01. Wednesday: Thres
and I to 8 oclock Hi Mass for Mary. Temperature is 70° this A.M. goes up to 80° this afternoon. We use our Sunbeam
Hedge Cutter for the first time today, very convenient, easy to use. WFRV-TV
Green Bay Channel 5 has its formal opening today. Should improve T.V.
reception of ABC programs. Attended C.Y.O. comedy at St. Vincents “Down
to Earth.” Plenty of fun. Rose, Father Schorn's Housekeeper is with
us. David Weinman, Louise Baier very good. Dave is a would be angel. All actors
take parts well.
Com. Mary
02. Thursday: [M 9 M] Final tabulation of Memorial
Day weekend 372 killed in traffic accidents – 136 drownings, 15 dead in plane
crashes -53 deaths in miscellaneous accidents.
Clarence Deniger is in to see me this afternoon in regard to opening a
drugstore in his newly contemplated shopping center. He expects to have a large Super Market –a
Ben Franklin Store – a Badger Paint Store –he will have for himself an
Appliance Store and also Farm Implement Store.
Fazio’s Italian Restaurant 1601 N Jackson Milwaukee was the scene of two
explosions yesterday morning at 2.35.
Angelo Fazio Sr. is the owner of the club.
03. Friday: [M 3 M R 4 M] To 8 oclock Hi Mass with exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament. Somewhat humid
– of a little rain – a little sunshine.
August Hedberg owner of Hedbergs Drug Store Menasha died at 9.45 this
morning. Woke up with severe chest pains
about 200 oclock. Died
at St. Elizabeths. Born Oct. 18 – 1902
in Stanley Wis. Operated store in Menasha
for 30 years. I believe it was Stilp and
Hedbergs Drug Store years ago. Father
John Murphy was in to see me, he had his father with him. He worked at Leach Hardware about 55 years
ago. He is 78. Did quite a bit of reminiscing.
Com. Don’s family – Mary Ann.
04. Saturday: Rose Weisheipl buys a car in 1950
___ for 675 dollars. Bob and Marion
Lichtfuss buy a home in Appleton for 16200, rugs and drapes included. Met Helen Chamberlin at the post office this
morning. Quite a surprize she used to
work at our West Store.
05. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass
Father Schorn. Mary Ann stays at Don’s
for dinner. Ma and I drive to Mt Calvary
for Graduation Exercises. Arrived late,
hall is filled not even standing room.
Met Father Crispin also Father Gratian.
Took Ma around, to the Students Chapel – Holy Cross Church –the new
building St. Mary’s Hall with Class Rooms –Recreation Rooms – Dining Hall
–Dormitory. Don and family to cottage
spend the evening with us at home. Augie
Hedberg laid to rest.
Com. Thanksgiving for A.H. Mueller
06. Monday: [R 2 M
M 6 M] Norm Brown is in Milwaukee for a physical checkup. Dr. Egan recommended a checkup for him. Took Thres –Emma Lemke –Mary Fenzl to
Ostertags Tea Room. The ladies have
their annual dinner and entertainment there.
I treated them to a gallon of Virginia Dare. Thres said it made a hit with the ladies. I visited Sister Philipbertha at Mercy, learn
from Thres Polier that her sister in law Ann Drexler had another operation this
morning. Also visited Mrs. Ed
Kleinschmidt, met Andrew Phillip he’s around in a wheelchair. Been at Mercy since Nov. 13-1954.
07. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon. Marie Hoyer presented to Mrs. Julius
Sandtstedt, Chairman of the Easter Seal Campaign of “Hoyer Invalid Lift” for
“Camp Waubeek” Al Belmer Dist. Gov. spoke.
08. Wednesday: According to the Daily Northwestern
Syl Stack left an Estate of 115000 dollars.
Checking Account 23000 – 15000 U. S. Savings Bonds -28900 in Gillette
Company Stock -14750 Thompson Products Inc.
Estate to his widow of Margaret -302 Jim Col –Dousman Wis. Ted Furman former clerk at our West Side
Store left about 50000. Died last
December 11.
10. Friday: [Charles F Steinert passed away at
Portland Oregon suddenly 7 P.M. 60 years of age. R 4 M
M 3 M] Forecast is for wet weather over the weekend. Public schools are closing today of the
summer. I think there were 482 graduates
from Hi School. Grad exercises at the Athletic
Field on Jackson Drive. We have our
evening meal at K.C. Club. The Haverty’s
– Killians are there. Marge is also
there. Pres. Eisenhower signs bill increasing
Postal Paid 8% 500000 Field Workers will benefit by it. Boost will add 160 000000 to the departments
annual pay roll and is retroactive to March 1st 1955
11. Saturday: Peter Reifer passes away at Alexian
1.55 A.M. born Nov. 26 – 1869] Having quite a
little rain today. Riverside Cemetery is 100 years old today. The Common
Council accepted a deed to the land 100 years ago today. The first burying
ground was Locust Grove where the Lincoln School now stands.
12. Sunday: [Ed Labudde is a 52 today.] To 730
Hi Mass with Holy Name Father Schorn spoke on the benefits of Extreme
Unction. Had a phone call from Norm
Brown and Sybelle. They are at
Monticello with Father Bob Wasserman.
Norm sounded down in the mouth.
He has orders to take a rest.
Hope he will be will soon. Mary
Ann to 6 Oclock Mass St. Johns, temperature is 47°. Corpus Christi Procession at Jesuit
Novitiate. Bishop Bona is here. I serve as one of the Canopy Bearers for the
Blessed Sacrament. This is a great
honor, 12 Bearers change off taking turns 4 at a time. The Jesuits treat us to a dinner, cocktails –
canapes – wine and all the trimmings.
Quite a number of clergy are there.
Met Father Schmit former pastor at St. Wendel’s, also Father Gans of the
Marquette Faculty. This evening to
Poklasnys where Father Schorn offers rosary for Pete Reifer.
Com. Peter Reifer and H.N. Deceased
13. Monday: [M 6 M T] Served as pallbearer for Peter
Reifer. Services at 9 A.M. St. Vincents. There were only two mourners Hilda and Carl
daughter and son. Billy Mauritz is on
full schedule for the summer average 56 hours.
Thres and I pay last respects to Julia Fretschl at Fiss and Bills. Attended our Program Committee meeting at the
Club Rooms Sec. Bank until 930 then on to the Holstein Breeders
Association Twilight Meeting, on the Roy and George Brenwand Farm. Our Rural Relations Committee was well
14. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon, Bob Conroy
showed the G. Motors Film. At 530
our Kiwanis Group left for Milwaukee to see the Braves defeat Philadelphia in
an exceptionally good game. Pitcher
Robin Roberts did a better job than Lou Burdette but had hard luck dishing out
“Home Run” pitches. Tanner and Mathews
each got one when they counted Score 4 – 2 Braves. Home at 1245 after reading
etc. to bed at 230 A.M.
Forgot to mention I won Frank Steckbauers birthday prize, 2 pair of
Expando Socks worth two dollars.
15. Wednesday: [Olivia Lutz passes away at
Milwaukee.] Work on rebuilding and widening Main Street from Washington Blvd.
to New York Ave. begins today. Lee H
Parker of Appleton was the successful bidder for the job.
16. Thursday: [M 3 M] Dr. Ray Wagner takes me
along to Milwaukee this morning. We left
at 10.15 AM. Had our noon luncheon at
Guten’s restaurants 4901 W Center St. Nice little place for lunch or carry
outs. Met quite a number of the Old
Exchange Club Members of Oshkosh at Guten’s.
They came down in a bus. We all
attended the Braves – Phillies game Dixon blanked the Braves 3-0. This is the second shutout for the Braves. Drove to town –Ray took me to the
Northwestern Depot. I took to 540
train home, met Father Roman Stadtmueller, he’s taking summer course in physics
at Marquette.
17. Friday: William
Steiger, son of Carl E. Steiger of the Deltox was elected Governor of Badger
Boys State at Ripon College yesterday on the Nationalist ticket. The body of
Olivia Lutz brought to Fiss and Bills from Milwaukee. Born June 15, 1890 in
Oshkosh. We were classmates in St. Vincents and Park School.
18. Saturday: This is a big day for Ed and Dess
Wirtz. They celebrate their “Silver
Wedding Anniversary” and what a party 150 for dinner at least 400 for reception
at Eagle’s. We attend the dinner at 630
at the restaurant. The Mayor – Chief of
Police and many prominent people are there.
Mary Caroline Klieforth is married to William A Wrasse son of Mrs.
Wrasse 615-15 by Father Francis McKeough at St. Johns Church at 11 Oclock this
morning. Helen Chamberlin is married to
Thomas E. Murray 230 E. Bank St. Fond du Lac by Father McKeough at 9 A.M. at St.
John’s Church. Helen was employed at our
West Side Store.
19. Sunday: We attend 9 Oclock Hi Mass today. It is celebrated by Father Vincent (Joe)
Putzer whose parents Wenzel and Alvina Putzer are having their golden wedding
anniversary at a special Hi Mass at Benediction. Worked balance of morning and then took Don
and family with us for Father’s Day Dinner at the Raulf Hotel. This afternoon to pay last respects to Olivia
Lutz at Fiss and Bills, then to Putzers met many of our relatives there then
out to the cottage for about an hour.
Holy Hour at Athletic Field tonite by Holy Name Men. I did not get there.
Com. Wenzel and Alvina Putzer
20. Monday: [M 3 M] Vern Peroutky takes Dick Stith
and myself along to the luncheon at Poinsetta Tea Room in regard to Business –
Farmer – Professional Citizens tour in rural areas. Thought behind this is to have business –
proffessional men and farmers become better acquainted. Representation was very good Chamber of
Commerce – Rotary – Kiwanis – S.S.B.M. Club –Neenah Menasha Chamber –
Winneconne – Farm Bureau – Winnebago Grange.
Had to get out of bed at 130 A.M., severe chest pains
up about an hour and felt much improved.
Wenzel and Alvina Putzer married by Father Adolph Wilbert 50 years ago
21. Tuesday: [M 6 M] To Kiwanis luncheon, with Don
Sullivan Agriculture Com. Had to be up
again this time about 5 A.M. pains not quite as bad as Monday night. Tonite Thres and I take a drive to Norm
Browns at Neenah. Took Donnie and Debbie
with us. They behaved pretty good, had a
good playmate in Tommy Brown. Tommy
Adkins is at Norms when we get there.
Had been there most of the afternoon.
He and wife Ruth returned from Florida about June 1. Harvey Kirsch passed away at 330
A.M. yesterday. Born May 12-1889.
Married Mary Werner May 10 – 1911.
Sister Mary Lauder is a daughter.
22. Wednesday: Had a call from Norm Brown this
morning. We still have not figured out
what would be best for him, I’m inclined Sacred Heart Sanatorium would be good
for him. Harvey Kirsch laid to rest
Father Schorn officiating.
23. Thursday: [M 8 M] Bill Sweet’s painters starts
scraping and scaling the bad spots on our house today. Ginny Abrams has an offer from her brother in
law Loos to work for him.
24. Friday: Am out to get signatures from fellow
pharmacists to obtain reappointment of Sylvester Dretzka to the State Board of
Pharmacy. Enjoyed visiting with the boys
at the various pharmacies Al Christl– Hy Eagan – Windy Ihde – Jack McCain –Van
Der Kelen. This evening we are at K.C.
Club House for our Friday evening meal.
This is getting to be a habit.
Don’s family spend the evening with us at home.
25. Saturday: Matt Drexler and Boys are at the
cottage, fishing. Mary Ann is spending
the afternoon at Mandy’s. The 72nd Wisconsin
Legislature passed a 20% surtax on individual incomes yesterday before they
recessed until October 3d.
26. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass
Father Milbauer no sermon. Sentinel
Marathon Outboard Motor Races are on today, and it is a beautiful day for them.
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June 27, 1955 receipt |
27. Monday: Bob
Heinen is here for Yahr Lange today. Mary Ann and me took a drive to Neenah
tonite to see Norm Brown, we learned from Susie the folks are at the cottage so
we drive to Berlin to see Harry and Agnes and find them gone too. Something new
is tried in Oshkosh, so called water ban. Occupants of even number properties
may sprinkle Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
28. Tuesday: We made our annual buying to Madison,
Rexall display is at the Lorraine Hotel Fred Baumgartner – Marge – Adeline Steinhilber
– Eddie and myself. Very good display
Dick Mueller takes our order bought about 8800 dollars wholesale. After that we visit with Bill Kelly and Mrs.
at their apartment, met Dick Strommer ex president Wis. Pharm. Assoc. He is at Fort Atkinson. We have dinner at 9 P.M. at Hoffman House,
this was a new place for us, a very fine meal.
On our way home Eddie is so very dry we stop at Waupun for a few bottles
of beer and arrive home very tired at 130 A.M.
29. Wednesday: Took Thres and Emma to the cottage
this afternoon. They clean all the
dishes, also delivered refreshments which I hope will last a long time. Don and family out tonite for short visit. Otto Lemke brought Annie Heip out after
supper for cards.
30. [M 9 M]
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Clippings found between June 29-30, 1955 pages |
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