01. Thursday:
To 630 Low Mass Father Schorn gave the thought for today and
tomorrow especially that we help the holy souls in purgatory and in return they
will pray for us.
Com. Mary Kriz
02. Friday:
To 730 Low Mass, Father Schorn. Took mother to Simpsons for a treatment at 9
A.M. Received our first issue of the Green Bay Register in the mail today. It
is a combination of Green Bay Diocese and Register news. Mother is back on
schedule with her hair dos. Mary Ann and Joanne Mauritz dine out at the “Roxy.”
I got a haircut for a change. Mother and me to Columbus Club for lobster tail.
Com Katherine Holzbauer.
04. Sunday:
Well it’s another birthday for me, completed 66 years. To 730
Hi Mass Father Schorn. Topic sin “Watch and Pray” with emphasis on “Watch.”
Took the family to the “Town House” for 1 Oclock dinner. Don’s children are
very well behaved. Then to Fiss and Bills to pay last respects to
Charles Barnard. Then to the “Oshkosh Museum” to view the Water Color Display
of the late Nile Behnke. Nile displayed wonderful talent in Water Color Scenes.
This evening Bill-Rose Mauritz- Ray- Ann Ostertag – Annie Heip are with us to
help celebrate the occasion. Leave at 12.30.
Com. Thanksgiving
05. Monday:
[10 hours] Brand’s are over with our Wall fixtures this morning. George Golz 639 – 14th was found dead in the
bathroom of his home about 430 yesterday afternoon Eleanor
Ludwig died at 915 this morning at Mercy. Married John Aug. 23 – 1911 – Born Aug. 1 –
06. Tuesday:
[9 hrs.] Le Roy Goldheim is in the office to explain to Chasco plan of buying
to me. He flew up from Chicago this
morning. I took him along to Kiwanis
luncheon. Warren Rhan principal
Washington School won my birthday prize.
Al Dunham –Wes Schneider – Doc Pfefferkorn – Earl Burdick – Gordon Bender
were the losers in the Passion Play Ticket Selling Contest. The losers had to wait on us the
winners. Alan Davis was our
captain. Took Mr. Goldheim to the airport
at 4 P.M. he is scheduled to be in Flint Mich. tonite. Mother myself and Mary Ann to pay our last
respects to Eleanor Ludwig. John is much
broken up. Eleanor had a growth on the
bladder, operated Wednesday felt fine Thursday and Friday, turn for worse
Saturday, another operation reveals leak in bladder. We also pay last respects to George Golz at
Konrad’s, then to vote. Im #1081. After work listen to election returns Ike and
Nixon are in, we are up to 2 A.M.
07. Wednesday:
[6 hours] Temperatures down in the thirties also rain. Mrs. John Ludwig laid to rest. Attended funeral services at Konrad’s for
George Golz. Rev. Harold Kuester
conducted the services
09. Friday:
Mother takes another treatment this morning at 11 O’Clock. Marge’s mother is taken to Mercy Hospital
this morning. George informs me. To Serra Club Luncheon. Steve Kircher shows a movie with my
projector. Norbert Landgraf and myself
share table all by ourselves. Mary Ann
and Joanne Mauritz shop tonight and dine at “The Town Grill.” Mother and me to
Columbus Club. Met Dr. Graber and part
of his family, also met George Prellwitz whom I had not seen in many
years. Brother to Ed and Theresa. George – Corinne and Lucy Drexler are at the
Club. George informs us, Celia has a
growth removed from her breast today at Mercy.
Will be home tomorrow. Jake
Klemmer and family also at the Club.
Jake just back from Mayo Clinic, says his lung cancer is active and no
operation recommended.
10. Saturday:
August Pitz 85 died unexpectedly at 5.05 A.M. at Mercy of a heart attack. Born Aug. 29 – 1871. Married Theresa Burgert Sept. 4 – 1895. He was quite a kidder always referring to
himself and others as youngsters
11. Sunday: [5 hrs.] To 715 Hi
Mass – Father Schorn –speaks on the Certain Mind – The Correct Mind – The
Doubtful Mind – Mary Ann spends the day at Don’s and the evening with Joanne
Mauritz. Thres and me to Buffett Supper
at Clara Bauer and Joe Grable’s. There are
celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
We knew just a few of the folks there.
Tonight at 815 to Rosary for August Pitz, at Fiss and
Com. Deceased Members
Holy Name
12. Monday:
Norm Brown is with us this noon. Mrs.
Baranowski and the Fausts are having a new roof put on the house, and also a
T.V. Antenna going up. They are almost
the last ones in our neighborhood getting a T.V. Antenna. Spent some time with Brother Alban at Alexian
Brothers this afternoon. Tried to
explain the pricing of prescriptions to him.
13. Tuesday:
[6 ½ hr] To Kiwanis luncheon. Mother is
70 today, she sure does’nt look at. Her
sister Annie Heip –Bill and Rose Mauritz are over for the evening. Don’s family are over and of course the
children have presents for grandma. Even
little Markie presented a pair of stockings.
Mother did some shopping up town today, picked some dresses at
Hildas. Bill and Rose and Aunt Annie
stay until 12.30 and the birthday is over.
14. Wednesday:
[7 ½ hr] Mother and me to First English Lutheran Church Supper. It is very well attended. Superintendent of Schools Perry Tippler is at
our table, also Freda Stein and friend, Frank Klabunde and family. Weather is changing to rain with snow
predicted. Attended 40 hour closing at St.
Josaphat’s as a guard with the K.C. 4th
Degree. Six of us took part Vince
Kempinger – Frank Jungwirth – Art Ostertag – Tony Serwas Lawrence Baier and
myself. Don took me both ways, it was a
great help, it poured a heavy downfall of rain both ways.
16. Friday:
The weather has turns suddenly cold, so I am having my car winterized. Mother, myself and Mary Ann to Columbus Club
for our usual Friday dinner. Mary Ann
really gets a good sized helping of pan cakes. After the club Mary Ann meets Joanne Mauritz,
they take in “The Eddy Duchin Story” with Tyrone Power – Kim Novak.
Mrs. Frances Wheeler 712 Bowen Street passed away at Mercy last evening at 730.
Born Aug. 9 -1895 in Woodsfield Ohio, married Dr. F.M. Wheeler at
Richland Center November 12 – 1919. Dr.
Wheeler is dentist at State Hospital.
Mrs. Katherine Geiger 321 Waugoo Street passed away today at Mercy. Sister to John and Jacob Mottl and to Mrs.
Mary Stadler. She was a sister also to
Wenzel Mottl and Theresa Nigl. Married
Fred Geiger Sept. 28 – 1904. He died
March 28 -1947.
Sunday: [TG] Two
7.15 High Mass Father Milbauer Clara (Rebandt) Gerth’s mother passed away this
morning 915. Clara had been caring for her the last 2 ½
years. Both of her husbands Joseph
Rebandt and B. Monahan preceded her in death.
Markie is over to stay with Grandma this morning while the family attend
9 Oclock Mass. Little Donald presents Sister Mary Walter with 6 Beer bottle
tops and that really was funny. Mary Ann
spends the afternoon at Don’s. I
attended rosary for Mrs. F.M. Wheeler at Fiss and Bills this evening. Not many K of C’s there. Did meet Dr. Wheeler and visited with Herb
Com. Charles Barnard
Monday: Norm
Brown is with us the usual Monday luncheon.
I attended rosary for Mrs. Monahan tonight at Steve Kircher funeral
home. Ed Lord is gone hunting and Steve
has three funerals in a few days and must do the work alone. Father Schorn said the rosary. Met Mondl who is now in St. Louis with some
aircraft Company. Don and Eddie Heip are
checking holiday merchandise at my home until 10.40 P.M. Mama furnished lunch and the boys after
considerable “bopling” left at 1 A.M.
Mother plays cards at Irma Kalbus this afternoon and at St. Vincents
Rectory tonight. Rose Stiefvater
entertained Mary Gillen – Mrs. Norbert Drexler.
20. Tuesday:
[Mrs. Haverty to Kempster Hall. Art –
Margaret Mueller are married 28 years.] To Kiwanis luncheon. Dr. Jacob Singer Chicago retired rabbi
spoke. “A Creed for America” was his
topic. The love of God and the love of
one’s neighbor, two great foundations on which Christians and Jews can stand
together. He comes to Oshkosh weekends
to have services at the local Jewish temple.
Elizabeth Haverty is taken to the State Hospital this morning. That should take quite a load from the
family. Matt Weisheipl has a birthday I
think he is 42. Mother and me to
Perpetual Help Devotion and then to Sitters funeral home. Rosary is offered by Father Schorn for Emma
21. Wednesday: A fairly heavy blanket of snow
greets us this morning. Charlie Wrage
died last night 10.40 at his home of pneumonia.
He was sick only 3 days. Born
June 18 – 1884. Married Alma Hicks May
9-1906. Was casket maker 24 years at
Buckstaff’s. His brother Nick died 5
years ago yesterday. I used to work on
their fathers farm.
22. Thursday:
Temperature dropped considerably during the night. Worked 2 hours today. Our stores close at noon. Mother Mary Ann and me had our dinner at the
Raulf. Met the Dr. Behnke families –
senior and junior. Visited Joe Weisheipl
at the organ, he came up to spend time with us later. After dinner we met Mr. ___ advance man for
the Passion Play. He has been in show
business 52 years. Played in Oshkosh
many years ago. Remembers Winninger
Brothers well. At 3.45 we attend Raulf
Theatre “Friendly Persuasion” Gary Cooper –Dorothy McGuire –Marjorie Main. The Coopers are Quakers. Its a civil war picture, a fine family
presentation, also “No Place to Hide” with David Brian – Marcia Hunt – two boys
one American and one Philipino and their poodle have no place to hide. Taken in the Philippines it is very
picturesque. Don and family at Felkers
today. Weisheipl family are at Annie’s
23. Friday:
Our first zero weather is recorded at Buckstaffs at 6 oclock this morning.
24. Saturday:
A special Requiem Mass is said at St. Josaphats Church this morning at 10
Oclock in memory of all who died for freedom in Hungary.
25. Sunday:
To Foresters Memorial Mass at St. John’s.
Father Sladek offer the Mass. St.
Vincents have a Fall Festival and Chile Supper this afternoon and evening. We did not get there, but mother did bake a
good sized loaf of rye bread and gave some prizes.
26. Monday:
Norm Brown is our guest at noon. Norm
Kleinschmit took care of my uppers this afternoon. Had been experiencing a lot of pain for the
last few weeks. Out to Fourth Degree
Dinner this evening. Had Donald along as
a guest. He is to show several movies
after the meeting. Well the meeting time
was entirely too long drawn out and we are still arguing about the Chalice
fund. It seems that the parish priests
have quite a time placing chalices with mission priests. After the meeting Don and I helped Eddie Heip
in my basement checking merchandise.
Called it a day at 11 P.M. the boy stayed until 1 A.M.
![]() |
Weights Table found between Nov 27-28, 1956 pages |
27. Tuesday:
To Kiwanis luncheon. J.A. Breese is here
from California and is a guest. He
states he is no longer active in Kiwanis.
Intends to go back Friday. Lives
about 25 miles from Los Angeles. Father
Victor Kandy is in my office for a visit.
He has lost about 25 pounds, is down to 140. I’m down to 145. Father says he sleeps a lot. Had a nice visit over the phone with Ella
Schlaeger Eberhardt. She was in the
hospital from a fall for one month, one month with Mary Meidel.
28. Wednesday:
[11 hours] Spend a busy day in our home cellar, getting holiday merchandise
ready for Don and Eddie.
29. Thursday:
[TG 10 ½ hours] More work in the
cellar, it is quite a job at that when you learn the invoices amount to about
6000 dollars wholesale.
30. Friday:
[7 hrs.] Another month brought to a close.
Temperature is normal with the predictions the weather will be
warmer. Father John Murphy and his dad
are in for a visit in my office this afternoon.
They are here on business about his dad’s social security and also to
visit Bishop Grellinger. We have our
evening meal at the Columbus Club. A
slim crowd this evening. Met Ed and Dess
Wirtz. Ed was up Deer Hunting with
Father Wagner Byron Gunz. Ed and fellows
played cards all night until 6 in the morning.
Paid last respects to Bill Mathe and tonite to Ann McEvoy.
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