01. Wednesday: A four story wing at St.
Bonaventure Seminary and High School at Sturtevant burned out yesterday
afternoon causing 600000 dollars damage.
Disrupted a retreat of 181 Students 15 Priests 15 Brothers of the Franciscan
Order. We have a new superintendent at
the Winnebago County Home and Farm.
Jerome Gonnering 51, who had been manager of the Washington County Home
takes over as of today. He and Mrs. Gonnering
who will serve as matron succeed Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Arnemann who have served as
superintendent and matron for over 13 years.
02. Thursday: That dry cough is back worse than
ever. Earl Fuhs recommends “Dolophine.” Lets
hope it will do the trick, I’m really wearing out. Thres spends two hours at Hilda’s today,
getting ready for the Council of Catholic Womens style show. Today in many years is the first time we are
not selling candles at St. Vincents and I understand there was much confusion
at the church.
03. Friday: [Art Mueller 54 today.] Not too much
sleep last night ended up with a heavy nosebleed this morning, stayed in bed
until 9.30. Temperature is down to 7°
below zero this morning.
04. Saturday: Art Krause – Pharmacist at Kempster
Hall – Winnebago is in my office for an extended visit this morning. Art Mueller (T and S Tobacco) is in as usual
with a big “El Producto” for me. No
visit today, I’m busy and he’s in a hurry too.
Henry (Hank) Gribbler 72 was seriously hurt then struck by a car at
State and Washington Streets about 8 Oclock this morning. He was hit by a car driven by Don Burke 25 of
55 Carn Street. I used to buy my “Inter
Ocean” Sunday papers from Hank when I was a boy and Sunday Carrier.
05. Sunday: [Art H. Mueller died suddenly in
Chicago.] To 730 Hi Mass, St. Vincents Father Milbauer
explains the difference between swearing and cursing. Worked about 6 hours. This afternoon paid last respects to Ted Stadtmueller. Father Roman is in town.
Com. Ted Stadtmueller
06. Monday: [R MOPH R LF] Ted Stadtmueller is laid to rest,
Solemn Requiem Hi Mass Fathers Roman – Ralph – Vincent. Get the news that Art Mueller (T and S)
passed away suddenly of a heart attack in Chicago yesterday. Norm Brown is over for luncheon with us. Forty Hours Devotion ends at Mercy tonight. I served as Honor Guard – 4th Degree. Had quite a lengthy visit with Sister
Laurentina. She has quite a story about
the Mc8. Thres plays cards at Leone Dodd’s,
she wins first prize.
07. Tuesday: [1 R MPH] Took Thres to O.R. Simpson
for shoulder treatment. I have an
appointment with Dr. Paul Emrich at 11.30 to have my right eye checked. He stated it is healing nicely and prescribed Sulfacetamide
30% 15 cc. Attended Kiwanis luncheon,
the proposed new Hi School is the subject of discussion at our table. Armin Knoop –Paul Smith – Louis Graber – Russ
Williams –Guy Wiley – myself. Fred
Baumgartner – Lee and Bob Conroy meet at my office at 230 in
regard to further insurance of our north store windows, Lee Conroy states they
have been a 285% loss so far. Attended Cemetery
Board Meeting at City Hall at 430. Present Kliss –Germer – Barthel – Doule – Reinke
– Freiberg – myself. Began Novena to
Mother of Perpetual Help this evening.
08. Wednesday: To Fiss and Bills this evening to
pay last respects to Art Mueller. Met
his Sister Margaret Seurer Fond du Lac, another sister Mrs. Rose True Urica
California, also a Mr. and Mrs. Stephany.
09. Thursday: [M 12 M] Art Mueller funeral
services at St. Peters this morning.
Donald – Eddie Weisheipl and myself attend the Mass. Pallbearers: Eli Tannenbaum – George Holtz –Al
March – Lester Stevenson – Eric Baller – Louis Magnusen. He is laid to rest in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mt
Calvary Wis. Baseballs Grand Old Man
Connie Mack, born Cornelius McGillicuddy, died yesterday afternoon 3.30 at the
home of a daughter in Philadelphia. He
was manager of the Philadelphia Athletics Baseball team for 50 years.
10. Friday: More than 20000 square miles of “Sunny
Italy’s” Southland including Sicily is covered with snow as deep as six feet in
some mountain communities.
11. Saturday: [M 9 M G 4 M] Donald has a quiet birthday. He is 28.
12. Sunday: Thirty
one years ago today we moved into our present home. It was newly built
by M. C. Mertz and Son. Needless to say we were very proud of it. Attended 715 Mass this
morning, had Mrs. Anna Jungwirth with us.
Father Schorn’s sermon is on the rules of Lent. Am doing some cheating today, enjoying some
regular meals for a change. Bacon – Eggs
– Rolls breakfast, a nice Chicken Dinner this noon. Thres to Century Club this afternoon to
practice for tomorrow evening for style show for Council Catholic Women.
Com. Arthur H. Mueller
13. Monday: [R MPH] Norm
Brown is over for Spare Ribs, Sauerkraut, Bread Dumplins and do we all load up.
I should'nt do it. This is quite an evening for mother. She models suits
dresses and coats for Hilda and Ada's Hats at the style show of the Council of
Catholic Women at the Century Club and she gets many compliments from the
ladies. Don is there to take colored pictures. I hope they are good.
14. Tuesday: We are very busy at the store. Marge Weisheipl is divorced from Joe this
morning about 11.30. She is permitted to
resume the name Marjorie Haverty. They
were married April 1939. By coincidence I
met Joe about 11.45 this morning at the Post Office. He tells me he is very busy. Mother and me attend Perpetual Help Devotion
this evening.
15. Wednesday: To 8 Oclock Mass. Father Schorn has the “Blessing of the Ashes”
and the Mass. Bill Stegeman is over to
fix our TV. Another tube has gone
haywire, cost 5.35. Had a letter from
Father Gratian today. The Chapel Fund is
still short of 100000 dollars. He acknowledged
Gregorian Masses for Arthur H Mueller.
Had a call from Marge Haverty this afternoon. Her mother received quite a letdown from Aunt
Annie Weisheipl over the phone. We
attend evening devotion Father Schorn had a wonderful lenten sermon on the “Agony
in the Garden.”
Com. Rose Binder
16. Thursday: [T] This is another day of much pain
for me and nothing seems to stop it.
Took Marge Haverty home this afternoon.
She is having the same trouble she has almost every year about this time. Visited with Aunt Annie Weisheipl this
afternoon. She is still pretty much
upset about Marge divorcing Joe. I
brought a bottle of Brandy to quiet her nerves
17. Friday: Had
about three inches of snow overnight and Don and little Donnie are over to
shovel our walks this morning. According to late reports, the Fox Cities have
shown an exceptional growth in population since 1950:
Neenah from
12437 to 15500
Menasha “ 12385 to 14700
Appleton “ 34010 to 43150
Kaukauna “ 8361
to 9125
Little Chute “ 4151
to 4810
Kimberly “ 3265
to 4085
Locks “ 721 to 880
a gain of
over 17000 in 5 years.
18. Saturday: Marge Haverty wanted to come to work
today, I persuaded her not to. Visited a
while with her and her mother. La Vine
came over too. I worked from 945
this morning. Had a lovely visit with
Sister Virginia this morning. She told
me about Walter Anderson her brother in law being a convert. His father was a Lutheran Minister. Moved from Marshfield when Walter turned Catholic. Father Bunkleman was in for short visit also.
19. Sunday: To 730 Mass St.
Vincents Father Schorn. Worked part time
this morning, and also this evening. Walter
Lennox and Marie from Milwaukee stopped in tonight. They brought Mrs. Mary Kriz with them.
Com. Jos. Weisheipl Sr.
20. Monday: [1 R 1 L] Marge Haverty is back to
work this noon. John Bolger is in town. Had arranged for him to talk to our clerks
about selling Elastic Goods, Abdominal Supports, Supports of all kinds and Elastic
Stockings. Meeting tonite at North Store. Norm Brown is with us as usual. John Callinan is in to see me about joining Sera
movement. Thres plays cards at Angie Jensens,
makes a score of 73 points and wins 1st prize.
21. Tuesday: [M 12 M] Ginny Abrams is laid up
today. Mother Mary Ann and me to 8 Oclock
Requiem High Mass for Aunt Mary. She
died one year ago today. Thres to K.C. Auxiliary
luncheon and cards with Maxine Siewert – Annie Heip – Emma Lemke. Thres wins Hanky 55 points. Father Schorn is in for a visit in my office. Had Harvey Lhost is my guest at Kiwanis
luncheon. To Cemetery Board Meeting at 430. To Lenten Service and M P H Devotion this
eve. Father Schorn, a very good talk on
the “Scourging of Jesus.”
Com. Aunt Mary Drexler
22. Wednesday: Temperature is 2° below zero this
23. Thursday: [M 9 M] I get a new pair of glasses
from Doctor Paul Emrich. Price
reasonable 3500.
Temperature dips to 4° below zero this morning. Mother and me attend the dinner meeting
tonight at the Athearn, where the “Oshkosh Serra Club” receives its charter
from Dr. John P Treacy, Milwaukee. John
Callinan is the first President John Bermingham is Vice President. Bishop Bona of Green Bay gave the principal
24. Friday: [1 R 1 L] Rather slippery roads this morning and the
driving is bad.
25. Saturday: [1 R 1 L M 9 M]
Debbie and Donnie are over as usual in the
morning. Debbie informs me that when she gets big she is going to be a
"cook" and a "mother." I worked from 11.45 to 6.15 today -
6½ hours. Matt Drexler is in my office for a visit. He is also soliciting ads
for the "Golden Jubilee Program of Sacred Heart Congregation. Jerome
Gabert and Steve Kircher are also in for 4th Degree Ladies Prizes.
26. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass –
Father Milbauer preaches on keeping Holy the Sabbath. Lady Foresters Easter Communion. Worked this morning and evening about 7 hours. A beautiful day, we drive to Berlin this
afternoon took Joan Mauritz along.
Mother and Mary Ann buy fur coats at “Nigbors” Sale. Met a Leo Mack and Louis Hess from Stevens
Point. They know Palmer Taylor well. Thres has supper and plays cards at her sister
Annie’s tonite.
Com. Arthur H Mueller
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27. Monday: [M 3 M] Another nice day. Norm Brown is here for “Lamb” dinner. Thres and I attended KC 4th Degree dinner at
the Club tonight. A nice program
followed put on by Richards “School of the Dance” and then Bingo or whenever
you cared to play. Quite a number of our
4th Degree Knights attend Rosary for Jennie Krumrich at Fiss and Bills. Bishop Grellinger lead in prayer. Mrs. Krumrich mother to Gaylord and
Hubert. Husband Joe died September 1943.
28. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon.
29. Wednesday:
[1 R 1 L TG M 3 M] This is
the extra day we get this year. In business it should mean a lot. This is also
the day when President Eisenhower said "Yes" he'll run again for
President. According to his doctors his health at present is such that he
can run, altho he will forego a strenuous campaign. That he will be the
Republican nominee seems to be a foregone conclusion.
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