01. Tuesday: Am somewhat better today but still
quite weak. To Stations and Mother of
Perpetual Help Devotions at St. Vincents tonite. Today is election day. Ernie Siewert defeats George Oaks for the
office of Mayor by 3142 votes.

03. Thursday: Will Siewert is taken to Mercy
Hospital this afternoon about 430. He shaved himself before he was taken over,
but is quite weak. I spoke to Dr. Ray
Wagner, attending physician, he states Will has a weak heart and a kidney
ailment. To church tonite with Thres and
Mary Ann.
04. Friday: Received the sad news that Will
Siewert passed away this morning at 4.45.
05. Saturday: This is a day of rain and lots of it,
also much wind. This afternoon to the
Lyman residence with Harry and Mary Butt.
They pick up their set of Haviland China, some tools – and miscellaneous
items. Thres Fretschl has a birthday, I
believe she is 60.
06. Sunday: The weather is still inclement, rain –
snow and wind. Mary Ann – Thres and self
to St. Vincents 730 Mass and then to work.
Spend an hour this afternoon at Marquardts with the Siewerts. Worked until 8.30 then back to Marquardts
until 1000. A nationwide
telephone strike begins at 600 A.M. tomorrow unless a
settlement is reached before that time.
Com. Will Siewert
07. Monday: Father Frank Schoettl and his mother
are in town, stop at the store. Will
Siewert laid to rest this afternoon. I
was one of the pallbearers. Rev. David Fetter
had the services at Peace Lutheran Church.
After the burial we stopped at Will’s home. I had a nice visit with Grandpa Siewert. He is 95, and has a wonderful memory, can
still see and hear well. Took Thres and
Mary Ann to the Strand tonite. Bing
Crosby – Fred Astaire –Joan Caulfield star in “Blue Skies” “Rhapsody Rabbit” in
Merrie Melodies is very good. The
Telephone Strike is on.
08. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon, our table Carl Knobla
– Ben Cornelius – Earl Buchanan – Abe Kagan and myself. Abe tells me, Mrs. Dave Collin passed away
last Thursday in California.
11. Friday: Mary Ann spends the night with Emma
13. Sunday: To 730 Mass with St.
Vincents Holy Name, then to work until 1230. Thres and myself left for Milwaukee about 3 P.M.
arrived at the Schroeder Hotel about 445. Checked in got a room on the 11th
floor which I did not like and exchanged for room 1027 which was just what we
wanted. Had dinner in the coffee room
and after a long walk we were ready to retire at 1130 P.M.
14. Monday: Breakfast in the Coffee Room then
registered for Rexall Convention. Gave
an address at the convention at 1015 taking the place of
President Tom Bolitho of Manistique.
Ernie Drushke Jr. welcomed the delegates to Milwaukee. Arch Carithers gave the Keynote address. James Delhousaye, Toiletries. At luncheon Jess Baker and George Camp joined
us. P.M. Howard Neill – Austin Walker – Richard Millbauer. Had dinner at Joe Deutsch’s guests of Stan
and Helen Culver. They know Les and Mrs.
Ross. Other guests Mr. Mrs. Ed Ziebarth,
Mr. Mrs. Leon Blust, Dick Milbauer Art Carithers – Al Leonard.
15. Tuesday: Breakfast at the Coffee Room with Mr.
Mrs. George Scheringhausen of Park Ridge, then to Convention, on the Program Al
Leonard –George Camp. Luncheon with Zieken,
Berlin – Gray of Ripon. PM program Ed
Mitchell –Jess Baker – Archie Carithers “Report to the Nation” was a
Masterpiece, I get the gavel from Austin Walker to be the new president. Banquet at 7 P.M. Mr. Mrs. Joe Leider at our table. Floor show after the Banquet was very good.
16. Wednesday: [T] Breakfast at the Schroeder,
then to McClurgs, find that Mr. Grace is not with them any longer. Dick Lynch is still there. Took a drive out to Carl and Margaret
Radomski’s new home at Logan and Potter – 2599 South Logan. They have made a nice place of it. Checked out at 4 PM – Home by 615. Back to work by 700 P.M.
until 11 P.M. Joseph Drexler (Herman’s
son) and Mary Berndt are married at Sacred Heart, this morning.
17. Thursday: Worked most of the morning and had
to do some hustling too. Grandpa Fretschl
fell down the stairway this morning. I
helped Dr. Ray Wagner take care of him.
He has a dislocated shoulder with possible fracture and a large bump on
the left side of his head. It may have
been a stroke. Took the 1102
train to Milwaukee with Donald. Met
Simon Horwitz and the honeymooners Joe Drexler and Mary Berndt, they are
registered at the Stevens Hotel Chicago.
Donald enjoys the convention, we take 1140 train home.
18. Friday: We are treated to an all days
snowstorm about 5 to 6 inches fell, even the snow plows are out cleaning big
city streets. Visited Grandpa Fretschl,
he shows no improvement his right eye is also closed. The doctor has diagnosed what he had as a
stroke. Our washmachine (Bendix) goes
haywire today. After blowing 3 fuses I
decided we’d better call the Public Service Co.
We are also without heat as our gas unit is on the same circuit. Mary Ann to see Dr. Will Wagner. Mary Ann spends the night with Emma Siewert.
19. Saturday: [T] The snow is melting fast. Visited Grandpa again, he is losing
ground. We are without heat until 430
PM today. Took Mary Ann to Mercy
Hospital for X Rays.
20. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass St.
Vincents. The decorating job in the
church proper is nearly complete and looks very nice. Worked until 12.45 today. This evening took Thres with me to visit
Grandpa Fretschl the end seems near.
Thres and self then attended Strand Movie. “Sinbad the Sailor” stars Douglas Fairbanks
Jr. – Maureen O’Harra – Walter Slezak. “Genius
at Work” with Wally Brown and Alan Carney is comical. A phone call from Thres Fretschl at 11.40 P.M.
Grandpa has passed away. Naomi Mueller
works today.
21. Monday: Art Mueller and Joe Baier begin their
summer schedule today. Meeting with Fred
Baumgartner Joe Baier – Art and Norbert Mueller tonite at the South Side Store.
22. Tuesday: Met with Walter Patri also Phil Lyman. Filed Guardianship report for Paul and Donald
Jungen with Judge McDonald. Attended
Kiwanis luncheon. Our table Ed Durler –George
Savage – Martin Christenson – Lawrence Buck and myself. Had a fine program by “Dale Carnegie”
speakers. Stopped at home after the
luncheon to eat. Took Aunt Mary to view
remains of Grandpa Fretschl. Wrote to Justin
Dart and Al Leonard. Monsignor
Bastian offers the rosary for Grandpa Fretschl at Poklasny.
Grandpa Fretschl 2 M.O.
23. Wednesday: [RW 2 MI] Grandpa Fretschl is laid
to rest and the rain is coming down in buckets.
We staid in our cars at the cemetery.
Thres and myself attend the Apollo Male Chorus Concert at the Oshkosh. Donald Dame is guest artist. Received a letter from Father Gerald “St.
Lawrence College” today.
24. [T]
25. Friday: [RW 2 MI] Norbert and Esther Mueller
leave this morning on a long trip to Bainbridge Maryland, to see their son Dick
– his wife and baby.
26. Saturday: Had a surprise visitor this morning. Father Leo Sharp drops in at the store. His parish is in Morgan Park Chicago. At the Strand tonite. Eddie Bracken – Cass Daley – Virginia Welles
and Spike Jones in “Ladies Man” “King of the Wild Horses features Preston
Foster – Gail Patrick – and the Wonder Horse “Royal.”
27. Sunday: To 730 Mass at St.
Vincents as usual. Then to work. Emma Siewert is over with us for dinner. After a nap we took a drive, then to the
Oshkosh Theatre to see “The Best Years of our Lives, starring Frederic March –
Myrna Loy – Dana Andrews –Virginia Mayo – Theresa Wright – Hoagy Carmichael –
Harold Russell. Emma stays with us overnight.
29. Tuesday: Norman Brown informs me of the
passing of Elmer Carfeld – De Vilbiss Company representative who had called on
us for over 20 years.
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