01. Monday:
Norm Brown is with us for noon meal.
02. Tuesday: [T] Don – Joe Baier and myself are
there at St. Vincents Church to sell candles.
Froetschl is not with us this year.
Its a beautiful day, temperature up to 40°. Attended Kiwanis luncheon with 3 guest today,
Alyn Leonard district manager, Don Hamilton Medicine Dept and Kenny Sepersky
all Rexall Company representatives.
Raymond Novotny was the guest speaker enlightening us about the postal
service. Thres to S.S.B.M. Auxiliary meeting
tonite. Took treatment from Simpson 3.15
Com. Fred Stein
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ODN 02/03/1954 |
03. Wednesday: Art Muellers birthday today he is
52. Frank J. Campbell passed away this
morning at 11.10 at Mercy. He was
employed for many years at Fenzl Clothing Store. Born June 2 – 1883 in Oshkosh.
04. Thursday:
Ma entertains Mrs. John Plein, Mrs. Elmer Utic, Emma Lemke this afternoon at
cards. It’s progress sheephead sponsored
by the K of C ladies.
05. Friday: To 645 Mass this
morning with Thres. My De Soto registers
33000 miles while I was driving east, at 11th and Rugby streets this noon. Paid last respects to Frank Campbell at
Com. Don and Family, Mary Ann.
06. Saturday: [9 hrs.]
Busy the green North Store inventory.
Frank Campbell is laid to rest this morning.
07. Sunday: [6 hrs.]
To 730 Mass Father Wagner read a letter from Bishop Bona
about the spiritual blessings of the “Marian” year. Took Joe regard to the County Hospital to
meet E.C. Arneman, superintendent. Joe
left his application for a position on the farm. Mr. Arneman was well impressed with Joe and
his educational background. Im back to
work before 4 P.M. took mother and Mary Ann to Aunt Annies to spend the evening.
Com. Emma Baier
08. Monday: [9 hrs. R 4 M] Norman Brown takes us to the Town
Grill for luncheon that is Thres – Mary Ann and me. Took my last treatment at the Curative
Workshop this afternoon. Thres attends
meeting of the S.S. Bus. Mens Auxiliary to sponsor a cardparty. The meeting is at Angie Jansens.
09. Tuesday: [4 ½ hrs.]
Took Ray Keel – F Dohmen representative, to Kiwanis luncheon, Ray’s birthday is
today, he is 42 and was included in the Kiwanis birthday song. Gust Keller our new District Governor from
Appleton spoke on “America a religious country.” He stated some however label
us as a country of religious illiteracy.
Took another treatment at Ray Simpson, hope its my last for time. Thres and me see “Knights of the Round Table”
first Cinemascope picture in Oshkosh, with Robert Taylor – Ava Gardner – Mel
Ferrer – Anne Crawford – Stanley Baker.
Had dinner at the Town Grill after the show.
10. Wednesday: [R 4 M T 9 hrs.] Ed Froetschl is sporting a new pair of
spectacles a present from A.E. Potter.
He likes them very much and will wear them steady.
11. Thursday: [11 hrs.]
Donald’s birthday, he is 26.
12. Friday: [R 4 M 6 hrs.]
Temperature is low this morning, it is 4° below zero official. Emma Lemke is up at times, but is still
confined with a cold. Took Mama to the
Mode tonight: We see “Down among the Sheltering Palms” with Wm
Lundigan – Jane Greer – Mitzi Gaynor – David Wayne – Gloria De Haven also “Caribbean”
a pirate picture with John Payne – Arlene Dahl –Sir Cedric Hardwick. After the movies we visit with Bill and Rose
Mauritz until 12.45. Mama took a fall on
the street just before entering the car.
She does not seem to be hurt.
13. Saturday: [6 hours] Much warmer today. We are doing a good valentine business.
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02/14/1954 found in diary (back) |
Com. Success of the Holy Name
15. Monday:
Norman Brown is with us today for noon meal.
This afternoon took a drive to Sunnyview San. to visit Tony Pable. He is feeling much improved but has a heavy
rush on his hands. He is anxious for
warm water, so he can obtain some outdoor privileges. This evening Agnes De Mille’s “Dance Theatre”
shows at the South Side Junior Hi School.
They present some very beautiful numbers in ballett and also some comic
phases of ball room dancing from ___ to 1920.
We enjoy it very much. To Tad’s
for a steak sandwich.
16. Tuesday: To
Kiwanis luncheon. We are in for a long program. Harry Krippner shows an hour
long movie film entitled "Safety Sam." Very interesting and
educational about driving safely. Do not feel well at all this afternoon. I
have also developed a bad head cold. To "Mother of Perpetual Help
Devotion" tonite, all by myself. "Delicious Foods
Luncheonette" at 15 Algoma Blvd is again in new hands, taken over by Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan Campbell. Art Stein and Russell Morey have been operating it. It
was "Mrs. Clark's Tea Room" years back.
17. Wednesday: [R 4 M] Mama is a busy girl today. On committee for a small card party at S.S.B.M.
Rooms. Had 15 tables cleared about 17
dollars. She is gone from two to 10
Oclock. I took Mary Ann to dinner at the
Town Grill. After the dinner we stopped
it Bill Mauritz Sr. for Television.
Today is also “Dollar Day” in Oshkosh.
We do less business today than ordinarily, which shows “Dollar Day”
means nothing to us as far as bringing in more business.
18. Thursday: [11 hrs.]
Another beautiful day, temperature about 50°.
My cold has switched from the right side of my head to the left and I do
feel lousy. Bob Fischer (S & D)
recommends vacogon to kill in it. Well Ive
taken 5 but no change so far. If Kenny
Sepersky is in to take the spring “one cent” sale order.
19. Friday: [R 4 M 7 hrs.] The
city street department has used 700 tons of sand and gravel for our roads up to
now. St. Vincents Holy Name have their
pre Lenten Dance tonite. Ma and I go to
the Mode. We enjoyed a “White Witch Doctor”
with Robert Mitchum – Susan Hayward – Walter Slezak, and “Jesse James” with
Tyrone Power as “Jesse” Henry Fonda as “Frank” and Nancy Kelley.
20. Saturday: [6 hours] My cold is not quite as
bad today. We are greeted by a good rainstorm
during the night, keeps on part of this morning, and also part of this
afternoon. I stayed at home this aft.
and did some cleaning up of magazines and newspapers. This evening I took a good sized bundle of
magazines to the Sisters St. Vincents.
About nine came in to visit with me.
Sister Bernita is back. Sister
Romana and Sister Alverna are still going strong. Joe Rieger is all togged out tonite, must
have had a good time, we hear him come in at 1.45 A.M.
21. Sunday: [5 hrs.] To 730 Mass
Father Wagner then to work 930 to 12.30. After dinner to Mercy Hospital to see Aunt
Mary. She is about the same as before. Also visited Amber Holmes, she will be at the
hospital seven weeks tomorrow. Also dropped
in to see Kantus Weber, he was operated last Thursday, I think the verdict is
cancer. Kantus has always been well. Also saw Mrs. Jack Kavage, Toni Ebersberger’s
mother. She has been in the hospital 4
weeks, also suffering from cancer. Then
to Raulf to see “The long long Trailer” Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Met Leo Lang at the hospital. He is out today after two weeks treatment for
a nervous breakdown. Emma Lemke to church
first time since she was taken sick.
22. Monday: [R 4 M 10 hrs.] Ray Trovinger has a birthday, he is
54. Norman Brown is with us this noon. He brings a “Scrabble Game” for Thres.
23. Tuesday: [8 ½ hr.] To Kiwanis luncheon, I am
lucky, being about the last one served, I get a nice juicy steak, instead of
the regular luncheon. The waitress even
cuts in for me. Mrs. ___ speaks to us
about retardation in children. To
Cemetery Board meet at 430.
This is the second meeting I attended.
Had to be set right by Roger Kliss –just when these meetings occur. To Mother Perpetual Help Devotion tonite.
24. Wednesday: [R 2 M 5 ½ hr.] We are greeted with several inches
of snow this morning. Did’nt work too
many hours today. Ma and me saw the Cinemascope
Picture “The Robe.” It was worth seeing, a biblical picture of the time of Jesus’
Life and Death. Richard Burton as
Marcellus –Victor Mature as Demetrius took their parts exceptionally well. Jean Simmons as the lover of Marcellus and
Michael Rennie. Donald and family are
with us tonight. Little Donnie is beginning
to talk and good too.
25. Thursday: Nash Kelvinator Corporation
announces layoffs of 1900 men, 1200 Kenosha 700 Milwaukee. Reduced sales cause a cutback in production. Ma plays cards tonight at Mrs. Ed Kriha’s, 141
Walnut Street
26. Friday: [R 2 M] A
fairly busy day at the stores. We attend the play “Girl Crazy” put on by the students of the “Oshkosh
State College” directed by Roger Dennis, Director of the College Music
Department. We enjoyed especially Dwain Vanderhoof as "Guiber” also Nancie
27. Saturday: Attended the Knife and Fork Club
Dinner tonight. Miss Ismet Sanli gave us
a very enlightening talk on Turkey. We
had the pleasure of having Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schwalm – Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schwalm
with us at table. Art is President of
the Oshkosh Brewing Co. Mrs. Tom (Doris Hardy) is President of the Oshkosh
Daily Northwestern Company. Sybelle
Brown is bringing Barbara and baby home from St. Louis.
28. Sunday: [5 hrs.] To 730 Hi
Mass –Father Wagner. Lenten regulations
are read this morning. Worked part of
the morning. Took a good long nap this
afternoon, worked again this evening and out to Aunt Annie Heip after work. Home at 12.15 A.M.
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