Tuesday: The New Year opens with 3° below zero. Mother and I attend 730 Low
Mass. Father Schorn gets us off to a
nice spiritual start. Markie spends
church time at our house with grandma. I
made good use of a few hours at the store getting out W 2’s for our employees. Jim Dougherty brings the Vouchers to our
house at dinner time and enjoys a New Year’s Martini with us. This evening attend rosary for Barbara
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Jan 2, 1957 obituaries |
Wednesday: 6° below
zero is official this morning. Thres and
self attend the banquet and installation of officers for Kiwanis in 1957. Russ Williams is our new president –Leon Eaton
Vice Pres. Wesley Schneider our new
district governor was the installing officer.
Thres won a GE Telechron Clock (Electric) retails 695. Worth winning. Mrs. Mauritz is laid to rest this morning in
Calvary Cemetery.
Thursday: Jim Kirsch
dropped in for a visit at the store. He
has to be back at St. Meinrads next Monday.
Saturday: Today I give
up the W 2’s to our employees. Paul
Sitter, brother to Greg – Tony and Steve died unexpectedly at Buffalo New York
last Wednesday. He was found dead in bed
evidently a heart attack. Born in
Oshkosh in 1892. He was not married. Funeral services here Monday from St. Mary’s
Church. He was 65. Met John McCain at the Post Office tonight. He tells a friend of his who saw him and Mrs.
McCain scrubbing the floor at his drug store.
Said their friend “There must be an easier way to make a living.”
Sunday: To 715
Hi Mass Father Milbauer is with the Christian Mothers. Don, Arlene,
Debbie, Donnie are with me. The children are very well behaved. Don
and Debbie must of course put the envelopes in the collection basket.
Mary Ann took care of Markie, stays at Don's for dinner. Mother and I
take a ride this afternoon, watch the skaters at Menominee Park Ice Rink and
then for a visit with Tom and Dee Peck at their new home on Doemel Drive.
Met Norm Ellish and Dee's aunt from Green Bay there. They both work at Sears
Roebuck there. Attended Rosary for Paul Sitter this evening.
Com. Barbara
Monday: Mother is not
feeling well. Too many dizzy spells. Took her to R. Simpson’s for treatment this
afternoon 3.30.
Tuesday: Joe Baier
tells me that, was taken back to Winnebago State Hospital this morning. Fall and Winter are really tough on her. To Kiwanis Club we really had a record
attendance evidently in honor of our new president Russ Williams. Eric Baller is present also. He has been confined for quite a time with a
heart ailment. Ottilie Jackish, mother
to our neighbor August passed away tonite at 730 at her home
144 Walnut St. Born Nov. 15 – 1869 in
Germany. Married to John Nov. 26 – 1890.
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1957-01-09 obit. |
Wednesday: Bought our
1958 Art Calendars from Pat Truax this evening.
After work to Fretschl’s where Thres – Annie Heip – and Otto and Emma
Lemke are hard at it in a game of sheephead.
Mrs. John Schoettl is laid to rest today at Riverside. Funeral services were conducted at a solemn
requiem for her at St. Mary’s Church Kaukauna.
Born at Hortonville Jan. 16 – 1864.
Mother to Father Frank Schoettl who died in 1954.
Thursday: [Temperature
4° below] Dropped in on Eric Ballers at Spoo’s.
Eric is back on the job part time 10-12 A.M. – 3-5 P.M. Met George Savage and Bob Conrad also
checking up on him. This evening Mother
and self attend banquet and installation of officers of Serra Club. John Bermingham is our new president. Met Father Crain, now a chaplain at Alexian
Brothers. Pat Hurlbut home from Europe
(Italy) sang a few numbers. Harold
Macmillan is named new prime minister of England, succeeding Sir Anthony Eden.
Friday: Took mother to
Simpson’s for another treatment this morning 9.30. Weather is moderating about 14° above this
Saturday: Mrs. Charles
Williams, mother to Russ Williams passed away yesterday afternoon 3.30
following a heart attack. Born May 27 –
1885 in Ponkapoog Mass. Married Charlie
Williams June 26 -1912.
Sunday: To 715
Hi Mass with Holy Name. Father Schorn’s
Sermon on family life as this is the feast of the Holy Family. Markie spends time with Grandma this morning
while the folks attend Mass.
Com. Deceased
Holy Name Brothers
Monday: [T] Up at 615
getting ready for Holy Mass. Temperature
is 13° below zero at 630.
About 25 people present at Mass.
Father Milbauer. This is my
morning to attend Mass for Intentions of Serra.
Norm Brown is with us this noon for Venison. Mother disguises it so well he did not
recognize it thinking it was a very fine grade of beef. Humphrey Bogart (actor) died today of throat
cancer. He was married to Lauren Bacall
in 1945. He was 57 last Christmas Day.
Com. Serra
Tuesday: To Kiwanis
luncheon. Got my first haircut of the
year this morning.
Wednesday: [DOX 5 Temperature 14° below] Three new directors
were appointed to the board at the annual stock holders meeting of the First
National Bank. They are John E (Jack)
Dempsey – Robert R. Thompson – Robert Wall.
Thursday: Temperatures
7° below this morning.
Sunday: To 730
Hi Mass Father Milbauer instead of the regular sermon, read a letter from
Bishop Bona about the collection next Sunday for our Indian and Negro missions. I worked part time. Mary Ann spent most of the day at Don’s.
Monday: Don’t know if
I should call this our January thaw.
Temperature is up to 38°.
President Eisenhower is sworn in as our 34th President today, with
somewhat inclement weather. Norm Brown
is with us for the Monday Noon Meal.
Mother and I attend the funeral and internment of Katie Duex. Father Shuh has the service at the grave. Annie Weisheipl is with us. Thres plays cards at Marge Hagene’s. Emma Lemke wins 1st prize. I attend Directors Meeting So. Side B.M. Club
at Ed Binder’s offices.
Tuesday: [TVG] To
Kiwanis luncheon. Special Guests, the
former presidents of our Kiwanis Club.
Charlie Konrad was the first president pro tem. Had to leave early for Cemetery Board Meeting
at 130 P.M. at the City Hall.
Dave Brown, Norm’s son is now with Marathon Paper, he got out of the
Service Saturday and started working yesterday.
Wednesday: Had a visit
with Dick White today, bought 50 Shares Armco Steel. Paul A. Cook a representative for the
Wisconsin Telephone Company was in this afternoon in regard to Intercom Service
with our West Store. Had a nice visit
with him, he is a native of Wisconsin, Marinette is his home. He knows Father Schorn from the time he was
at Wausaukee, also Roland and Joe Ahearn
Thursday: Markie is
over for short visit with grandma. Maude
Labudde and Rose are in my office for future of her office. Maude will be leaving soon and will have to have
someone to replace her. Bill Harford is
in for an ad for the Elks Jollies, he stays for quite a visit talking about
Oshkosh at the turn of the century, tells me he’ll be 65 in June. Charlie Rhoten and George Davis are in for a surprize
visit at my office. They are trying to
interest me in establishing a drugstore in one of the new shopping centers at
Fond du Lac or Appleton.
Friday: The new Oregon
Jackson Bridge is open to traffic today. In a ceremony and a few
brief speeches Mayor Ernie Siewert cut the ribbon marking the official opening
of the bridge. Paul Wertsch was master of ceremonies.
Sunday: [Bill Mauritz
53 today] To 730 Hi Mass Father Schorn. My car doesn’t start well today, means a trip
to the garage tomorrow morning. Mary Ann
spends the afternoon at Don’s. Mother
and me take care of Markie while the folks attend 9 Oclock Mass. He is full of life and dickens this
morning. Don has Eddie Weisheipl’s
family over for the evening. We get an
invitation to come to Bill Mauritz’s tonite, mother happened to think his
birthday is today. We brought Annie Heip
with us.
Com. Ted Stadtmueller
Monday: Busy day
getting ready for our annual meeting tonite. Norm Brown is over for
noon meal. Edward Garthwaite 34, Personnel Director at Deltox Co.
received the Junior Chamber Distinguished Service Award. Glenn Jorgensen
52, Vice President First National Bank received the (DCA) Distinguished
Citizenship Award. Had our annual meeting of Mueller Potter tonite at the
South Store. I welcomed the two new stockholders Art Hazen and Gerald
Calder. Harry and Agnes Kujawa spend the evening with mother.
Tuesday: To Kiwanis
luncheon. Very interesting talk with
slides by Russ Williams and Victor Hildeman.
Russ talked and Vic showed the pictures of their trip thru various
European Countries. The theme of the
talk “Organizing a Business in Germany.” They purchased a factory in Germany to
make the “Hoyer Invalid Lift” “Kranken Lifter” in Germany and then established
agencies in various countries for the sale of them. Russ also visited Cambridge where he received
his degree in law some years ago.
Wednesday: Another
cold morning, 11° below zero being registered.
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