02. To 7 Oclock Mass at St. Vincents with mother
and Mary Ann. Donald washes the walls of
his room today.
Com. Donald – Mary Ann
03. Saturday: Donald washes the upstairs bathroom
walls and also the hallway. He sure
keeps busy these days. I took mother and
Mary Ann to the Strand tonite “The Locket” features Laraine Day – Brian Aherne –
Robert Mitchum –Gene Raymond. “Child of
Divorce” Sharyn Moffett – Regis Toomey
04. Sunday: Thres and Donald are out early this
morning to 6 Oclock Mass. Mary Ann and myself
attend 730 Hi Mass then to work. Had an awful time trying to take a nap this
afternoon. A phone call to the store for
an emergency prescription, took Mary Ann to the Strand, another phone call –
tried again but my nap was short. Evan
McDonald and his fiancée Miss Ludwig are here to consult me about renting the
Lyman home. They had quite a long stay. I worked again this evening. Donald – Ed and Robert Fretschl are at the
cottage to do some work.
06. Tuesday: Had a visit with Sister Aquiline at St.
Mary’s Hospital, she is interested in items to send to Germany to her relatives.
07. Wednesday: Boy Scout Commissioners are to have
dinner at the Hotel Whiting – Berlin, but at the last moment we find we can not
be accommodated there and switch to the “White House Inn ” at Butte des
Morts. I’ts just as well only 4 couples
were there Dan and Mrs. Schreiber – Sid Larson and Mrs. (the former Mrs. Tom Oehler)
Mr. Mrs. Karl Bocker (Waupaca) and Thres and myself. Had a fine dinner, steaks – lobster – and
lobster tail.
08. Thursday: Karl
Kiekhafer is trying to cook up some more insurance for me. Took Thres out to
look at the Lyman home. Art and Margaret Mueller spend the day in Milwaukee.
Art sees Dr. Foerster and also Dr. Lee. Dr. Lee practiced in Oshkosh some years
back. The "Telephone Strike" ended this morning. It was on for 31 days.
Temperature is 30° this morning.
09. Friday: Underwent a physical examination by
Dr. Will Wagner this afternoon. According
to the results I’m in pretty good shape. Blood pressure Puls
![]() |
Clipping found in 1947 diary. It is believed to be from the May 10,1947 Oshkosh Daily Northwestern. |
10. Saturday: Had a session with Mary and Harry
Butt and Phil Lyman this morning. Took
Joe and Anna Weisheipl to see the “Jolson Story” at the Strand.
13. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon, Boyd Jordan
talks to us about Kiwanis objective number one.
Our table Abe Kagan – Carl Knobla – Franklin Faker –Ben Cornelius and
yours truly. Out to the Lyman residence
twice, once for the plumbers –and for Ev McDonald. Mary and Harry Butt leave for home this
14. Wednesday: Mailed another package to the
Rothbauers at Parsberg Bavaria, German Am. Zone. This afternoon took Thres and Donald to Lyman
home to help clean out the house. Ev McDonald
and his mother come over, and pick out some of the items he is interested in. This evening is spent at the Weisheipls. Took Thres Fretschl and Aunt Lena along. Back home at 1 A.M.
16. Friday: Did some cleaning up at Lyman manage
to Get Ed Hielsberg to come up and quote a price for painting the rooms. Had Ed Fretschl along. Phil Lyman moves some of the canned goods and
other items.
18. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass
Father Wagner celebrant, then to work.
This afternoon took Mary Ann along to visit Harry Lyman, he is now at
the County Home. Also had a short visit
with Mr. Mrs. Arneman Julius Beutler and his wife work there. Mr. Lyman is doing quite well, but is
lonesome. Took a ride to Riverside
Cemetery, checked up on our graves.
Stopped at Ray Ostertags. Ray Jr.
and Billie Mauritz make their solemn Communion today. Ann Ostertag has her uppers out. This evening Louis and Mary Mauritz are over
from 700 to 1200.
Com. Thanksgiving M.P.H.
20. Tuesday: To Kiwanis Club luncheon.
21. Wednesday: Spent
a rather busy day. Contacted Ed Binder about filling in Pancratius
Drexler lot, and arrange for perpetual care for Theo Drexler - Stanislaus
Jarosch, and Panc Drexler lots. Ed also consented to become my chairman of
advanced gifts for the Notre Dame
Sisters Memorial. This afternoon took clothes to Harry Lyman at County Home, he
is happy to have them, would like an auto ride. Contacted Phil Lyman at studio
and got the key for the Lyman home. Contacted Joe Kubasta and he consented to
become my chairman of publicity. Also stopped at Joe Hansetter's. He lets
me take 2 Volumes of the “History of the Sisters of Notre Dame in North America.” Tonite drove to Appleton to attend
baseball game and what a game. We almost won several times but lost eventually
11-9. Appleton used 4 pitchers. Bruver pitched for Oshkosh. In the eighth he
hit 3 Appleton players, 5 Runs came in.
22. Thursday: Mrs. McDonald in to see me about
moving Lyman furniture into garage. Had
Donald and Ed Fretschl help me. She also
bought an upholstered chair from me.
Larry Gerdes is in for a Nyal order today. Tonite we have an initial meeting of the 4th
Degree Knights of Columbus. Greg Sitter
presides and I am Comptroller pro tem.
Frank Drexler 1210 – 9th is a papa.
Its a girl – 8 ½ pounds.
23. Friday: Ken Siperski is in for Rexall order. Francis Lamb drops in for a conference, about
United Wholesale Druggist Stock and to find 60 cents error to balance April
24. Saturday: Workers at the Oshkosh Overall
Company walk out at 450 yesterday afternoon. Wages are not the cause of the strike. Took mother and honey to the Oshkosh tonite
to see “The Sea of Grass” starring Spencer Tracy, Kathryn Hepburn –Robert
Walker – and Melvyn Douglas. “Criminal
Court” with Tom Conway – and Martha O’Driscoll is also very good. While we are lunching about 1115
fire alarm sounds, looks to be near, so at 12 midnight we find ourselves going
to the fire, it is Fosters lumber shed and it is a real fire.
25. Sunday: To 730 Mass St.
Vincents. Father Ott says the Mass, then
to work. Elsie Meixner is on duty today. The Foster fire is still going strong. I spend the evening working, while the folks
attend the Graduation Class Play at St. Vincents. “Holiday Hill” is the feature play. Took Annie Heip and Aunt Lena home after the
play. Anna Sipple (Mrs. Anton) passed
away at Mercy last evening at 7 Oclock.
Sister to Thres Fretschl –Alvina Putzer –Katie Duex – Emma Heppler –
Herman and Jussy (Frank) Drexler. Born
9-26 -1885.
Com. Honor Holy Ghost.
26. Monday [T] Ed Sonnenbergs daughter Patricia is
married this morning at St. Patricks Church by Rev. Jos. Ahearn to J. Joseph
Werner pharmacist at Madison, Miss Sonnenberg also is a pharmacist, used to
work at one time in Oshkosh for Eddie Fiedler – Oshkosh Drug N Book. Attended “Rosary” for Anna Sipple at Sitters
this evening, and then back to work.
Foster fire is officially and completely extinguished about 830
tonight almost 45 hours after it began.
27. Tuesday: Took Aunt Mary to view the remains of
Anna Sipple this afternoon. Had Phil
Lymans things moved to his home and studio from the Lyman residence. Thres – Mary Ann attend the “Judy Stillman”
Dance Recital at St. Peter’s Auditorium tonite.
It is a great success but also a lot of work for Florence. I had a night to call at 3 A.M. (Wednesday). The back door of our south side store is
found open by Officer.
28. Wednesday: The painters finish the job at the
Lyman home. The weather is wet and cold,
at times heavy flakes mingle snow and rain, and it is close to freezing
temperature most of the day, and this is the 28th of May, or is it?
30. Friday: Donald is working for Lyle Runke today. A rather cool morning ends with pleasant
weather this afternoon. I worked this
morning. Took Aunt Mary and Mary Ann to
Riverside and Sacred Heart Cemeteries this afternoon. A United Airlines DC4 plane trying to take
off from La Guardia Field failed to gain altitude, crashed and burned, 39 of
the 48 on board are dead. Took in the
Strand Theatre “Suddenly its Spring” Paulette Goddard – Fred Mac Murray
Macdonald Carey and Arleen Wheelan. “Bulldog
Drummond at Bay” Ron Randell – Anita Louise.
31. Saturday: Leona Luft was married to Raymond
Fiedler yesterday afternoon at her home 162 – 7th Ave. by the Rev. T.J. Mittelstaed. Leona has been working at our west side store. We will miss her.
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