01. Saturday:
[Hans Thorgrimsen 54 accepts appointment as first City Manager of Oshkosh. He has been manager of Rapid City So.
Dakota.] Father Worzella in at 650. Don in at 11.15 with my mail. He tells me Walter Rosenau next to Pete
Fisher’s had a black out this A.M. fell off a ladder, cut quite a gash in the
back of his head. Talk to Elsie Kirsch
on the phone this morning. Jim is coming
home tonite. Eddie brings mother over
this aft. Don is at the cottage to cut
grass, trying to make up for lost time.
Marge Haverty is in this afternoon.
Ray Schmidt is in from 6 to 7 P.M.
Joe – Mary Drexler –Marge Beck – Rose Weisheipl drop in, they are to see
Judge McDonald, he is in 406. Bill
Salzieder is in. Don gets through at 8
P.M. at cottage. Bill – Rose Mauritz –
Joe Baier spend a very interesting evening with me. Mary Ann also for the evening.
02. Sunday:
[I’m allowed to sit on a chair 30 minutes] Father Worzella has High Mass at 6 A.M. Communion for me at 700. Breakfast at 800 and a nice
long visit with Sister Capistrana. She’s
grand. Jean Horejs stops in for a time,
she on floor 5 with 8 Students. Carl
Radomski calls up from St. Luke’s Hospital – Milwaukee this morning. Its a treat to talk to him. Tony Paulick and Bob are in. Joe died in Chicago. Tony to his funeral tomorrow. Ollie – Ann – Lawrence Kinateder stop in for
a nice visit. Karl Kiekhafer – Tom Peck
– Art Margaret Mueller on their way to Appleton. Ann and Ray Ostertag, Miss Spreutel – Dave
Wingrove’s girl friend is in. Bill
Mauritz stops in 715 to 745 Lawrence
Kinateder stops, tells me
03. Monday:
[Jimmy Radomski tries magnifying glass on his pants burns a hole thru them,
tries it on his shoes, don’t work leather is too thick.] Communion as usual. Jake Klemmer is in. He feels much improved but has rheumatoid
arthritis. Goldie is taking curative
treatments. Dr. Bill Wagner is back
telling me about the big ones (muskies) that got away. Tony Pable is in for 2 hrs this aft, so is
Norm Brown. Norm had luncheon with Thres
and Mary Ann. George Duckett talks to
Don about Medical Art Building, about the Clinic Pharmacy. Ed and Eddie Fretschel –Joe Schiessl – Arno
Abraham are in. Art Hazen spends an hour
from 6-7. Leon and Dolores Moore –Harry
and Agnes – Mary Ann Joanne Mauritz spend the evening. Harry tells about Mary’s Grad. They stayed over at Margarets. Little Jimmy Radomski uses magnifying glass
on his dad Carl, tells him he notices his color and also his Polish accent is
coming back. What a boy!
04. Tuesday:
Communion as usual. Sister Capistrana is
in. My clips are removed at 11 A.M. Harry Otto is in this aft. He is in 224.
Operated 2 weeks ago tonite. I do
a little visiting myself. Mrs.
Schoenberger in 207 Matt Kinderman in 205.
Jim Kirsch is in with a present.
He’ll be working again for us this summer. Don and Mary Ann in this aft. Don shows Sister Capistrana what her new
taperecorder will look like. Cliff and
Sue Crowell are in tonite, also Mrs. Kinderman.
Dr. Scheuerman says I need not stay much longer. Up until 11 Oclock listening to a 13 inning
ballgame. Giants beat the Braves 8-7.
05. Wednesday:
Father Worzella in at 6.45. First
visitor Mrs. Andrashko, mother to Mary Ellen.
She is starting to work here from 11 to 7 A.M. John Binder, medical student is in, his
mother is here for blood tests. Carl
Kiekhafer has 2 rainbows for me. Bill
Stumpf is in for an hour this noon. Don
and Gale Robertshaw are in at 130. Otto – Emma Lemke and Thres spend the
afternoon. Joe Schiessl stops in. Surprize visitors Dick Schroeder –Jack Binder
– Ronnie Osmus with a box of cigars.
Nancy Mathe – Mrs. Schoenberger – Lawrence Kinateder. More cards from the Czekalskis – Ed – Fred
Worm – Ed Dess Wirtz –Theresa Stadler – Mass from K.C. Mary Ann spends the evening.
06. Thursday:
[Pete Hansen room 221 drops in to listen to Giants – Braves game. Reuten Gomez
beats the Braves 2-0 4 hits.] Communion as usual. Dr. Wagner takes off my bandaged, thinks
wound looks OK. Ray Novotny and Fred
Baumgartner are in, I sign new application for stations #1 and #4 $3000 for #1 $2400 for #4. Ray gets the $8710 he
will be 55 in July has 7 years to go for retirement when he will receive $35000
per month plus what he can earn.
Margaret O’Reilly from Omro drops in for an hours visit. I’m sponsoring her course in nursing. Mrs. J Rozek is in also Frank Drexler –Rev.
Daniel Stahmer. Catherine Eberhart introduces
herself, Sally Paulson, Menasha another of my girls spends an hour also Thres
Polier –Mrs. Joe Drexler. Father Sladek
spends an hour, Sister Eleanor. Jim
Kinderman finishes off the evening with a long visit.
07. Friday: [Sister Capistrana asks Mary Ann about
“Betty Hill.” Ted Engelke a classmate of mine at Park School died of heart
attack 11.45 A.M. today. Born 8/8/91]
First Friday. I offer Holy Communion for
Serra. Rose Stephanus, asks me about
Father Schorn. He married her father and
mother Mr. Mrs. Martin Stephanus at St. Martins church in Ellis a mission of
Father Schorn’s when he was at Custer.
Harry Otto is going home today.
Had a long visit with Harry Berres this afternoon. He is in 408 also dropped in to see Judge Dan
McDonald he is in 406. Bernice Novitch
and Earl Fuchs are in this afternoon. A
Card from Caroline Drexler with “Mass Offering.” A Jar of Glockcemias” from Ray
Deal. Father Milbauer spends an hour
with me, he takes Mary Ann home. Pete
Hansen is in for the game Braves beat Pittsburgh 5-0.
08. Saturday:
Father Worzella is in its 6.45. Visited
with Matt Kinderman. Shows me the tube
thru which he is being fed. He gets
about 6 eggs plus baby food each day.
Dr. Wagner is in to see me and I get good news “I may go home today.”
Had a very nice visit with Mrs. Norbert Landgrof. Dropped in to see Ann Bartelt in 315. She is in a very bad way. Her sister Mrs. Harvey Ziebell says that Ann
told her, she wants to die. Don and
family are here to take me home at 2 P.M.
Left a 5 # Box Candy for the Nurses and “Good Bye” to room 206. Matt and Amanda bring some “Gropfens.”
09. Sunday:
Slept quite well the first night home.
Don picked us up for 715 Hi Mass. Father Milbauer. Father Keller has an interesting program on
the Christophers T.V. Cecil de Mille and
the others who helped him produce the “Ten Commandments.” Worked on
“Professional Statements.” Donald is sponsor for Stan Esslinger’s little boy, name
Mark. Little boy is 3 months of age. Dolores Kiesow is co-sponsor. We have Don’s family with us for the
evening. Don works.
Com. Deceased Holy
Name Members
10. Monday: [Norm Brown is with us this noon.] Don
took me down to the Store. Experienced a
very busy hour there. More work on
professional and industrial statements.
Mary Berger 1039 – 5th passed away Sunday 630
P.M. Had a heart attack Sunday morning
after attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion. Born Jan. 19 – 1900 Mary Bloechl sister to
Louis. Mrs. Art Bartelt 910 – 8th died
Sunday 3.25 P.M at Mercy born 9-25-1898.
Anna Frank. Married
2-12-1918. Old time “Charivari” for Ed
Binder and Norma Esser at their home “Leonard’s Point” tonight. About 35 people present. Tony Serwas took us. Home at 1.15 A.M. A real nice party. Thunder and much rain tonight.
11. Tuesday:
[I now weigh 138 pounds.] Don takes me to Kiwanis luncheon. Had a very fine program. Oshkosh Youth Organization were given quite a
sendoff by Al Lundquist Manager Coca Cola Bottling. Our guests Chuck Fiss –Del MacRay – Bill
Harford –Bob Stauffer – ___ ___ and Hans
Thorgrimsen Oshkosh first city manager.
First National Bank Chorus entertained directed by Dick Burr. Dropped in to see Paul Wertsch. He had me take out and drive a Chrysler New
Yorker, gold nugget color. To cemetery
board meeting at 430.
No President – no V.C. or V.P. Leonard Reinke takes over as T.P.
12. Wednesday:
Paul Wertsch is not feeling well today and stays away from work. Appointment with Dr. Bill Wagner this
afternoon. He says I’m doing well, come
again next Monday. Picked up the New
Chrysler this afternoon. Sold the 1958
De Soto to Eddie Weisheipl for 49500. I had 61130 miles on it.
13. Thursday:
[T] More rain during the night. Set the
news this morning that Al Leonard Chicago Regional Sales Manager Rexall passed
away. Talk to Mrs. Ann at Donellan
Funeral Home. She said they had flown
into the Chicago Airport from L.A. Monday Evening. Charles Rhoten –Mr. Sherringhausen there to
meet them. Al said He was happy to get
his feet on Illinois soil. Kidding he
asked “Where’s the Band.” Walked only a few feet and collapsed, died early
yesterday morning at the hospital.
14. Friday: [Appointed to Oshkosh Foundation
Committee.] Serra Club to St. Johns 7 Oclock Mass and Corporate Communion. About 20 or more present. Had breakfast at the Athearn. Steve Kircher took the over and back. Don is with Werstch Motor Co. Sales meeting
and breakfast also at the Athearn.
Temperature 73°at 8.30 A.M. Day
Wingrove puts on screens for us at the house, I believe this is the latest we
have ever put them on.
Com. Serra
15. Saturday:
Don is at the cottage this afternoon, raking and planting grass, mother does
some cleaning in the cottage.
Temperature up to 83°. I worked
at the store until 6 P.M. then out to the cottage. We arrive home at 930 and
find Harry and Agnes Kujawa visiting with Mary Ann. Receive notice of official appointment as a
member of the Oshkosh Foundation Committee to replace Matt Mertz – resigned.
16. Sunday:
To 730 Hi Mass. Father
Schorn. Weather changeable. We were awakened by a heavy thunder early
this morning. It was an electrical storm
hitting from all directions. Temperature
up during the day up to 83°. The
Milwaukee Braves acquire “Red Schoendienst” from the New York Giants, they gave
up Pitcher Ray Crove – Outfielder Bobby Thomson and Second Basement Danny
Com. Honor God the
Father, also Stanislaus Jarosch
17. Monday:
[Sister Veronica had to have a ride in the new Chrysler. Off. Temp. in Oshkosh 89°] Starting out a bit
hot and humid this morning. After some
work at the store, we leave for Elm Grove at 10.45 with Sisters Romana –
Zephryn –and Maxine. Run into a few
heavy showers near Milwaukee. Arrived at
12.45. Had luncheon and then a wonderful
visit with Sister Veronica who was Sister Superior at St. Vincents about
1930. We had a lot of trips together to
Milwaukee –Elm Grove –Madison – Waupun, Green Bay – Sheboygan – Wisconsin
Rapids. She was 70 years of age May
16th. Lost her brother John Wambach that
same day. Back home at 4.30 P.M. Visited Dr. Wagner office tonite, he says Im
OK so far.
18. Tuesday:
Had our Kiwanis luncheon at the Legion Club House today. Nice place but too noisy for our
speaker. Spoke to Gale Robertshaw on the
phone about seeing the Rexall Holiday display at the Lorraine Hotel Madison. Don – Bill Mauritz put in the skid for our
boat, this evening, Ray Ostertag is with them.
20. Thursday: Don and Eddie Weisheipl leave for
Madison at 10.30. Fred Baumgartner –
myself – Adeline Steinhilber – Marge Haverty leave at 12.20 got lost on the way
arrived at 2.30 P.M. Rexall display is
at the Lorraine Hotel. Charles Rhoten in
21. Friday:
Herman Behm 1826 Arizona St. passed away 9 Oclock this morning at Mercy. Born Aug. 25 – 1922 in Underhill Wis. Married Jane Bixley Dec. 12 -1942. Active sports car racer. Record at Daytona Beach Feb.28 -1956, a
Stanguellini car powered by a Mercury outboard motor at 102.1 miles per hr in
the 750 cc Division. He had the agency
for Kaiser motors, and did all of Donald’s work. Of late his agency for Volks Wagons did a
thriving business
22. Saturday:
Weather quite warm, 85° at 12.30 PM. Saw
Postmaster Novotny this morning, he tells me, my contract for Station #4 at the
Main Street Store has been approved for 2400 per year. Work the most of the afternoon, took a drive
to the cottage after supper. Don and Arline
are there. Matt and Joe Drexler –Manda
and Ceil visited with them.
23. Sunday: [T] To 730 Hi
Mass – Father Schorn. At the store from
10.30 to 12.30. Temperatures 61° at 7 A.M. Sister Linus is at home with her family. We visit with her from 3 to 5. She came home Friday, is allowed 5 days. Father Victor Kandy is honored by his
parishioners with a picnic at the church grounds in Winneconne. Norm Brown called this afternoon, Aunt Nora
passed away last night at 7 Oclock. Mary
Ann is invited to dinner at Dr. Don Gerths.
Com. Mary Berger
24. Monday:
Took Ed Fretschl and Thres Potter to our cottage. Ed is cutting the hay down back of the
cottage. Attended my first meeting of
the “Oshkosh Foundation.” Present for Reuben Shekey – Carl Steiger – John
Dempsey – Mrs. Waite – George Nevitt – Ed Schrank –A.E. Potter. First Trust Company represented by Clarence Lambrecht.
![]() |
1957 06 25 Lutz obit |
25. Tuesday:
[Temperature 57° this morning.] To Kiwanis Club. Rev. Becker and Rev. Eide put on the program,
slides on the Bible. Don is at the
cottage tonight with a trailer to get rid of a lot of hay and other junk. Dave Wingrove and ___ Ludwig help him. Bob Lutz an old school mate of mine at St.
Vincents School died last evening in California. Lived at 3427 Georgia Street San Diego. Married Marie Ebe in 1921. Survived also by Brother Reuben, sister Celia
now Mrs. Sterling Cody.
26. Wednesday:
[Birthdays: Rob Fretschl 30 Leonard Fretschl 37] Francis Spellman and Erma
Schneider married 50 years ago today by Father James Hogan at St. Johns Church. Took Thres to Berlin this afternoon. Left Mary Ann’s and Mother’s Fur Coats at Nigbors
for storage cleaning and glazing.
Stopped to see Harry Kujawa at the Farmers & Merchants Bank and find
John and Mary working there. Gave Mary
her graduation present. Harry tells me
he talked to Karl Radomski on the phone yesterday. Karl is still a St. Luke’s hospital, getting
blood transfusions to build him up.
27. Thursday:
Took mother for another treatment at Simpson’s at 9.15.
28. Friday:
[Blue Shield Plan paid Dr. Wm Wagner 10000
for my operation.] On the job at 9 AM to 11.30.
Steve Kircher took Ed Binder and me to the Serra luncheon at the Jesuit
Novitiate. It was a meal not a
luncheon. Our table Dr. William Wagner –
Bill Mauritz – John Fitzgerald and myself.
Father Sheehan gave a nice talk about novices and the novitiate. This afternoon I took Ed Fretschl – Annie
Heip with us to the cottage for some cleanup work. The Brands are getting ready to entertain 60 Y.M.C.A.
youngsters tomorrow at the cottage, after a boat ride to Omro and back
sponsored by the Outboard Motor Club.
29. Saturday:
To Poklasny’s to pay last respects to Rudy Novotny. To Sacred Heart Church to Billy Mauritz and Jeanie
Horej’s wedding Hi Mass. A beautiful day. Took Ed and Thres Fretschl and Annie Heip
with us to the Horej’s for the reception.
We staid from 530 to 830. Did not attend dance at the Columbus Club in
the evening, most of our store personnel did.
Almost forgot to mention Donald was Billy’s best man.
30. Sunday:
To 730 Hi Mass. Father
Milbauer. Winnebagoland Marathon in
outboard motors is on today. From Fond
du Lac to Freemont and back. Don and
family spend the day at the cottage.
Mother is feeling badly – very dizzy, her right leg bothers considerably. Clara Luck plays her last service at the
organ of Trinity Episcopal Church. She
has been organist there for 51 years.
Years ago she worked for Dr. John E. Schein, as assistant in his
Com. Thres.
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