01. Sunday: [R Art Hill Bill Esser died this morning 6.45] To 730
Hi Mass Father Meyer. Greg Jensen
stopped in this morning at the store, had John Lange, formerly with Badger
Mutual Drug Company. John evidently had
another stroke some time ago, he tells me he had a relapse about a month
ago. He can hardly get about and feels
badly about not being able to work. I
feel sorry for John busy was always very active. Mrs. Frank King 1025 – No. 25th St.
Milwaukee, ask if I never get older, told her I did’nt have time to grow
older. John Ahrens sister in law from
Detroit tells me she’s gone from Oshkosh 37 years.
Com. Mary Kavage.
02. Monday: Earl Fuhs had Eddie Lange with him
this morning. He tells me Ora Bludau is
living with the Obriens in Wauwatosa.
She is quite active in spite of her arthritis. Norm Brown is with us for the noon meal. Thres plays cards at Mary Fenzl’s this
afternoon, tonight Christian Mothers.
03. Tuesday: [R William Esser Ed Voelz died 10.45 AM] Otto Lemke takes the
ladies to the cottage for cards. They
are back home by 11 P.M. I attend the
Alumni meet at St. Lawrence Seminary this afternoon and evening. Ed Bovey and Stan Wachowiak; John Pfister
Miller from New York. Father McGinnity,
our piano player, it is now out of the navy and is ready for an
assignment. Stan and I spent most of our
time walking around the grounds and the new building “St. Mary’s Hall.” It is
remarkable that changes that have taken place.
Had a short visit with Father George – Father Emil Schneeweiss. Also visit the graves of Bro. Gallius –
Bro. Guido – Fathers Otto –Maurus – Leo
–Athanasius Alexius –Phillip Steffes – Matthew.
Had dinner with Msgr. Riordan of Fond du Lac. Left for home at 830. Thres comes back from the cottage about 11
04. Wednesday: [Bill Esser funeral services St.
Marys] Attended funeral services with Fourth Degree Honor Guard for Bill
Esser. Pallbearers Dr. Wm
Wagner –Fred Kronzer and John Callinan –A.C. Langtin – John Loughgrin. Honor Guard Harry Schmidt – Ray Lindsay – Gil
Pitz – Bill Borman – A.J. Murphy – A.E. Potter.
Rev. Ivon Esser Celebrant Sol. Requiem Hi Mass. Eddie move Voelz passed away yesterday
morning at 10.45 at his home 408 So. Park Ave.
Born Oct. 21 – 1882 married Ella Neilson 11-25-1909. We used to have many good times together
years ago. He worked for us at the Paint
Store years ago. Dad to Robert and Margaret.
05. Thursday: [R. Grandma Baier R. Father Gerald Walker Sisters Picnic at Cottage R. Joe Weisheipl R. Bernard Poeschl] Looks like a busy day
coming up. Donald and self took eleven
Sisters to the cottage for their annual picnic and outing. Sisters Romana – Alverna – Benita –Mathilda
–Vera – Salvina – Melvin, she is Melvin Karsts sister, Amelia –Fourier – Mary
Walter –Roman –Cyrella of Milwaukee.
Our little Donnie gets his first shot of chickenpox. Took Anna Kinateder out to Dolores this
noon. Dolores is 24, lives in Melrose
Park, 420 Sherrin Street. Anna tells me
that Ollie now runs the Tip Top Tavern.
Visited Msgr. Bastian this afternoon, he looks pretty good, has dropsy,
his legs give out. Says Mass in upper
church only.
06. Friday: [Art Mueller back to work this AM.] Up
at 6 AM, to 6.45 Mass. Msgr. Bastian and
Fr. Meyer both offer Holy Mass.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
This afternoon visited Rose Binder.
She is much improved, also visited Mayme Klemmer – Aunt Mary. Mayme should be walking next week. Mary is about as usual. I attended funeral services at Marquardts for
Ed Voelz, while Thres was at the Hair Dressers.
Rev. Koch had the service and a very long sermon. I almost fell asleep several times. This evening to K.C. Club for dinner met Joe
– Cecelia – Corky and Lucy Drexler, we got ourselves one table and I treated
them also to a dinner.
Com. Don and Family – Mary Ann.
07. Saturday: [Jerrold Clements – Ruth Selenka
married.] Art Mueller came back yesterday morning, after having been laid up
for 6 days with Old fashioned flu. He is
looking good. Jerrold Clemens, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nixon 469 Sherrin St. is married to Ruth Selenka at Sacred
Heart Church by Father Robert Berg.
Jerrold has been in our employ at the North Store for some time. He is now serving in the U. S. Navy and is
also taking up pharmacy.
08. Sunday: [R Lady of Fatima R Honor Guardian Angel R Caroline Baier] Well its 43
years since “Ma” and “Me” said “I do.” It was a beautiful day and a full moon
night, danced until 630 in the morning. Uncle Joe - Uncle
Johnnie played. I gave away 13 ponies of beer. To 730 Hi Mass
with Holy Name, Father Milbauer, then to work. Treated Ma and Mary Ann to
dinner at “Fausts Supper Club.” I asked Ray his age; he says Today is my
birthday. I'm 48. He was 5 years old when Thres and I were married. I worked
also this evening. Don's family are over for T.V.
Com. Father Ralph Melvin Karst
09. Monday: Turns out to be an exceptionally busy
day for me. Many bills to pay, weekend
deposits etc. Rose Weisheipl is taking
another week of vacation. Kenny Sepersky
is in town to show the new Rexall representative in our territory around. He is Gale Robertshaw who has been traveling
the Madison territory, a big share of his business came from the Rennebohm stores. I understand they purchased $188000 from him
in 1953. They took our one cent sale
order. I worked 11 ½ hours ending up at
11 P.M. very tired.
10. Tuesday: [R Uncle Joe Weisheipl] Got up rather
late this morning about 10.15. Otto
takes Thres – Emma and Thres Froetschl to the cottage, for the day. Cork Weisheipl stopped in this afternoon,
tells me he will be leaving for Tampa Florida soon to play with an orchestra
there. Art Abraham with Oshkosh Building
and Loan is over to appraise Don’s House for city finance committee.
11. Wednesday: Ma
spends the day with S.S. Business M. Auxiliary at Angie Jensen's cottage at
Reighmoor. Mary Ann and myself have luncheon at home at dinner at Wirtz's which
turned out to be a disappointment, the T. bone Steaks had very little meat in
them. Tonite another meeting at city hall with council finance committee about
the purchase of Donald's home. Appraised by Art Abraham 10000. Donald asking
price 12000 dollars. Arno Nonweiler and Bill Harford no, Fred Leutz, Carl
Mailahn yes to 12,000. Meeting ended by leaving it to city council which price
to pay. Thres had company this evening: Mary Beck, Mayme Haidlinger, Annie
12. Thursday: [R Safe Journey Frank Drexler –Annie Griedl married 52
years.] Eddie Heip and myself leave for Milwaukee on a buying trip at
9.30. Stopped at McKesson Robbins about 11.30. Ray Meyers took us around, Frank Hitch took
us to luncheon at the Pfister. Back to
the house we met Gil Strehlow who worked with us all afternoon until 5.15. Dropped in at McClurgs find the place
locked. Then to Carl Raatsch’s for
dinner. It was a very pleasant day to
get around, somewhat cool. We are back
home at 9.45 out to the cottage at 10.30 find we have company; Father Norbert
Lemke – and of course his dad Otto and Emma Annie Heip – Thres Froetschl
–Maxine Siewert and Ray. They leave at 11.45
13. Friday: We are back to town this morning. Frank Drexler and Anna Griedl of Spokane
Washington were married 52 years yesterday.
14. Saturday: [R Father Ralph Karst Frank Reischl died 88th birthday] Emma Lemke
calls Thres this morning, that Genevieve had a baby Thursday evening while the
folks were at our cottage. It was a
Caeserian and the baby was dead, no doubt brought on by the shock of Charles
Blodgets death. Hubert Kellermans wife
also had a still birth, a boy, last night about 11 Oclock. Father Ralph Karst is 26 today. Don and Arlene work on our back lot at the
cottage. Thres and I visited Aunt Mary,
she has difficulty talking to us, also visited Rose Binder – she is not good,
also Mayme Klemmer.
15. Sunday: [TG] Father Raulf Melvin Cars celebrates
his first Solemn High Mass at St. Vincents at 10.30. I was with the fourth Degree Honor
Guard. Ed that dinner met Father Ott our
former assistant. He is looking very
well. He is now at Isaar. Temperature is up to 88° and we sure felt the
heat as the humidity is also very high.
Frank Reischl 1113 – 11th died yesterday afternoon at 2 Oclock on his 88th
birthday. Born Aug. 14-1866. Father to Mrs. Anton Paulick and Mrs. Leo
Polishinski, Mrs. Dick Haidlinger.
16. Monday: [R Honor S H of J for Rose Binder R Frank Reischl] Otto Doepping laid to rest
this afternoon in Lakeview Memorial Park.
Died in Bon Secours Hospital Detroit last Wednesday. Born June 14 -1895 at Yorkville Ill. Brother to Esther (Mrs. Norbert)
Mueller. Norbert and Ralph Ebel our
17. Tuesday: [R Lady Fatima 2 R Frank Reischl] To Kiwanis luncheon.
18. Wednesday: My De Soto hits the 38000 mile mark
this noon at our house while driving and for the noon meal. Father Ralph Karst is in my office for a
visit. This evening I dropped in on the
Sisters St. Vincents. Sister Vera
introduced me as a surprize visitor as Sister Alfred. The Sisters were really taken by surprize and
got a big kick out of the joke. The same
surprize awaited Sister Melvin when she came home from visits with friends.
19. Thursday: Took care of the morning mail, then
to the cottage with Thres where Joe – Celia and Lucy Drexler are waiting for
us. Joe and I did some fishing, took a
drive to Omro in the afternoon more fishing, Joe caught 3 nice perch, all I
could get was one bite. This evening C
Ritschie takes us to Omro to see Frank Sinnow, town chairman about having an
ordinance enacted in regard to certain types of buildings on premises on
Lansings Hi Point. Don brings out Mary
Ann about 10.30 P.M. Cards until 1.30
20. Friday: [R Joe Weisheipl] Joe and Lucy do some
fishing this morning, get a couple perch.
After dinner we all move back to town.
Thres to hairdressers at 2 PM. We
have our evening meal “lobster tail” etc. at K.C. Club. Mary Ann to Oshkosh with Joan and Doris, Ma
and myself for a visit at Aunt Annie Weisheipls and to bid Good bye to George
(Cork) who is leaving for Tampa Florida at midnight.
21. Saturday: [R Frank Reischl R Martha
Heintz R Joe Stier Dolores Moore “its a
boy”] Gerald and Marlene Polishinski Don and Arlene to cottage to work on our
back yard. Mother makes meals for them. Ate 10 ½ dumplings this noon also 4 # Pork
and Veal, what a healthy bunch. I
visited Rose Binder this afternoon, she is in a different room 238 and is more
cheerful today. Also visited Julius
Steinert mailman in room 117. He is
there after a knee cap operation Wednesday.
Had my noon meal at Wirtz’s Eileen Wirtz is in this afternoon. She has taken over work for the Green Bay
22. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass –
Father Meyer. Had a good sermon on
purgatory. Worked from 9 to 10.30. Had to come home, too tired to work. Back it 3 P.M. until 930,
well that makes 8 hours for today. Don’s
family here for the evening. Mary Ann
visits Dolores Kinateder Moore at Mercy.
Dolores was blessed with another boy yesterday. That makes three boys for Leon and Dolores. Ruth Ziemer married to Frank Olson Sat. Eve.
at Grace Ev. Luth. Church – Berlin. Ruth
was employed at Security Bank. Her
husband son of Ed Olson and Margaret Shekey.
Com. Rose Binder
23. Monday: [TG] Norm Brown is not with us
today. Eddie Weisheipl is taking his
vacation this week and so is Bernice Novitch.
I understand Edward Labudde is back with United States Motors as of
today, with a better job than he had before.
I think he profited by his experience at Universal Motors. John (Jack) Faust is back home with Pat from
Woods Veterans Hospital.
24. Tuesday: [R. Barbara Langkau] A heavy electric storm awoke us at 4 A.M. and sent us
scurrying to close the windows. Took Thres to the cottage 10 A.M. I attended
Kiwanis luncheon. Paul Gia Russio, a clergyman at one of the Milwaukee churches
spoke on “How's Your Card Game” It was a history of cards from ancient times to
the present and was very interesting. Frank Fraker and Gery Wiley birthday
today. Thres entertains Mary Fenzl, Mary Schneider, Annie Heip, Mayme
Haidlinger at the cottage.
25. Wednesday: We leave for Milwaukee at 11 Oclock
this morning with Ed and Thres Froetschl.
Its been raining very profusely, around here and we find we are
traveling with the rain as it rains and pours all the way. Stopped at Theresa for luncheon arrived in
Milwaukee about two oclock. Took Ed and
Thres to St. Augustine 2523 So. Graham to see Sister Linus – Mama over to Marg
and Carls to spend the time –Mary Ann and me to F Dohmen new location. Met Irving Dohmen and Fred. Fred took us around and took along an order,
back to pick up Ed and Thres, then to Carls for Dinner. I visited Anna Drexler, started for home 7
P.M. home at 940 and after a sick spell to bed at midnight.
26. Thursday: [R. Walter Dodd] And feeling OK this
morning, must have been over tired last night when a cold sweat came over me
and I nearly fainted. Art Hazen and
Billy Mauritz are down to Milwaukee to see the Braves play the N.Y.
Giants. Dr. Martin Koeck is in my office
for short visit. He is practicing at
Sidney Ill. His wife is still having her
troubles with after effects of Polio.
Thres is entertaining Emma Lemke – Thres Froetschl –Annie Heip at the
27. Friday: [R Mary Kavage R Margaret Pfaurer] Ed Froetschl is over
with vegetables from his garden. I gave
him my “Palm Beach” suit have’nt worn it much the last two years and it should
fit him well.
![]() |
Clippings found between 28-29 August, 1954 pages |
28. Saturday: Harry Awe and myself our guests of
Leo Conroy to the Milwaukee Braves –New York Giants ballgame. Left about 930 A.M. had
luncheon at Plankinton coffee shop took bus to Stadium. A good game until the eight inning when
“Gomez” allowed several safe hits, he was replaced by Grissom who also fared
badly and four runs came in, Braves walking away with the Game 5 – 2. Had refreshments at the Big Stein then headed
for home via Lake Drive and 57 to Plymouth, stopped at “Club 101” Fond du Lac
for dinner, nice place –home at 9.25 P.M.
Don – Arlene –Mother to the cottage this P.M.
29. Sunday: [TG
5 ½ hrs.] To 730 Hi Mass – Father Milbauer Sermon “I
believe in the Holy Catholic Church.” Worked part of the morning and also the
evening. Don and Arlene take Mary Ann
along to a movie. After that they spend
the rest of the day with us or should I say with Mother. Bill Morgan an old schoolmate of mine dropped
in to see me this A.M. He is living in
Iron Mountain Mich. Art Mueller and Fred
Baumgartner are at Milwaukee to see the Braves.
Com. Joe Weisheipl
30. Monday: [9 ½ hrs. Charles F Bauer, Band leader dies 3.30 A.M. R 4 M
Ted Hoyer dies] Norman Brown is with us today for “Pigs Hocks etc.” he
is working only this morning, going back for a few days off with Father Dave
Fasselman. State Fair at Milwaukee close
last night, Attendance for the week 770664.
Ted Hoyer passed away at Rochester this P.M. 3.30. Had been there 3 weeks, suffering from a
kidney ailment. He was a paraplegic or
rather quadriplegic paralyzed from the waist down, result auto accident in
1936, severed his spinal chord. Born
April 30 – 1920 son of Rev. and Mrs. Otto Hoyer, married Marie Schuppe of Fond
du Lac 2 years ago.
31. Tuesday: [9 hrs.] To Kiwanis luncheon Rev.
Beers Chaplain at Waupun States Prison had a good talk about “Prisoners are
People.” Thres is entertaining Thres Froetschl – Annie Heip – Emma Lemke at the
cottage. Well I kept plugging along, got
out all the orders and also completed pricing the professional and industrial
accounts. Home at 11.30 just as Thres is
coming home from the cottage. Had a
visit with Sister Emmelia (pharmacy) at Mercy, also dropped in to see Rose
Binder. She seems to be losing ground.
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