01. Tuesday: [10½ hrs.] The South Side Business
Auxiliary have their Christmas party at the Athearn Hotel this evening. It is preceded by a dinner, and followed by
court whist. I attended Perpetual Help Devotion. Billy Mauritz gets notice to take his
physical examination December 17 at Milwaukee prior to being drafted. I worked 10½ hours today.
02. Wednesday: [R 4 M 9 ½ hrs.] Well Aunt Annie Heip has another
birthday, she is 71 and well. Rose
Weisheipl has some very nice pictures at the store of Marion and Bob on their
wedding day. Took Thres and Emma to Mrs.
Apell 241 ½ W. New York Avenue for tournament sheephead tonite. Mrs. Schaffer on Parkway plays also. Temperature today up to 47°and tonite we have
rain and fog. Worked 9½ hours today.
03. Thursday: [11 hrs.] Not much to report so far
unless things begin to happen. Worked
eleven hours today.
04. Friday: [R 4 M 7 hrs.] Christmas
shopping is beginning in earnest. All of our store are very busy.
North 1700, South 1500. I worked 7 hours today. This evening to the
Mode to see “Desert Song” starring Kathryn Grayson- Gordon Mac Rae- Raymond
Massey; also “A Christmas Carol” starring Alastair Sim as “Scrooge.”
05. Saturday: [6 hrs. 56 ½ hrs.] We are having more
rain looks like another busy day coming up.
Had quite a snow and wind storm at Milwaukee yesterday. Wind hit 55 miles per hour. Two large windows S. W. Corner Gimbels store
at W. Michigan and North Plankinton shattered before 2 P.M. also a sheet metal
worker was blown to his death in Cudahy, plunged 45 feet, he was Rob
Rothlisberg 22 of 2401 N. 53rd Street.
06. Sunday: [5 ½ hrs.] To 730 Hi
Mass – Father Milbauer. Today’s special
collection “Shrine of the Immaculate Conception” Washington, D.C. I also paid
my Bazaar Donation. Worked part time
this afternoon. Tonite assisted at the
Rosary for Karl Kempinger. Our postage
meter is on the fritz this morning. I
got Rose Weisheipl to come to fix it.
After ½ hour trying she quit. I
tried until 11 P.M. to get Hans Huse, repair man. Rose – Marge Heip – Mary Mueller –Elaine K –
Ginny Abrams – Grace Sitter – Maude Labudde –Annette Timmerman, our Mary Ann
have their Christmas party at Van Camps tonite.
Com. Carl Kempinger.
Worked 5 ½ hours today.
07. Monday: [R 4 M 1 R C Kempinger 9 hrs.] Mary Ann got home at 1.30 this
morning. The Girls had a great time at
the party, they also visited Jake Skall’s Wonder Bar. Mary Ann met Peter De Lane who knows Norm
Brown well. Mary Ann called long
distance last night and had me buy an after dinner drink by long distance for
the girls. Well I got Mr. Huse down from
Appleton this morning to fix our postage meter, but there was nothing wrong
with that, it merely ran out of postage, and was Rose’s face red. Norm Brown is over this noon, he has a
cold. Thres plays cards at Joe Nolte’s
this afternoon, and to Christian Mothers Christmas party tonite. Took treatment this afternoon.
08. Tuesday: [T
9 ½ hrs.] To 630 Mass – Father Wagner. Took Joe with us. Learned yesterday that Auburn and Jeanette
Phelps are on a three month trial separation since ___. Joe had two young lady visitors last
night. He is back home at 11.20
P.M. Assisted as guard with KC at the
closing of 40 Hours at St. Mary’s.
Sermon Father Spaulding about Holy Thursday, the First Holy
Eucharist. I was named to the Riverside
Cemetery Board last night by the City Common Council. Auburn Phelps pulled in after 2 A.M. out at
6.50 A.M.
Com. Hon. Immaculate Conception
09. Wednesday: [R 4 M 5 ½ hrs.]
Ma and Mary Ann attend the Foresters
Christmas party at St. Vincents. We were also invited to the
Catholic Knights of Columbus Christmas party at Sacred Heart. I sent
them a shaving set for a door prize. I visited with Don and Debbie and Don Jr.
about an hour. Don was babysitter. Arlene was with Ma and Mary Ann
and by the way, today is Arlene's birthday. I think she's 23. Auburn Phelps and Jeanette must be getting
together for short intervals. Last night
he came in after 1 A.M. out at 6.50 A.M.
10. Thursday: [9 ½ hrs.] Met Hugh Misdall at the
North Store this morning. He thought if
I go South this winter I might need a luggage carrier, I think Hugh could stand
a vacation. Ma – Thres Froetschl and
Emma Siewert are having a belated birthday celebration at Aunt Annie Weisheipl’s. Annie gets a Pokeno Set for birthday
present. Joe Stauber has a birthday, he
is 55.
11. [8 hrs.]
12. Saturday: [10 hr. 57 hours] To Mercy Hospital to see Sister
Iranaea and Sister Philippine. Aunt Mary
is now in room 201. She is in good spirits
this morning. Met Sister Marcella a
Sister from New Mexico who is teaching near Port Washington. I learn that Sister Aurelia is now in
Danville New Jersey. Worked 10 hours
today. Joe and Hans make the rounds
tonight “The Eagles Club” The “V.F. Wars Hall” and “Westward Ho.” Wrote a letter
to Monsignor Wm Renner.
13. Sunday: [6 hr.]
To 730 Hi Mass with Holy Name Soc. Father Wagner – Father Milbauer preaches on
Catholic Belief and Practice. He
especially stresses Tradition. Worked 6
hours today. Attended St. Vincents Christmas
Cantata. Donald takes pictures. We had Debbie with us. She
was much interested and she was also very entertaining. Dave and Mrs.
Garcia were sitting ahead of us with their little girl. They got quite
a kick out of Debbie's wise remarks. Donald and family were with us until
Com. For Bishop Bona.
14. Monday: [R 4 M 7 ½ hrs.] Took Thres – Emma – and Mary Fenzl
to Ostertags Tea Room for the Annual Christmas Party of their Ladies Auxiliary
S.S.B.M. Card Club. Dess Wirtz is taken
suddenly ill before the party. I took a
treatment today. Norm Brown is here
today. Ma has sandwiches for us. Thres is at the Council of Catholic Women
Christmas meeting and program. Joe
Weisheipl sprained or broke his ankle yesterday when getting into his car.
15. Tuesday: [9 ½ hrs.] Jimmie Weisheipl is one
year of age today. I told the folks he
is going to be a prize fighter. Elaine
Kolterjahn is 29 today. Father Pimiskern
is in my office for a visit this morning.
He tells me Father Bob Hogan at St. Peter’s is a very well to do priest,
in fact the boys call him the wealthiest in the diocese. Kenny Sepersky is in today for his final
order of the year, and we made it $50000.
Kenny is elated because we are the first $50000 account he has ever had. Wrote a letter to Sister Virginia.
16. Wednesday: [R 4 M 9 ½ hrs.]
A nice day but cold about 7° above this
morning. Paid last respects to Paul Sitter this morning at Konrads.
Visited Martha Hein Stauber at Mercy. She is in Room 115. Her arm
is still in traction. Met Mrs. John Birmingham in the same room.
Dropped in to see Joe Weisheipl Jr. He is in room 146. Took Marge
to work.
17. Thursday: [9 hrs.] Down to Mercy Hospital to
see Joe and bring Marge to work.
18. Friday: [R 4 M 9 hrs.] Had a new battery put in my Desoto,
32190 Miles on it. To see Bob Conroy
about Joe Weisheipl’s insurance. Took
Marge to work again this time from our North Store. Joe Weisheipl has a cast put on his foot this
morning. Norm Brown is in to visit
him. We learn Joe has been to confession
and is feeling like a new man.
19. Saturday: [9 hrs.] Ed Froetschl gets his new
set of upper teeth today. Sybelle Brown
has a birthday.
20. Sunday: [7 hours] To 730 Hi Mass - Father Wagner. To work at 915.
Took over Post Office Window from 10-1230 and from 6 to 8 in
the evening. Waited on approximately 450 people. My feet are rather
tired tonite. Ate a little too much lunch after work and could not get to
sleep until 1 A.M.
21. Monday: [R 4 M
8 ½ hr.] Norm Brown is with us this noon, he also leaves some presents.
22. Tuesday:
[12 ½ hrs. T] Well its a busy day for
me today. Gossip
Column According to Marge Weisheipl to Mary Ann she likes our present mode
of life better than before. Joe goes his
way she goes her way. He treats her much
nicer this way. According to Mrs. Leo
Polishinski – Aubie Phelps gave Jeanette a licking last week. She claims Auburn is allergic to beer
whatever that means. We thought
everything was OK with them. Don and I
worked on the Doctors presents tonight.
I wrapped 109 packages and it took me to 12.30 A.M. To bed at 2 A.M.
![]() |
Found on December 22-23, 1953 pages |
23. Wednesday: [11 hrs.] The time is passing so
fast these days we hardly realize that Christmas is almost here. Another busy day, I paid bills wrote over 120
checks, tonite get out Ken Seperskys loaf of rye bread. Mary Ann trims our tree tonite –Joe Helps
Donald trim his. Donald had to get a new
battery for our Kiser car. Donald and
Billy Mauritz are out delivering presents to the Doctors.
24. Thursday: [9 hours] Well I’m getting pretty
tired, and maybe a little grouchy too.
Sunny Peck our Abbott salesman now in Milwaukee dropped in my office for
a visit. It was nice to see him. Norm Brown was in to pick up his loaf of
“Christmas Rye Bread.”
25. Friday: [2 ½ hours] Attended Midnight Mass for
Father Wagner (Celebrant) Father Spaulding – Father Milbauer (Sermon). Back to work by 10 Oclock. Matt Gregory Sitter at the PO had a nice
chat, comparing notes about our physical condition. Met Charles Juculano, learn that Victoria
Hanson working at our North Store is his niece.
Her father George Goyke. Charles
was married 2 a Bolda. Worked only 2 ½ days
hrs. today. Store closes at 12 Oclock. Donald and family are with us for dinner and
the rest of the day. The children have
lots of fun with their presents. Donald
took the children out to Felkers at 430 and at 600
we took Don and Arlene with us to the Strand to see Esther Williams – Van
Johnson –Tony Martin in “Easy to Love” also Dennis O’Keefe – Coleen Gray in
“The Fake” a Movie about fake famous Art Masterpieces.
Com. Intention of the Holy Father.
26. Saturday: [5 ½ hours] Didn’t work too much today. This afternoon we visit with Aunt Mary, she
is about the same. She does not know
us. Visited with Sister Irenaea and
Sister Laurentina. Learn that Annie
Weisheipl slept on the back stairway over home and heard her knew, strained a
27. Sunday: [4 hours] To 730
Mass – Father Milbauer. Then to
work. This afternoon to visit Uncle Joe
Weisheipls – Joe is much improved.
Marion and Bob come in, and Mrs. Lichtfuss –Bobs mother, she has the shrillest speaking voice I have ever
heard. I could’nt take it very
long. We exchange presents, I got a box
of assorted small cheeses from Ed and Rose.
We had a surprize visit at the store this morning. Dr. Harry Horwitz from Oakland California is
spending time with his mother on Oregon Street.
After an hours worked this evening we attend the Oshkosh to see Bing
Crosby – Claude Dauphin –Christin Fourcode in “Little Boy Lost”
Rod Cameron - Tab Hunter – John Dehner
Richard Erdman “Die Eiserne Yungfrau.”
Com. Virginia Muttart (Mrs. Paul) Nebl
28. Monday: [R 4 M 8 ½ hrs.] Francis Lamb is in to make out our
unemployment report. I made a voluntary
payment of 750 dollars.
29. Tuesday: [T 10 ½ hr.] I have a cold on the
way, at least it feels that way.
30. [8½ hrs.]
31. Thursday: [9½ hrs.] Well everybody is all
hustle and bustle trying to get things cleaned up in the old year, and then
celebrate. I’m working on Federal
Reports. Worked until 9 P.M. making
deliveries. Took Thres out to Weisheipls
at 745 and stopped at Fretschls, they did’nt hear me, Eddie
Jr. was to their house with his family.
Took them out at 9 P.M. and had Uncle Joe play cards with us, I helped
him along and he did very well, did not win a game until 12 midnight. We leave for home at 115 A.M. Joe said it was the best evening he had for a
long time.
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