01. Sunday: Fourth Degrees have Communion
breakfast at St. Marys. Thres and I are
not there. We attend 730
Mass St. Vincents – Father Milbauer. I
worked 5 hours at the store today. Hans
Haertl calls for Joe this afternoon. I introduce him to a “Martini.” What is
that? My its sharp. To the Oshkosh tonite Dean Martin – Jerry
Lewis in “The Caddy” with Donna Reed and Barbara Bates. “The Homesteaders” with “Wild Bill Elliot” is
also good. A blessed event at Frank and
Betty Drexler, a little baby boy, I’m sure the three girls will have fun.
Com. All St.s and Thanksgiving
02. Monday: [R 4 M TVG] To 730 Mass – Father
Wagner. Another treatment at 3 P.M. My arm is more tense than usual. Bernhard Poeschl passed away this morning at
seven. Born in Austria Feb. 26 –
1869. Married Louise Kinderman in
1895. Survivors Mrs. Geo. Jensen – Mrs.
John Matsche – Mrs. Lorenz Kuenzl – Mrs. Marvin Arnold – Bernard Poeschl Jr.
–Louis Lemberger – 2 Brothers Joe and Frank Poeschl, 16 grand and 17 great
grand children.
Ind: Matt
– Caroline – Grandma Baier. Joe – Frank
– Ted – John Drexler –Lucille Schani.
Com. Katherine Holzbauer
03. Tuesday: Joe Baier had bad luck with his new
car this evening. Was taking his
children of writing and ran into a parked car on ___ Street. He has to get a new fender.
![]() |
ODN photo @ Grand Opening of Main St store |
04. Wednesday: [R 2 M] Well
this is a big day, our formal opening of the North Store and my birthday.
It is a grand success. George Davis- Sales Manager Central Division
Rexall, flew up from St. Louis. He and I had our pictures taken, he was
also interviewed by John Minors of the Northwestern. A steady flow of
people all day. Had dinner at the Athearn. Norm and Sybelle Brown-
Paul Martin- Bob Fisher- Kenny Sepersky- George Davis- Fred and Loretta
Baumgartner- Thres, Mary Ann - myself. Ed and Fred Worm come in for
dessert. Took in 2293. After closing party for the clerks. We
are home at 11 P.M. Im rather tired.
05. Thursday: We are back to normal at the
stores. The south store had good
business yesterday in spite of north opening 158000. Bernard Poeschl is laid to rest this morning.
06. Friday: Emma Lemke birthday, she is 67. I tried to congratulate her over the phone,
but had quite a time doing so.
08. Sunday: [T] To 730 Mass
(Low) Father Wagner Holy Name Sunday.
Bake sale and Card parties this afternoon and evening by Christian
Mothers Society. Joe Rieger has the time
of his life, roller skating for the first time at a rink near Fond du Lac. Mary Ann and I worked until 10.30
tonite. I put in 8 ½ hours. Ma worked a short time at St. Vincents Hall
this morning. This afternoon she played
cards with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mohr and tonite she was kept busy working until
09. Monday: [R 4 M 1 RF] Fred Baumgartner is taken into
Rotary. Ma plays cards at Emma Lemke’s
this afternoon, S.S. Business Mens Auxiliary.
This evening she attends meeting Council of Catholic Women at the
Century. Took her sister Annie
along. I took another treatment this
afternoon, this makes 35 I have taken.
Am going on at two a week schedule from now on. Norm Brown is here for weekly dinner. George Van Beynan’s wife “Lorraine” died at St.
Marys Hospital Rochester this morning.
Marge Weisheipl said she attended Mass here yesterday morning. Born April 17 – 1901 Green Bay. Married May 4 – 1921. Two sons survived.
10. Tuesday: Thres plays cards again at Emma
Siewerts this time with Mrs. Anna Ostertag and Mrs. Brusius. K.C. sheephead tournament. Harry Elmer was found dead in bed this
morning. Born Oct. 24 – 1886. Last I saw him this summer, he was working
for Joe Nebel.
11. Wednesday: Mama plays cards at Security Bank
(So Side Bus Mens Hall) this afternoon.
She played with Mary Beck – Mame Haidlinger – Mary Fenzl and she won two
pounds of sugar. State Senator William
Draheim of Neenah announced yesterday he has quit the Democratic party to join
the Republicans. Draheim is 54 elected
in 1958 from the 19th Senate District.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mathe 830 – 11th St. were married 50 years ago – Nov.
11 – 1903 by Father Charles Stahling.
Mr. Mathe born 74 years ago in Schoenberg – Austria – Mrs. was born 73
years ago in Guschwati Austria.
12. Thursday: Had quite a visit with Fred Weiss
and his office at the Daily Northwestern.
Took a treatment this afternoon.
Pay last respects to Lorraine Van Beynen. The ladies play Pokeno at Annie Heips
tonight. I took them home. Mame Erbes – Caroline Kellerman –Emma Siewert
– Thres Froetschl. Had a Milwaukee phone
call from O.A. Haas this morning. I
worked 9 hours today.
M. O. Lorraine Van Beynen
13. Friday: [R 4 M] Well I must say mama has a beautiful
birthday. Temperature way up in the
fifties. Presents, a sweater from Dad –
Nightie from Mary Ann 3 Pr Stockings from Joe, 2 Aprons from Don and Arlene. Had a long visit with Sr. Irenaea, also
Sr. Philippina. Franz Stampfer needs 400 dollars to come to
U.S.A. Ma has company tonite. Thres Froetschl – Annie Weisheipl – Emma
Lemke. Thres Froetschl is very lucky at
sheephead. Charlotte Arendt passed away
yesterday at Ishpeming. Body brought
here we attend rosary for her at Marquardt funeral home.
M. O. Charlotte Arendt
14. Saturday: Charlotte Arendt funeral services at
St. Vincents. Laid to rest in Oakwood
Cemetery – Berlin. Charlotte was born
Nov. 11 – 1911 in Berlin. She worked for
us. Leo tells me she was chair director
at their church. He had over 100 Mass
Offerings for her. I’m back at Mercy
this morning to give Sister Philippina the money for Franz Stampfer. Donald and Joe rake and burn up the leaves at
the cottage. Temperature this afternoon
65 tonite 45. Mamie Eisenhower, U.S. First
Lady is 57 today. She and Dwight are in
Canada for short visit at Ottawa.
Wisconsin beats Illinois 34-7.
15. Sunday: To 730 Mass (Hi)
Father Milbauer. To work by 915. This afternoon we attend open house at Ted
Hoyer and Co. at 2221 Minnesota St. They
manufacturer aids for the handicapped. Vitor
Hildemann is in charge of production and Research, Mrs. Ted (Marie) Hoyer is in
charge of the office. Teddy has been
confined to a wheelchair for 17 years.
Joe Rieger and Hans Haertl drive around Lake Winnebago this aft. I work from 445 until 615. Tonight we see Abbott and Costello in Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. “Below the Sahara”
is very good in technicolor on Africa.
This evening my first out since Nov. 6th.
Com. Charlotte Arendt
16. Monday: [R 4 M RLF] Norman Brown is with us this noon. I learned his birthday is July 29th. Thres and Mary Ann attend the first Committee
Concert sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church. “Wilma Lipp.” Coloratura Soprano – Vienna
State Opera presents an interesting program of German songs and selections from
famous Arias.
17. Tuesday: Purchase new tires for the De Soto
from Bizz Marheine. Mileage today 31675
miles. Tonight the Civic Music
Association presents “Apollo Boys Choir” at the Oshkosh. Three Oshkosh boys are members, Donald Boese
–John and Bruce Clark. They present a
very fine program, some of the Sopranos are really outstanding. Had what may be my last or next to the last
examination of my arm by Dr. Ray Wagner.
Ed Radke and Floyd Devoe connect garage and house with the light
outside. Prayed Perpetual Help Prayers
at home.
19. Thursday: Eddie Weisheipl and myself leave on
the 7.58 train to Milwaukee, arrive 9.30, to McKesson Robbins then to
McClurg’s. Rene bought a luncheon for
us. Had it at Raatsch’s then to M D Orum
and Yahr Langes. Paul Hayden waited on
us at Y L’s. He began working there in
1898. Also met Walter Lange – Bill Kies
– Lou Frïtschl. Clyde March is also in
the city on business. We are all back
home at 715 left the city at 5.40 P M. Thres use the car to visit and played cards
at Maxine Siewerts. Tonite she
entertains at home: Emma Lemke –Barbara Beck – Mrs. Aloys Tsheck. Temperature 72 in Milwaukee 62 in Oshkosh at
10 P.M.
20. Friday: George Ruedinger passed away suddenly
at 4.10 this morning. Dr. Ray Wagner was
called in at 2 Oclock, blood pressure is OK and George seemed normal
otherwise. Doctor was called again at 4
Oclock. George could not be saved. He was born July 16 – 1898. Was employed by Clarence Deniger for 7
years. Arthur B. Chapman was elected
president of the Morgan companies yesterday.
He is the son-in-law of the late J. Earl Morgan. Hugo Eckardt elected as Executive Vice
President Clarence Petri – Secretary and Director of Sales. Walter Kleinschmidt Director of
Manufacturing, Gilbert Bloechl, director of purchasing, Sales manager Henry
Kimberly Jr., plant Superintendent Carl Binner.
Sister Mary Alicia (Olive Kelly) Estate inventoried at $63625. One of the owners of the building we bought
72 and 74 Main Street.
21. Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Thompson are
celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.
He is 49 ½ inches and she is 47 ½ inches tall. They live in 612 6th St. If I’m not mistaken she was married to Christ
Dengler – famous Oshkosh midget before.
22. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass,
Father Wagner Lady Foresters to Holy Communion.
Worked 7 ½ hours today. This
evening stood guard with 4th degree K. of C. for Geo. Ruedinger. Rosary Monsignor Bastian.
Com. Geo. Ruedinger
23. Monday: Norm Brown is here for “laid of lamb”
dinner. Geo. Ruedinger is laid to
rest. Attended the funeral Mass. Quite a number of K.C. were there. Took a treatment this afternoon. Will be taking only one a week from now
on. Thres plays cards at Leone Dodds –
won 20 cents. Joe Hough is now in the
insurance business with Harry Bruegger.
They represent the Aetna Ins. Co.
24. Tuesday: Thres has luncheon at K.C. Club,
plays cards for the afternoon. Emma –
Maxine – Caroline and Thres make up a table.
25. Wednesday: There was quite a commotion at our
neighbors Aubie and Jeanette Phelps this morning about 3 Oclock, Woke up Joe
Rieger. Couldnt tell if it was a robbery
or just a heavy family scrap.
26. Thursday: Got up a little later than
usual. Took magazines to the
Sisters. Had a very pleasant visit with
Sister Romana. Then to work for short
time. Had a one o’clock dinner at the
Raulf Hotel. Took Joe with us. Mary Ann and self down to the store to make
up deposit. Then to the Raulf Theatre to
see “Kiss Me Kate” with Kathryn Grayson –Howard Keel – Ann Miller – Keenan Wynn,
its a 3 D picture. Also “Walkie Talkie”
with Wm Tracy – Joe Sawyer, very comical.
27. Friday: [R 2 M] Martha Pahlow is laid up with
the flu. Had a surprise visitor this
afternoon. Karl Jungens whom I had not
seen in years. He is still living in
Milwaukee, with New York Life Insurance Company for five years. He has 4 children. His father in law Mr. Koerner of Menasha is
retired for some years. Had worked with
Menasha Woodenware until an oil strike was made on a 300 acre tract of land
which he owned in Kansas and almost sold for $2500. Martha Hein broke her right arm at the
28. Saturday: Father Wagner calls me about going
to his cottage for few days.
29. Sunday: [5 hrs.] To
730 Hi Mass - Father Wagner. A letter from Bishop Bona
is read pertaining to the Novena beginning tomorrow in honor of the dogma of
the “Immaculate Conception of Mary - Mother of Jesus. Worked 5 hours
today. Saw “Roman Holiday” at the Oshkosh with Gregory Peck and
Audrey Hepburn. This is Audrey's star debut. She's cute.
Co-feature is “Merry Mirthquakes” with Liberace as M.C. and of course
offers some very fine numbers on the piano.
Com. Ed Kalupa
30. Monday: [R 4 M 1 RLF
7 ½ hs.] Peggie Mueller (Mrs. Richard Harthun is 24 today. Norm Brown is here today for special tender
rise to him. Took a treatment at three
and after that I stopped to visit with Joe and Annie Heip. Joe is improving right along and we are in
hopes he will be able to walk before long.
Thres plays cards at Leone Dodds this afternoon. Father Wagner is up to his cottage with Ed
Wertz – Byron Gunz – Joe Sosinski. I
worked 7 ½ hours today
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