovely day. The funeral
is very largely attended. The remains are laid to rest in a beautiful plot
in the newer section of Riverside Cemetery. Pallbearers: Harold, Art, Norbert,
Fred Baumgartner, Joe Baier, and myself. After the funeral we stop at the
Mueller home for a get together with the relatives. Home at 6 P.M. To Perpetual
Help and Stations at St. Vincents tonite. Aunt Lena comes home with us.
27. Wednesday: Thres and I to Mercy Hospital
tonite to see Mrs. Mueller. The nurse
informs us, she has slept all day and not awakened at any time. Stopped to see Lizzie Hannes who has been
there about a month, also Mrs. Eisfeldt who was operated last Saturday. Stopped to view the remains of Edward
Schneider at Konrad’s. Met Edward who
found his dad. Also stopped to see the Fretschls. Thres’ hands are much improved. Four Heidl sisters are there also. Home at 1015. Donald plays cribbage with us, he wins two
games I win one.
28. Thursday: Tonite we
visit Matt and Amanda Drexler. We get a glimpse of the twin boys they adopted.
Their names John and Joseph. Matt is very generous with the Schenley Reserve.
29. [T]
30. Saturday: Visited Mrs. Mueller this afternoon. She knew me but could not talk. Loretta is with her. Also dropped in to see Mrs. Eisfeldt. She expects to go home next week. Then out to the “Boy Scouts Merit Badge Show”
at the county garage. Its a bigger and
better show them last year. Took Aunt
Lena – Annie Heip – Thres – Mary Ann to the Strand “Spars and Tars” stars
Alfred Drake – Janet Blair – Sid Caesar – Mark Platt – Jeff Donnell. “Notorious Lone Wolf” is a good detective
picture. After the show to Pete Kings
31. Sunday: To Foresters Easter Communion at St.
Johns, then to work. Donald drives to St.
Nazianz with Bob Zemke, to see the “Passion Play.” The Kujawas are over from
Berlin at 430. They
attended Boy Scout Badge Show. Had
supper with us. I had to get back to
work. After 815 I pick
up Aunt Lena and Annie Heip and bring them home for a game of Shofskopf. The Kujawas leave at 9 P.M. Take the ladies home at 1245. Com. Stanislaus Jarosch
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