Saturday, February 28, 2015

Diary of Alfred E. Potter May, 1956

01.  Tuesday: [Back to smoking today] Frank and Mary Getchel are married 35 years.  Attended Kiwanis luncheon South Park School Glee Club entertains us.  My guest Harv Lhost.  Francis Lamb is over for some signatures and also suggestions for our Profit Sharing Fond.  The Milwaukee Braves play their first game of ball yesterday since a week ago Sunday.  All their games were postponed either an account of rain or cold weather.  They lost to the St. Louis Cardinals 2-0.  Warren Spahn losing pitcher.  Attendance 6090 the smallest crowd ever to attend since the Braves moved to Milwaukee.
02.  Wednesday: Ted and Mary Radley are married 27 years.  Senator Alben Barkley 78 died of a heart attack Monday while making a speech at Washington and Lee University Lexington Virginia.  He was a Democrat political leader for many years.  Attended every Democratic convention as a delegate since 1920.  He had been congressman - both junior and senior senator and Vice president under President Harry Truman.
03.  Thursday: [TEG] Rain most of the day, but not heavy.
04.  Friday: Jacob and Goldie Klemmer are married 41 years.  Bob Bassett, publisher of the Milwaukee Sentinel, will become a vice president, of the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company.  He resigned his position at a dinner given at his home and will assume his new duties and position next Monday.  Had company (unexpected) tonight.  Art Redmann spends the evening with us.  He is looking for work thought he’d like to help Ray Schmidt check merchandise and also clerk in the store.
05.  Saturday: [Victor Riesel pronounced permanently blind.]  Dr. Ray and Elsie Wagner are married 23 years as of today. Art and Marie Hill are married 5 years.  Harry W. Lee and Stella Neubauer are married 41 years. Our neighbor Ernie Koch is 69. Loyalty Day celebration in Oshkosh is somewhat marred by rain. Fred Baumgartner and Art Mueller are in Milwaukee today to be inducted into the Shriners. Sylvester Propson is also inducted. Tonite we have severe electrical storms and heavy showers. Victor Riesel will never see again according to his attending physician.
06.  Sunday: George and Elsie (Stoegbauer) Webb are married 44 years.  It is still raining this morning and keeps it up until noon.  Sunshine this afternoon.  To 730 Hi Mass – Father Milbauer still on the 4th Commandment, duty to priests – sisters.  By the way Father Milbauer is 30 years of age today.  Don and family stopped in at Father Schorn’s and Rose for a short visit (with the children).  Don family spend the evening at our place.  Mark is acting like measles coming up. 
Com.  Rose Hugger
07.  Monday: [M 3 M] Bill Murphy and Alice Baranowski are married 43 years.  Norm Brown is with us as usual for Monday noon.  Mothers Day Party for Christian mothers and Altar Society well attended.  Donald takes pictures, after the party to the store where Fred Roberts Eastman Kodak is waiting for him, then orders until 11.50 P.M.  Joe Koplitz 424 – 12th passed away at 8.45 this morning.  Born April 30 – 1873.  Married to Augusta Puetz June 17 – 1908.  Operated Simpson and Koplitz tavern years ago, also with Frank his brother the Brooklyn Tavern.  Retired since 1940.  Ben Beulen died 11 this morning.
08.  Tuesday: [M 12 M] Joe and Virginia Blechinger are married 16 years.  Edwin and Charlotte Serwas are wedded 33 years.  To Kiwanis luncheon.  Conservation program with a color movie “Watershed.” Very interesting.  This evening to Marquardts - Rosary by Father Schorn for Joe Koplitz.  Then to Fiss and Bills paid last respects to Ben Beulen.  Mother and style show workers are entertained by Elsie Wagner at her home with dinner and colored movies and also color slides taken by Donald.
09.  Wednesday: [M 3 M] Charles Wrage and Alma Hicks married 50 years ago today, by Rev. Wilson in Second Methodist Episcopal Church.  Honorary pallbearer at Joe Koplitz funeral, others Joe Schani– Gene Whittemore – Matt Mertz – Joe Lang – John Mateyka.  Mary Ann and me took a ride to Matt Drexler’s for a visit.  Find the folks gone.  Did some work in my den getting the religious goods sorted, and placed on shelves.
10. Thursday: [Markie begins to creep.   M 9 M] To 630 Mass - Father Schorn. Markie gives out today by beginning to creep. I visited Matt Drexler this afternoon. He is doing fine. His family was entertained at Hi K last evening which accounts for their absence. Also learned Amanda's birthday is today. Two of the Sacred Heart Sisters come to visit Matt while I was there. Their order is more lenient than the Notre Dame when it comes to visiting homes. They also enjoyed a nice piece of Mandy's birthday cake and ice cream. We attended So Side B M potluck at Columbus Club tonite. Won a large box of Les Borisch stationery.
Com.  Joe Koplitz
11.  Friday: Attended “Serra” luncheon at the Athearn.  Father Sladek gave a very interesting talk on “Lutheranism.” It would seem that Martin Luther was an over scrupulous person, had a good education, belonged to the Augustinian Order.  He never seemed to be at peace with his mind, in fact made three general confessions in one year.  Why would he do that.  Have our evening meal at the K.C. Club, had a nice visit with Norbert and Mrs. Landgraf and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peck.  Paid last respects to Mrs. Carl Dreyer at Marquardts.
12.  Saturday: [John Felker is 49 today.   M 6 M] We almost went to the cottage to take off storms, and then it rained.  We are busy at the store selling Mother Day Presents and Cards.  John Felker has a birthday he is 49.  Temperature went to 80° yesterday the first eighty reading in nearly 8 months.  Rain to date  2.82 inches.  84° in Milwaukee yesterday.
13.  Sunday: Mary Ann to St. John’s 6 Oclock Mass.  Mother and I to St. Vincents 730 Low Mass –Father Schorn.  First Holy Communion Day for the little boys and girls, also Mothers Day.  Mrs. Jungwirth is with us.  Had quite a bit of rain during night and this morning.  Spend the day at home.  I worked from 930 to 12.30 600 to 730.  We spend the evening with Don’s family.  Father Schorn announced the passing of Mrs. Frank Zarter.  Born Ella Schwartz Aug. 19 – 1871.  Married Frank Nov. 5 – 1894.  She died Saturday 530 P.M.  She was a sister to Mrs. Pankratz Drexler –Albert and Wenzel Schwartz. 
Com.  Honor of Our Blessed Mother also Mother
14.  Monday: On the job at 820  A.M.  Fred Baumgartner – Joe Baier and myself present at our weekly meeting.  Art and Norbert Mueller missing.  Norm Brown is over this noon, as our guest.  Margaret Spanbauer widow of John passed away yesterday lingering illness.  Married John June 7 – 1909.  He died Aug. 9 – 1937.
15.  Tuesday: [M 6 M] To Kiwanis luncheon, round table this noon.  Program and Charter presentation tonite to newly formed Cirkle K Club from State Teachers College.  Mother and me paid last respects to Mrs. Frank Zarter and Margaret Spanbauer
16.  Wednesday: [Temperature 30° today.] Quite busy today getting things in order at the store before and three to Mercy Hospital at 4 Oclock.  I’m in room 205 new section, very pleasant, learn that Bill Bormann is my neighbor.  He is confined with “Mercury” poison.  Met a rather young Sister Paula who will be graduating May 27th.  Her family name Jacobs live in Appleton.  5 P.M. Nurse takes my blood pressure – 5.15 P.M. a generous sample of my blood is taken by a “darkie” nurse.  5.30 Call for Urine specimen 6 Oclock supper, one very small lean piece of meat, one large potato -½ Canned pear-½ piece Wheat Bread – 1 small cookie – and tea.  Mother – Don and Mary Ann spend the evening with me.  To bed at 9.30.
17.  Thursday: [Mailed package to Rothbauers 5.10 8 dresses 2 House Coats 2 Ladies Suits 2 Pair Shoes Insured parcel #6720.  My blood pressure is 110.] Frank and Lois Blechl 442 Otter St. are wedded 9 years.  Frank is one of our motor cycle officers.  Woke up during night, but it was time to get up, it was 10.15 P.M.  Woke again at 110 A.M. and 4 A.M.  Up at 6.15 A.M.  Attended 715 Mass.  Father Sladek.  Sisters are having retreat about 40 attended 715 Mass.  Had breakfast at 9 A.M. about 930 Bill Wagner and Nyal Scheuerman are in.  Another Blood Specimen is taken by a nurse at 10 A.M.  Dr. Koehler takes Cardiogram 10.30 Nurse takes Chest X Ray –Another Nurse gives me 600000 Units Penicillin.  At 11 A.M. I’m home.  Spend the afternoon at the store back to the hospital at 7 P.M.  Donald spends the evening with me until 10 P.M. 
Com.  Sacred Heart of Jesus
18.  Friday: To 7.15 Mass Father Sladek.  Doctors Wegner and Scheuerman stopped in to see me.  Sister Capistrana stopped in for a visit.  She tells me that Joan Diley is doing office work has paid back for tuition. ___ Wollangk is also out and will have to pay back her tuition.  Visited Bill Borman, met Dr. Joe Kronzer.  Learn from Sister the Darky Nurse is Dorothy Jones, St. Louis, will make a very fine nurse.  To operating room at 10.30 back about 12 Noon.  The folks are over when I’m back in my room, I was still knocked out.  Don visited this afternoon – mother – Mary Ann tonite (Supper: Pea Soup and Tea)
Com.  Sacred Heart of Mary
19.  Saturday: Did not get to Mass this morning.  I’m still a little groggy.  Don is over with the mail.  We visited Doctor Louis Graber.  He is still unable to sit up.  He is looking forward to a favorable report on X Rays to be taken Monday.  Also visited Mrs. Mary Steckbauer, Frank’s mother.  She has been at the hospital since Oct. 5.  My noon meal; A sample potato – broth –small meat – tea – custard.  Don and family to the cottage this afternoon to take off shutters etc.  Annie Heip and Mother are my afternoon visitors.  This evening Don – Arlene – Mother –Mary Ann.
20.  Sunday: [Could not take Mrs. Jungwirth to church today.  Frank took her.  She insisted he take her past our house.] To 8 oclock Mass this morning. Surprized to see folks like Herb and Bee Wall there. The Sisters retreat ends this morning. Father Sladek is in to see me this morning. Looked up my friend Sister Iraneaea (Irene). Had a somewhat short visit as the folks are here to take me home. Had her come out to see Don's family; she is much impressed, she loves the children. Well Im home for the noon meal, feels good to be back, after our meal to Eddie Weisheipl's for another meal. “Tommie” made his First Communion. Couldn't let him down. They had plenty of company. Tommie gets a puppy from Uncle Oliver Stillman.
21.  Monday: Well I’m home for a day of rest, took care of the store mail here.  Norm Brown is over as usual, rather surprized to learn of my dental surgery so soon.
22.  Tuesday: Kept appointment with Dr. Luebke at 10.00 AM.  He took out the stitches, thinks the gums are healing as well as can be expected.  Then over to Dr. Norm Kleinschmit to look me over.  Tells me to come back in 10 days.  I’m on the job this afternoon and part of the evening.  Thres has a table of cards at the Columbus Club, Maxine – Emma – Annie Heip and herself.  Robert Drexler 706 – 5th Street. was found dead in his home this morning.  A cerebral hemorrhage is believed to have caused his death.  Born Dec. 25 – 1907.  Brother to Thres Polier – Emma Fenzl – John Frank – Joe Drexler.
23.  Wednesday: [Mrs. Anna Jungwirth found dead in her home.] Took Mother and Emma Lemke to the cottage, for a day of house cleaning and putting on screens.  It is quite cool, temperature at 42 this morning.  Joe Weisheipl enters Wood Veterans Hospital for treatment.  He seems to be suffering from liver or gall bladder trouble.  Cork and his mother Annie Heip are with him for the day.  Mary Kriz phoned us the sad news that our good friend Mrs. Anna Youngwirth 1516 Michigan Street was found dead in a chair at her home this morning.  We had been taking her to Mass with us Sundays for a long time.
24.  Thursday: [M 12 M] Little Donnie is 4 years old today.  He gets a haircut this morning and what do you suppose Little Markie gets his first haircut in the barbershop from Melvin Jansen.  Mother is not feeling up to par, so Donnie brings his presents to our house to show them.  Mrs. Walter Pommerening passed away unexpectedly at Mercy yesterday morning at 4.15.  Maiden name Esther Marx.  Married Walter November 1908 Mother to Fern Zobel and Harold.
25.  Friday: [M 3 M] This afternoon to Marquardt funeral home to pay last respects to Esther Pommerening.  Her husband Walter tells me he is at the Alexian Brothers Home, he is quite lonesome there.  This evening to Sitter’s where the Rosary is said for Mrs. Anna Jungwirth.  Met several of her daughters.
26.  Saturday: [M 12 M] Attended funeral of Mrs. Jungwirth.  Had Mrs. Anna Hetzel –Mrs. Julia Jungwirth – Mrs. Frank Robl with us.  Laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery.  Father Schorn conducted the services.  This afternoon we take a drive to the cottage.  Don and family are out.  Don and Arlene give the grass its first trim of the season.  Had visitors at my office this evening.  Sisters Alverna and Vera are in to see how I look without teeth.  They are in a kidding mood.  Art Mueller – Margaret and Kathy spend the day in Milwaukee.
27.  Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass, but without Mrs. Jungwirth, seemed we should be picking her up as usual.  We will be missing her for a long time.  Father Schorn speaks on the fifth commandment “Thou shallt not kill.” Worked only this morning.  Matt Drescler is over for short visit this evening. 
Com.  Anna Jungwirth
28.  Monday: [M 3 M] Norman Brown brings a "ice box pie" for me. He spends the noon luncheon with us. Mother treats with pig hocks, dumplings and sauer kraut.  This evening Mother and I to Hrnaks for flowers and took them to the graves of her dad, mother, Mary, Brother Ted, and also my parents Stanislaus Jarosch and Katherine Holzbauer. This afternoon I attended Cemetery Board Meeting. We vote to buy a Grave Digger.
29.  Tuesday: [M 12 M] To the cottage with Ed Radke this morning.  Ed checks our heater and finds the element is not working.  Joe E. Drexler 729-19th Street died this noon at his home.  Born Oct. 13 – 1900.  Married Helen Gorny Oct. 16 – 1923.  Assembler at Oshkosh Motor Truck.  Brother to Thres Polier – John – Frank – Carl.  Good friend of Father Alphonse Wagner, Usher also at St. Vincents.  Arthur Floether 26 Winnebago St. passed away yesterday 4.45 PM at home.  I understand he had an operation for rupture – also had Ulcer trouble.  Was a retired policeman.  Born March 26 – 1888.  Married Frieda Muza April 7 – 1920.  Brother to William – Eldor at the Sec. Bank.
30.  Wednesday: [I was initiated into 4th Degree K of C 35 years ago today May 30-21] Vic and Laura Delwiche are married 15 years.  Its a quiet memorial day.  Threatening clouds with a heavy downpour this afternoon.  I took the folks out riding about town this afternoon.  Harry Simpson died this morning at home 403 – 17th at 5.15.  We older folks at the store remember him running a barber shop on Oregon Street when Radke’s Electric Shop is located.  To the South of them was A.B. Dye’s Photo Gallery.  He was stamp clerk at the Post Office for 28 years.

31.  Thursday: [1 RLF   1 R Joe Drexler] Took a drive to Berlin this morning, and this afternoon to the cottage to check if our water heater is operating satisfactorily.  Marge Haverty is her own chauffeur today.

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