02. Sunday: [Com. Emma Noe]
To 715 Low Mass.
Father Schorn. More about covetness. Worked this morning. Bill Mauritz is over this noon for a two hour
visit. Don – Mary Ann and I to
Marquardts to pay last respects to Ed Schroeder father of Dick. Picked up Thres Fretschl – and Annie Heip and
out to the cottage, turns out to be a nice day well up into the seventies Don
and family are out, Don works the evening Debbie and Donnie Jr. stay with us at
the cottage this evening. Sheephead by the four of us Thres – Annie –Mama – Me. I make about 25 cents. No lights from 9 to 930. Folks leave at midnight, and we to bed at 2 A.M. My bed a chaise lounge.
03. Monday: [1 R Lady
Fatima Milwaukee Stadium Record at
Braves Game 47604] A beautiful day. Up
at 8 AM. Bill Mauritz is already on the
job. Ray Ostertag – Clarence Westphal
and Florence are out too. Clarence cuts down
a few trees. I worked this morning. Back to the cottage at noon. Bill Mauritz has dinner with us. Start for home about 230
but can’t shift into high. After quite a
time I note screw loose on shift bar that’s all there is to it, and Bill is off
for town. Don and family out again, Don
cuts all the grass and that’s a real job.
Rain is in the offing, so we all drive home at 730. Yesterday and today the nicest days all
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Found between 4-5 Sept 1956 pages |
04. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon. The Milwaukee Braves set a new record
attendance yesterday in their double header with Cincinnati – 47604 paid
05. Wednesday: [Debbie
starts at St. Vincents School] To 6.45 Mass - Father Milbauer. St. Vincent
School opens today and our Debbie begins her school career. Sister Rudolphia is
her teacher. Jeanie Hazen also starts at St. Vincents today.
06. Thursday: I have a new
job altho it may only be temporary, picking up Debbie from school and taking
her back. Pick up 11.30 and 3.00 take her back at 12.35.
07. Friday: Sister Alverna
asks about registering to vote. She has three nuns not registered.
I took them to city hall, Sisters Mary Bertram – Maxine – Solvina. Gertrude Klemmer and myself acted as
08. Saturday: [Aunt Nora
still takes a boiler maker.] Norm Brown called about 10.45 that Father Dave and
Aunt Moore are coming in at the Oshkosh Airport at 11.56 and when we go out to
lunch with them. Well Thres called him
back, we would be glad to and so when Father Dave and Aunt Nora stop at the
house for a short stay we go to the “American Legion” for luncheon. George and Lavine Haverty are with us. Its our first time at the Legion since it has
been remodeled. Donnie and Debbie are
with us for the morning as usual.
09. Sunday: [6 hrs] To 715
Hi Mass with Holy Name Society, we had a good attendance over 100. Breakfast after church I did not attend. Father Schorn had the Service.
10. Monday: [Mr. and Mrs.
Doepping are married 65 years today. 12
hours M 3 M] Norm Brown is with us this
noon, after the meal he and I drive to the Airport to see Father Dave and Aunt
Nora all on the 1.05 P.M. plane. Sybelle
brought them in about 12.55. I took a
few pictures hope they are good. A
beautiful and warm day. Thres plays
cards at Fenzl’s she won 25¢ score 57.
Don and Eddie Weisheipl are over this evening to work on McClurg order. I helped we worked until 10.30 and then a
confab in our kitchen, the boys leave at midnight. Mother attended first meeting of the season
of the Council Catholic Women in St. Vincents Hall.
11. Tuesday: [M 9 M 7 hrs] To Kiwanis luncheon, did not stay for
program. Parochial Schools close today,
Sisters Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Egner were married 50 years ago today by Father Michael Schmitz in the attic of
a home on 6th street. Sacred Heart
Congregation were building a church and school combined 50 years ago today. On Sundays Father Schmitz used St. Vincents
School Hall.
12. Wednesday: [7 hours M 0 M] Another lovely day, temperature is
edging 80°. Mother spends time outdoors
also cleans garage and windows. Had a
letter from Rose Gittings, she is coming for reunion next Saturday. Loretta Baumgartner is taken to Mercy
Hospital. Picked up Debbie –Carol and
Jeanie Hazen this morning at 11.45. Last
time I can pick them up, as I usually pick up Marge Haverty at 11.45
14. Friday: To Serra
Luncheon at the Athearn. Guests today Milo
Galvin with Robert Baird – Lester Borisch.
We receive our tickets for Sisters Appreciation Party sponsored by Serra
September 27th. Ken and Sue Sepersky
arrive in town about 4.30. Took them to
Town House for dinner. Then to Konrad
Funeral Home to pay last respects to Loretta Mueller Baumgartner. Ken renewed acquaintances with quite a number
of the folks.
15. Saturday: Rose – Ted
Gittings –Betty Nelson arrive at our house at 8 A.M. Betty is Ted’s friend. George and Mrs. Duckett 193 Elmwood Ave. are
friends of Betty’s. We attend funeral
service and internment of Loretta Baumgartner at Lakeview Memorial Cem. Bruno Romanowski officiating. After the funeral to Fred’s where we meet the
Brictsons from Milwaukee and many others.
I worked this evening, while Rose attended her class reunion 8th grade St.
Vincents of 1928 at Columbus Club. Rose
home at 115 A.M. Teddy
home at 130. We all
repair to bed at 215 A.M.
16. Sunday: Mother and I
attend 9 Oclock Mass. Rose and Ted to 930
St. Johns. I took Rose and Ted to
Riverside Cemetery. Ted had not seen where his grandparents are laid to rest. We then picked up Betty and had dinner at
12.15 at our house. The folks left for
Chicago at 2 Oclock. Mary Ann and I to
work immediately after. Agnes Kujawa
called it 230 to talk to Rose but too late as Rose and Ted
are gone.
17. Monday: No meeting
this morning. Norm Brown is with us this
noon. This evening mother and I attended
Apostolate meeting. A very good
attendance. I hired a new boy at the
store to help Ray Schmidt. His name Tom
Eberhart. I hope he makes good. He’s been working on a farm all summer. Lives at 925 – 6th. I was guardian over his brother Marvin also
took an interest in Jim. Father Sladek
states Tom should be OK. Don and Eddie
Heip are over tonite to check more McClurg items.
18. Tuesday: To Kiwanis
luncheon. Dr. Pfefferkorn show slides of
his recent trip to Europe. He has some
very good ones of England – Ireland – Germany.
This afternoon to Cemetery Board Meeting. We vote on the budget for 1957 today. This evening mother and I attend Perpetual
Help Devotion. It is now at 700
and set of 730. I
Attended Rosary for Frank Kempinger at Poklasny’s at 745. Father Schorn led in prayer. Pokie has made a number of changes at his
funeral home.
20. Thursday: Had an appointment with Dr. Norman
Kleinschmit at 830 this morning for adjustments on my
dentures. Took a drive to Fond du
Lac this afternoon to the National Cash Register office. Visited with
Stanley Fuller. Little Donnie rode with me, he made a good pal.
21. Friday: Russel Merrill
is over to drain our heating system and get the fire started.
22. Saturday: Bill Mauritz
and Rose Baier are married 25 years today.
They have an Anniversary Mass at Sacred Heart at 630
this morn. I’m busy all morning helping
Kiwanis put over the peanut sale. YMCA
boys solicit house to house. My group “Carol
Springborn leader, salesman Jeff 86 and Ted 41 Krumrich – Dennis Moon 69 – Jim
Wells 51 – Gerald Roberts 46. Our
territory Broad to Hazel – E. Irving to E. New York Ave. We are with the Mauritz’s tonight to help
them celebrate. A mock wedding with me
as the bride – Annie Heip – the groom Hansei Stockinger, minister.
23. Sunday: To 715
High Mass – Father Schorn. His topic our
new diocesan paper, which will begin circulation in November. When Mary Ann is not feeling too well this
morning. Maybe it is the aftermath of
the wedding celebration or as she puts it the fat ham she ate. Joan Mauritz has a birthday she is 24. Peace Lutheran Church is celebrating the 95th
Anniversary. The first church was built
in 1862. First pastor Rev. Karl Wadlt in
1866 Rev. C Stark – 1870 Phillip Brenner – 1881 Rev. Christof Dowidat. During the pastorate of Dowidat the church split. Dowidat formed the new
congregation “Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church” on Nebraska Street. Rev. W.C. Lemke pastor in 1882 –Rev. J.M. Koepplin
1890-1904 Rev. W.D. Ahl 1904-1922 – Rev.
Ahl was a good friend of F.W. Mueller, my deceased partner in business. Rev. C.J. Lange 1922 -1946 also very good friend of F W’s. Rev. David Fetter 1946-1955. New Church built in 1951. During Rev. Ahl’s pastor it a number of families
wishing to worship in English formed “First English Lutheran Church.”
Com. Happy
Hour of Death
24. Monday: Had our
regular Monday A.M. meeting. Turns out
to be a beautiful day temperature about 70°.
Norm Brown is with us. He will be
at the Yahr Lange open house tomorrow and Wednesday. Joan Mauritz – Doris Heisler and Mary Ann
have dinner at the____. Attended Rosary
for Joe Michels tonite. I weighed in at
146 pounds this morning.
25. Tuesday: [M 9 M]
Dropped in to see Aloys Tscheck. He
tells me the slide for the boat house is almost ready. Had luncheon at the Town Grill with Pete Beck
– Joe O’Connor – George Haverty – Al Cristl in regard to Sisters Party. Another beautiful day temperature about 71°.
26. Wednesday: Took an
afternoon off, out to the cottage picking apples, there is some very choice
ones left. Bill Mauritz is out doing
some work setting the boat slide.
27. Thursday: [M 6 M] Met
with Walter Patri this morning, learn that there is an agreement among Fred
Baumgartner’s family in regard to the Mueller Potter Stock owned by Loretta. Her father willed to her 123 shares. This is quite an event for the Sisters of the
Parochial Schools of Oshkosh. Our Serra
Club entertains them at the Columbus Club.
About 45 Sisters present. This is
rather unique in as much as we know of no other event like it in Wisconsin. Needless to say the Sisters were well pleased.
28. Friday: Marge Haverty
and Adeline Steinhilber are spending the day at the Helena Rubinstein
educational demonstration and schooling at the Athearn Hotel. Mother – Mary Ann and me have the evening
meal at the Columbus Club. Had a nice
visit with George Pierre, he still belongs to the Appleton assembly 4th Degree
K. of C. A rather interesting T.V.
program Truth or Consequences. It is
about a druggist in Indianapolis, Geo. Steinberger 502 North Highland St. who
had a partner incapacitated and for 5 years George gave him a salary of $100
per week altho the partner was unable to work.
Some time ago George met with disaster at his store. I forget was it flood or fire caused about
$12,000 damage. Jack Bailey on Truth or
consequences had George and Mrs. on his program. They were rewarded with a new store front and
all new store fixtures put in in 2 days, also washer drier – Amana freezer and
many useful household gifts. Al Fritz
help to get George on.
29. Saturday: My weight
today 145 pounds.
30. Sunday: To 715
Hi Mass Father Milbauer. He spoke on the
8th commandment. I found a few ways to
lie without committing a sin, “great stuff.” Bill Mauritz is at the cottage
this afternoon trimming trees back of the cottage. Donald helped lug branches away and picked
apples. We visited Bill’s mother she
looks very thin and weak. Paid last
respects to John Poeschl at Sitters. St.
Johns congregation have their fall festival.
Father John Kohnke from Hingham Montana buys a projector from Don.
Com. Joe Michels
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