01. Monday: A beautiful
day and warmer. The Brooklyn Dodgers won
the N.L. Pennant yesterday by defeating Pittsburgh 8-6. The Braves won from the Cardinals 4-2 one
game behind the Dodgers in the Pennant Race.
At the Post Office I met Hi Eagan.
He tells about Mrs. Fuzz Getchel taking over the photo work since Fuzz
had a slight stroke. Norm Brown is here
for the noon meal. Oil painting of Nile
J. Behnke first director of the Oshkosh Public Museum was formally presented to
the museum during a memorial program Sunday afternoon. Painted by Lester Bentley –Greenwich Conn.
02. Tuesday: To Kiwanis
Club luncheon Fred Leist has one of his groups in the coming Operetta
“Carousel” sing for us. Soloists –Donald
Boese in “Soliloquy” Lucy Drexler in “Whats the use of Wondering” Susan Michels
–James Hook – sang “Mister Snow” Judith Brunover – Esther Kolb in “June is
busting out all over again,” and many others.
Loretta Perk and Dale Menke were cute in “If I Loved You.” Tonite mother
and I to “Perpetual Help Devotion” mother and Emma Lemke to S.S.B.M. Auxiliary
meeting. Court Whist is played Mother
also sent the Lady Foresters a good sized loaf rye bread for their meeting.
03. Wednesday: [Bade Bro.
Eugene Goodbye] Dropped in at Fretschl’s with some jelly and jam for the
kiddies, this morning. Tress is busy
preparing mud hen dinner. First World
Series Game today Brooklyn defeat Yankees 6-3.
Sal Maglie (old timer) pitched the full nine innings, struck out 10
Yankees. Donald – Eddie Heip and me to
Green Bay tonight for regional “Rexall” meeting. It was really on exetutives getting
acquainted dinner. John Bowles – Charlie
Rhoten – Bill Kelly –Milton Deibel were there representing Rexall. Dick & Mrs. Milbauer –Ken and Mrs. Sepersky
– Gale and Mrs. Robertshaw – Frank and Mrs. Rhymes.
04. Thursday: Don and
little Donnie take our boat to the cottage expecting to house it for the
winter. Bill Mauritz and Aloys Czcheck are there to complete the boat
track laying. A little more adjusting must be done, and Don had to take
the boat back to town. Had quite a visit
with Bill Kelly at my office today. He
is our Rexall Minneapolis District Director of Sales. We discuss the Chasco Plan. Brother Eugene Ratley, Superior at Alexian
Brothers Home leaves for Elizabeth New Jersey.
05. Friday: To Holy
Communion with mother at 7 Oclock.
Com. Don and family – Mary Ann
06. Saturday: Joe Baier
about ready to go to work this morning suffers a hemorrhage and is confined to
bed at home. Fred Baumgartner is 52
today. The third world series game is
played at Yankee Stadium the Yankees winning 5-3. Attendance 73977 and that’s a lot of people
for a baseball game. Tonites T.V.
programs very good: Ford Theatre presents “You are the Top” with a bevy of the
finest singers and actors honoring Cole Porter.
“Kiss and Tell” with Shirley Temple.
07. Sunday: [6 hours] To 715
High Mass – Father Schorn – Sermon Detractors and Whisperers. It is one of the best sermons I heard in a
long time. Mother and I attend Rosary
Service this evening and I’m back to work.
Put in about 6 hours at work today.
After work we see a very interesting T.V. picture “A Woman with the
Lamp,” depicting the life of “Florence Nightingale” as a nurse in the British –
Russian War about 1854. Charlie OKrueg
died yesterday 9.45 AM Mercy Hospital.
Knew him for many years. He was
quite a fisherman married Annie Esslinger June 21 – 1906.
Com. Anne (Mrs. Ted) Drexler.
08. Monday: [11 hours]
Norm Brown is over for pigs hocks – dumplings and sauerkraut and believe me
here really tied in. Donald takes Joe
Baier to Mercy Hospital in our station wagon.
Joe is in 201 and is due to get some blood transfusions, he is very
weak. Don Larson makes a new
record. He wins the 4th World Series
game at the Yankees Stadium New York by pitching on no hits – no run – no walk
game against the Dodgers. Only 27
Dodgers to bat and none got to first base.
Sal Maglie pitched for the Dodgers.
He did a good job but he lost 2-0.
Conrad Ben Pitcher the new Secretary and Executive Vice Pres. of the
Chamber of Commerce is in to see me to get acquainted.
09. Tuesday: [Brooklyn 1
Yankees zero 10 innings. Clem Lobine
pitched for Dodgers Bob Turley Yankees.] Had a meeting with Don Wolk at Brand’s
about our new fixtures for the South Store.
This was yesterday morning.
Yesterday afternoon C Ben Pitcher, new V.P. of the Oshkosh Chamber of
Commerce was in to see me in regard to an important letter regarding service at
our North Store. Attended Kiwanis
today. Bernard Geffers Chief of the Fire
Dept. is our speaker. To Perpetual Help
Devotion this evening and then for a visit with Joe Baier.
10. Wednesday: Rose
Weisheipl is 45 today. 8 ½ hrs T] Had a card from Msgr. Gerald Fitkau from
Cologne Germany. Card shows Pontifical
Outdoor Mass by Cardinal Piazza with Msgr. Fitkau assisting. Bill Mauritz is at the cottage this
evening. Don brought up the boat and
with Bill’s help put it up for the winter.
Bill stopped to the house for few hours tonite. Had trouble finding his car key. We finally located it on our rug in a rather
remote corner of the dining room. Mary
Ann and Joann Mauritz see “Mountain” a very good movie at the Oshkosh. Ann – Ray Ostertag – Rose Mauritz see Joe
tonite at the hospital.
11. Thursday: Had a card
from Sister Virginia today. She is
spending time in Rome. A short stop at
the St. Vincents parsonage – Father Milbauer is there. Visited Joe Baier at the hospital. Dr. Ray Wagner dropped in, he is going to
Detroit this afternoon, his younger brother is to have an operation for cancer,
tomorrow. Dropped in at Haverty’s to
learn how Elizabeth is getting along.
She is very weak, complete exhaustion Dr. Will Wagner says. Needs plenty
of rest.
12. Friday: To Serra Club
luncheon. Marie Hoyer is our guest and
13. Saturday: A beautiful
(should I say) summer’s day. Temperature
is about 80°. Mother and me are at the
cottage. Do a lot of raking leaves. Temperature at 6 P.M. still 70°.
14. Sunday: President
Eisenhower is 66 today. I hope he has many
more birthdays. He’s a fine man. To 730 Hi Mass with Holy
Name Father Milbauer. No sermon
today. Letter from Bishop Bona in regard
to collection for the “Society for the Propagation of the Faith.” Don and
family are with us for dinner and we are happy to have them. Little
Markie has a very good appetite. Bill Mauritz - Don and myself go out to
the cottage for the afternoon. Bill and Don bring in the boat slide. Confirmation for Adults and Converts at St.
Vincents tonight.
Com. Deceased Brothers in the Holy Name.
15. Monday: [10 ½ hours]
Visited Joe Baier, Ray Wagner was in when I got there. There is some talk about Joe having surgery,
but he has not made up his mind as yet.
He also spoke to Dr. Kuhn. Also
visited Henry Zentner who is in the room next to Joe. Henry had kidney stones removed by Dr.
Cummings. Norm Brown is with us this
16. Tuesday: [Bishop
Grellinger heard in head on collision.] Received some bad news this morning, my
Tommy Eberhart is in trouble. Stopped to
see his mother, then to the police station and learn he is locked up with other
boys, who were accused of breaking into a freight car and stealing 5 Cases of
Liquor consigned to T. and S. Tobacco Co.
Stopped to see Judge Lucksinger and according to his story, these boys
are about to the end of their rope. He
however stated he would talk to me again, about Tom’s case. To Kiwanis luncheon, and to cemetery board
meeting at 4.30. Served as Honor Guard
at St. Johns close of 40 Hours Devotion, Father Carson a white father had the
17. Wednesday: A beautiful
day with temperature hitting 80°. Mother
and I spend the afternoon at the cottage raking and burning leaves for 4
hours. The evening was beautiful on the
lake, almost a full moon and I’m down there with no top shirt and very
comfortable. Bishop John Grellinger was
injured in a head on automobile collision 3 miles south of De Pere on Hiway 41
on his way back to Oshkosh yesterday morning.
Suffered a fractured ankle and left kneecap and chin lacerations. A heavy blanket of fog caused the accident.
18. Thursday: [T] To 6.45
Mass – Father Milbauer. A meeting with
Mr. Edwards of the County Welfare Dept. at 900 then out to
see Mrs. Eberhardt 925 – 6th in regard to Tom –no new developments, he is still
locked up, then out to see Rose and Ann in regard to Emma Baier. She seems to think the folks (that is her
folks) want to put her back in the institution or submit to an operation then
over to Mercy to see Joe, he is looking good, doesn’t make much of Emma’s talk,
also tried room 364 where Father Kandy is confined, find him sleeping. Dr. Wagner (Ray) introduced me to Dr.
Hillenbrandt the pathologist at Mercy.
Sister Emelia wanted to show me the new pharmacy, but I run out of
Com. Serra
19. Friday: This evening
to Marquardt Funeral Home to pay our respects to Mr. Doepping, Esther Mueller’s
father. He died yesterday morning at the
age of 89. He was a retired
schoolteacher. Taught at Peace Lutheran
School 1916 and was organist and choir director.
20. Saturday: Mary Ann and
Arlene take Debbie up town for clothes.
21. Sunday: [6 hours] To
715 Hi Mass Father Schorn.
To work at 930.
Weather is pleasant. Wisconsin
Axle Company has open house this afternoon.
I went alone as Don was busy with Vera Cole at Winneconne. Met Charlie Konrad – Kenny Samer (son of
George) Walter Kleinfeldt and a number of people I know. Harold Lang gave me a few pointers about the
gear and axle business. Charlie Konrad
confided to me he is intending to be married in about a month to a lady from
Chicago residing at 1911 Hubbard St.
Well Charlie is 78 and states he needs a home. More power to him.
Com. “Happy Hour of Death.”
22. Monday: [Attended Holy
Name Dinner (City Wide) at St. Pete’s.
Eddie and Don leave for home at 1 A.M.] Visited Joe Baier this
morning. Met Doctor Ray Wagner, that
Joe’s ulcer is not duodenal but on the end of the stomach. That is the reason he would like to have Joe
submit to an operation. Joe’s blood down
to 67 and had to have a blood transfusion.
Norm Brown is with us as usual, he stopped in to see Joe this
morning. Met Earl Samer on Oregon Street
this afternoon. He is due for a check
up, nerves pretty well shot. He was with
Ringling Brothers Circus Band until it folded.
Thres plays Cards at Mayme Siewerts So. Side B.M. Auxiliary this
afternoon. Don and Eddie check Xmas Mdse.
here tonite.
23. Tuesday: To Kiwanis
luncheon, 10 new members are taken in.
Our table Bruno Romanowski – Harry Fox –Howard Godshall – Bill Radford
–Tom Schwalm – A.E. Potter –Mel Kleinschmidt.
Stopped at the Apostolate this morning.
Father Sladek not in, learn the boys in the car break in at T and S
stand trial tomorrow 8.30 A.M. Tom
Eberhart among them. Bill Kemnitz,
charter member of our Kiwanis Club and for years collector of our attendance
slips passed away last evening 930. Suffered a Heart Attack 4 months ago. Born Oct. 26 – 1876. Barber in Oshkosh 63 years. Thres plays Cards after Col. Club Auxiliary
luncheon with Annie Heip –Thres Fretschl – Annie Ostertag
24. Wednesday: [T] Visited
Joe Baier this morning learned he had another blood transfusion yesterday, it
took 5 hours to give it to him, this is not exactly according to Hoyle, it
usually takes from 1 ½ to 2 hours. Met “Ollie”
Kinateder at the City Hall this morning.
First time I’ve seen him since his return from Rochester Minnesota at
Mayo Clinic. Not looking too bad, but
his voice box is out and he can not talk.
Joe called this afternoon that he has permission to leave the hospital,
so I hurry over to take him home. Thres
Score 55 plays cards at Annie Ostertags Scored 27 with Mrs. Brusius Score 37
and Rose Stiefvater Score 46.
25. Thursday: Visited Joe
Baier at home, he is looking much improved, then Thres Fretschl about the Anna
Schmidt family, then to the Post office to mail package to Germany to the
Rothbauers, then to see Joe Fenzl about renting his store to the Social
Security Board. Hungarians have rebelled
against Russian domination and many of them have been killed in riots.
26. Friday: To Serra Club
luncheon I presented letter and a book from Sisters St. Vincents to John
Callinan our president. Had some
unexpected company at my office tonight.
Jack McKone brought in Freddy Andrews 18 and ___ Phillips and Bill MacDonald
brought in Bob Fowler and Tom Hadden basketball players who were here for (tonite’s)
tomorrow night’s game sponsored by our K C’s for our Crusaders. Thres
entertains Rose Stiefvater –Elsie Nigl –Martha Lichtfuss Scores are poor. Thres and Elsie 42 Martha 39 Rose 34.
![]() |
Found between pages for 26-27 Oct |
27. Saturday: Attended
funeral services for Enoch H. Haskins, at the Marquart funeral home by Robert
Schrader, Salvation Army. Mary Ann and Arline
takes little Donnie up town for clothes, little Markie gets in on the deal also. Mary Kriz died at 8.10 A.M. Mercy Hospital
where she was a patient since Monday.
Her husband Frank died in 1948.
Born Sept. 13 – 1885, married June 30 – 1909. We used to take her and Mrs. Jungwirth home
from church Sundays. Took in the
basketball game between the “Harlem Magicians” and the “New York Olympians” at
the South Park Gym tonite. Goose Tatum
is a riot.
28. Sunday: [Sid Gordon
well known fishing expert and waiter died 1.45 PM at Mercy. Lived at 620 Jackson Blvd.] Mother and me to
annual 4th Degree Corporate Communion at St. Peter’s. Father Vanden Hogen told us we are all KC “Knights
of Christ. Father McKeough attended our
Ham and Egg breakfast. Gave a lovely
talk about the Fourth Degree and what it means.
To work at 10.30 to 12.30. Mary
Ann spends the day at Don’s. Mother and
me to Sacred Heart Ham Dinner at 4.45.
Met Father Bunkleman at the door of the Hall. He was there with a big smile and a very
satisfied look. Had our dinner with Bill
and Rose Mauritz. Mother spends the
evening with Aunt Annie Heip, I work part time and also pay last respects to
Mary Kriz at Sitters.
29. Monday: [Bill Kelly is
in town for Rexall Promotion] Our fixtures at South from Brands are coming in. Eleven Gondolas arrived this morning. Vic Fink and Don Wolk are over estimating the
sales value of the fixtures we have for sale.
Don and Eddie are very busy setting the new gondolas in place. Norm Brown is here as usual. Stopped to see Joe Baier, he is getting tired
of staying home. Had our Rexall meeting
at Town Grill after work. Meeting begins
10.10 ended 11.10 P.M. Frances Koplitz
died at Mercy 2.45 A.M. Born October 21 –
1878. Sister to Frank – Joe – Albert F –Anthana
30. Tuesday: [12 hours]
According to a United Press report 3000 Hungarians are dead and over 20000
wounded in Budapest alone. Soviet tanks
and troops have withdrawn carrying their dead with them. To Kiwanis luncheon. We see a movie on the Kiwanian project for
underprivileged children, selling dates, Attended cemetery board meeting at 430. It is short, only bills to be paid. George Timmerman has a crew of 5 men painting
the ceiling at our south store. I stick
with them from 6 P.M. until 100 A.M. Wednesday. Attended Perpetual Help Devotion and Rosary
for Frances Koplitz.
31. Wednesday: [8 hrs] Mark Kempinger 55 formerly
of Oshkosh employed as auditor for Chicago Northwestern R R passed away at
Green Bay Saturday evening. Survived by
3 brothers 4 Sisters and mother Paulina.
Services at Sacred Heart this morning by Father Bunkleman.
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