01. Wednesday: [Joe Lang –
Caroline Kempinger married 50 years.] I’m rather tired this morning. Guess I’m not as young as I used to was. Took Ed and Thres Fretschl to Milwaukee to
see Sister Linus who is teaching at St. Augustine School on South Graham Street. Mama – Mary Ann and myself visit the Yahr
Lange Drug, met some of the old-timers Paul Heyden is going strong, he started
working there in 1898, Bill Kies – Art Gauerke – Bob Heinman – ___ Eagen and of
course Walter Lange. Picked up some new
narcotics for prescriptions. Back home
at 7 P.M. Worked a short time.
02. We are told by Sister
Linus this is one day when the Sisters watch the mails to see if they are to
receive a new assignment. Well, we have a new Sister Superior at St. Vincents
and who do you think it is, none other than our beloved Sister Alverna who has
been at Oshkosh for ___ years.
04. Saturday: Billy
Siewert and Marjorie Grose are married at St. John’s. Father Williams performed the ceremony. Donald – Arline – Debbie – Donnie – Mary Ann
and me are out for boatride to the cottage.
Grandma Potter takes care of Markie.
05. Sunday: To 715
Mass – Father Milbauer. Monthly
communion Altar Society. When we arrived
home from church Harry Kujawa called that Anna Drexler passed away in Milwaukee. Karl Radomski called shortly after that Anne
had been at St. Luke’s Hospital for a week.
A hospital call from the Hospital shortly before seven folks repaired to
the hospital to learn she had just passed away of a heart attack. Karl wants me to make arrangements for
internment here.
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Found between pages Aug 5-6, 1956 |
Com. Mike Eichman
06. Monday: [1 R Anne
Drexler] Well Im out to see Ted Friedberg to make arrangements for the use of
the chapel at 1 P.M. Wednesday, then Father Schorn then Evan MacDonald at the
Northwestern for newspaper item then Troxell’s about who in their family will
be pallbearers. Called Karl at Milwaukee
and learn that I am to get all the pallbearers for Milwaukee instead of for the
internment service at Riverside. Thres
and I take a ride to the cottage this evening.
Stopped at Bill and Rose Mauritz on the way home.
07. Tuesday: [1 R Anne
Drexler St. Lawrence Chapel] Called Harry Kujawa then Milwaukee – Margaret answered
and I was glad I could talk to her and offer a few words of consolation. Then again to see Evan MacDonald at the
Northwestern. Did not attend Kiwanis did
attend cemetery board meeting at 130. Left for Mt Calvary at 330 P.M.
Did not meet too many of the old-timers.
Bill Renner – Stubby Diedrich – Leo Sharp – Jack Quella are registered
and no doubt will be in tomorrow. Had a
nice visit with Father Gratian. Spent
time in the chapel which could be my last visit there, as ground will be broken
for a new one soon. Home at 830.
08. Wednesday: [2 R. Anna
Drexler] Up at 440 out to Joe Drexlers and Franks at 545. Leave Oshkosh at 6 oclock, Don drives until
we get to Milwaukee, then I take over.
At Carl’s about 800.
At Scheuerlee’s Funeral Home at 820. Anna looks very nice laid out. A profusion of flowers. Service at 9 Oclock –Father David Ryan had a
beautiful Eulogy for Anna, Father Mike in the Sanctuary. Leave Milwaukee at 1045 and
it poured on the way out –clear further north, I drive all the way home, picked
up Father Schorn and Mary Ann at cemetery at 1245. Father Schorn leads the Rosary at the chapel –
it is filled with friends – relatives and neighbors. Relatives at our house after the internment
28 in all. Folks leave at 4 Oclock Don
and family stay with us until 830. Markie has a good time with grandma and
grandpa. He even pulled off my sock. By the way this is our Wedding Anniversary. Forty five years. No celebration.
09. Thursday: [M 9 M] Back
on the job, it’s a lovely day. Don
family and Mary Ann take a ride to the cottage.
Mother and Me to the “Serra Banquet” for Seminarians” Father Milbauer
and Jim Kirsch at our table. Father Orville
Griese Rector Sacred Heart Seminary, Oneida was the principle speaker. Burton Schmidt 15, 1924 Minnesota St. first
polio patient at Mercy. Was admitted
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Aug 10, 1956 Hoover clipping |
12. Sunday: [6 ½ hrs.] To
715 Low Mass with Holy Name Society. Then to work.
Took mother to spend the evening at Aunt Annie Heips.
Com. Katherine Holzbauer
13. Monday: Weather is not
too bad altho we had some heavy thunder crashes during the night. The Democratic National Convention opens at
14. Tuesday: To Kiwanis
luncheon, I missed the last two. Harvey
Lhost is my guest. Had quite a long
distance conversation with Mr. Wright of Chicago in regard to the New 6 and 4 head
Remington Shavers. Jimmie Bruins is his
15. Wednesday: To 630
Mass – Father Schorn – Took Thres to the cottage, she has company today Annie
Weisheipl –Mary Schneider – Emma Heppler – Elsie Kirsch – Rose Stiefvater –
Alvina Putzer -
16. Thursday: [M 12 M] Had
occasion to congratulate our new Sister Superior Alverna. She and Sister Vera are at the store. Sister Vera has been gone all summer. Wenzel Matejka 50 Northwestern Ave. died last
night 10 P.M. Born Oct. 24 – 1873 Czekoslovakia. Cabinet maker for Brands 1922-1949. Brother to John Matejka.
17. Friday: Conrad Ben Pitcher
of Iron Mountain Mich. will be our new Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. He succeeds John Greenough. John is taking a position as sales
correspondent for Hoffmaster Paper Company.
18. Saturday: [M 6 M S 4 M] John does a complete job at cutting
grass at the cottage. Donnie and Debbie
spend the morning with grandma as usual.
19. Sunday: To 715
Low Mass – Father Schorn. A Marian
Father is with us to appeal for his missions in Oceania – that is Polynesia
includes the Solomon Islands –Samoa and many others. Temperature is 55° at 7 A.M.
20. Monday: Norm Brown is
our noon guest. Weather is pleasant. The Republican National Convention opens at
the Karl Palace in San Francisco.
President Eisenhower will have no opposition to being nominated, but
Nixon has a position from Harold Stassen whose candidate is Governor Herter. Father Milbauer brings in Father Milot
pronounced “Meelo” the Marian Father was spoke to us Sunday about the Marian
21. Tuesday: To Kiwanis
luncheon at the Raulf. Milton Seefeldt
showed slides of his trip to National Kiwanis Convention.
22. Wednesday: Another
lovely day, so mother and I decide to take a drive. We stop at the cottage to check the refrigerator
and then drive to Berlin stopped at Harry and Agnes. John and Mary are home. In the Berlin paper we read the announcement
of Mary’s engagement to James T. Bayorgeon of Kaukauna Wis. President Eisenhower is renominated and
strange as it may seem Governor Herter made the nomination speech for Vice
President Nixon and former Governor Harold Stassen made one of the secondary
speeches. Nixon was then also re-nominated
for the vice-presidency.
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Aug 23, 1956 Most Precious Blood receipt |
23. Thursday: Brother
William Schalk is in to get our renewal to the precious Blood Messenger. He comes once in two years, he is not looking
very well, says he has lost much weight.
24. Friday: To Serra Club
luncheon, had a nice meal of pike – potato – salad – chocolate ice cream. Charles Nolan gave us a little history of the
time Al Smith was nominated for president of the U.S. Being of Catholic he was decisively defeated. Raymond Ostertag Jr. is in my office. He completed painting our boat house this
morning. Had another letter from
Margaret Radomski today. She and Lovie
can’t console themselves to the thought that their mother is dead. It seems that she is on a trip and should be
returning soon. We spend the evening at
25. Saturday: Have a
letter from Lovie, she also misses her mother very much. She is trying to give Margaret a boost in the
kitchen but find’s it a sad task.
26. Sunday: To 715
Low Mass Father Milbauer. More about the
Seventh Commandment. Worked from 9-12.30
had a spell of chest pains about 5 P.M. did not go back to work this evening. Emma Kossl 68 – 962 – 9th died yesterday afternoon
4.40 at Mercy. Born May 19 – 1888
married Adolph Kossl July 6 – 1909.
Adolph was a carpenter, worked for Matt Mertz passed away 1927 –
pneumonia. She was a sister to Aloys Kinateder. While home I worked on the St. Joseph’s Union
Report included Donald and Arlene.
Com. Anne Drexler.
27. Monday: [Wrote letter
to Sister Linus, also sent pictures. 1
R. Emma Kossl. Sent St. Joseph’s Union
Donations and Report.] Herb Smith Sup. of mails at the P.O. is being
recommended for advancement from Colonel to Brigadier General. Herb deserves it, he’s a mighty fine fellow. Dr. Don Gerth is in at the end of his service
period as of today. He is in today to
look over his office rooms above our South Store. Met Agnes and Mary Kujawa at Hilda’s this
afternoon. They came in with Leona – Harry’s
Sister. Father Ducharme is in with James
Hook to get a boost for the city wide C.Y.O. movement. I told them I’ll do what I can to help. Took a drive to the cottage after supper,
back to town to view the remains of Emma Kossl, took mother home, to the store
for an hour of work, picked up Mary Ann at Don’s and called it a day.
28. Tuesday: Joe Baier and
Billy Mauritz to the Braves Dodger game yesterday afternoon. Braves were beaten 6-3. To Kiwanis luncheon, met Lieutenant Robert
Schroeder Salvation Army. He replaces
Cap. Rothwell Stickley. Did not stay for
program. Wanted to get going on our
basement at home. Eddie Heip and Don
help to get rid of some of the rubbish.
This evening mother and I visit Fred and Loretta Baumgartner. Loretta I would say is looking poorly.
30. Thursday: Donald is
now the tonsorial artist in his family. Little Donnie gets a hair cut from
papa, the reason, haircuts for children are now 125 and for
adults 150 at the barbershop.
31. Friday:
My weight is down to 146 pounds.
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