01. Tuesday: [MH 9 Mi] Thres and myself to
Appleton this morning to attend funeral services for Sybelle’s mother, at 10
A.M. at St. Josephs Church. Father Bob
Fasselman was Subdeacon. Mayor John Voss
is operated on this morning. Father
Victor Kandy is in my office this afternoon.
Thanks for his Christmas cigars.
He was over to see the new pastor at St. Johns Father Walter Williams
but does not find him in.
02. Wednesday: [R 4 M] Joe Baier – Donald and
myself are busy selling candles at St. Vincents this morning. This may be the last time we will be selling
candles at the church. Ed Froetschl was
not with us this year. Don and family
are over tonite. Don and myself to my
den to begin working our European Trip to make a sound movie.
03. Thursday: [MH 9 M Art Mueller 53 today.] Ed
Binder and myself have interesting session in my office tonight. Don and I had planned working on the movie
again tonite. When I got home I was
called in to another meeting. Paul
Wertsch and program committee are at his office making plans for future
meetings. Over at 930
but too late for Don and me to get going.
Art Mueller comes up with another birthday.
04. Friday: Sent a card to Mayor John Oaks at
Mercy. Mama – Mary Ann – and myself to
K.C. Club for lobster tail and shrimp this evening. On my way to work this morning the De Soto hit
42000 miles on the corner of 11th & Minnesota.
05. Saturday: Snow is our treat this morning. It is not a heavy downfall just enough to
make things look clean.
06. Sunday: [Syl Stack died 1.40 A.M. Born
12-19-1877 Menasha Married Marg Kolf
10/29/1930] To 730 Hi Mass – Father Schorn St. Vincents
Annual Reports are out today. Receipts
for the year 46682.06 This afternoon we pick up Aunt Annie Heip and we all
visit Aunt Mary. She seems to be getting
weaker, her right hand and foot are swollen.
We could not wake her enough to have her notice us. Sister Irene also says Mary is failing. We then visited the hospital chapel, Forty
Hours Devotion is in force there. Took a
drive to Riverside Cemetery, then to Sacred Heart but it is closed with snow
drifts. Then home where Annie spent the
evening with us and so did Donalds family.
Don – Mary Ann and I worked. Don
took Aunt Annie and his family home at midnight. Beautiful day today, temperature around
Com. Joe Weisheipl
07. Monday: [R 4 M] Had Norm Brown over for pigs
hocks. He says these are the best he’s
ever eaten. This evening Thres and I go
to our respective Christian Mothers and Holy Name meeting, which end up in a
joint get together between the two societies.
Bill Schaefer has a quiz program, and its fun, the men won on points
over the ladies.
08. Tuesday: [Georgi Malenkov resigned as Premier
of Russia.] Up at seven, stopped at Frank
Boettchers to fit a truss. Frank has to get around with two canes. To
Kiwanis luncheon I did not stop for the program. Zola Miller, Bob Bock
and myself discuss a new Kiwanis Club for the South Side; we can not see how we
can get one started at present. Dropped in to say “Hello” to Eliz. Haverty.
Attended cemetery board meeting, a longer than usual one. Rose Weisheipl takes
her first auto driving lesson this afternoon. “Hildegarde” is in town - putting
on her show at the Raulf Theatre. I was called on stage and received a Rose from her.
09. Wednesday: [R 4 M Aug Schulz – 830 – 7th St.
dies 7.45 P.M.] Father Schorn phones me that the
“New Tabernacle” is in place and blessed at St. Vincents. It is my way of
saying “Thank You” for the many Blessings we have enjoyed thru the
years. Premier Georgi Malenkov resigned
yesterday in a confession of “guilt ” for mishandling Russian Soviet
affairs. He was replaced by Marshol
Nikolai Bulganin. Aug Schulz passed away
tonight at 745 heart attack.
He served quite frequently with myself as honorary pallbearer at
Foresters funerals. Born 9-6-1894. Married Mary Kloiber 1/31/1917.
10. Thursday: Ronald Weed is married to Theresa
Salm at St. Marys Church –Chilton. Her
uncle Rev. Peter Salm performed the ceremony, assisted by Fathers Lambert
Scanlon – and Robert Berg. Son to Harold
Week. He and dad run Winnebago Boat
Livery. Weather turns suddenly cold this
afternoon. S.S.B.M. “Ladies Night” was a
success the ladies enjoyed it very much.
Program, a Heart Movie projected by Donnie Potter, talk by Dr. Ray
Wagner, a talk by Ilsa Carmda, an exchange student from Vienna – and Abbott
Costello picture and then cards. Gardenias
for all the ladies. Prizes donated by Al
Potter –President.
11. Friday: [Donald 27 Virginia Abrams 37 Harvey Zentner
70 RW 4 M] Father Schorn is in my office for short visit. Donald’s Birthday today, he is 27 and no
special event planned. John Huber –
Racine retired pharmacist died of a heart attack yesterday at Clearwater
Florida. I knew him well. We used to have pleasant relations years ago
with “The Druggist Service Bureau.” Flu Epidemic on in West Germany, 27 dead in
a month, 500 Schools closed. Official
temperature at 6 A.M. 10° below zero.
12. Saturday: Its a fairly busy day at the stores
today. Valentine Day may have something
to do with it. I don’t think it’s
Abraham Lincoln. Joanne Mauritz stays
with Mary Ann this evening and they also have the pleasure of taking care of
Deborah and Donnie Jr. While they ^Don –
Arlene^ are with us at the Raulf Theatre to see “The Silver Chalice” in
Cinemascope, starring Virginia Mayo – Jack Palance as Simon –Pier Angeli and
introducing Paul Newman. “Battle Taxi”
with Helicopters is the Co-Hit with Sterling Hayden. I’d like to see “Silver Chalice” again.
13. Sunday: [5 hrs.] To 730 Hi
Mass. Father Milbauer. We are somewhat short handed at the South
Store, but very busy. Guess Billy
Mauritz forgot to come this morning.
This is the second Sunday we have no chimes ringing at mass. Visited Aunt Mary, she is about the
same. Met Joe Rieger his girl is not
coming over yet, she did not pass physical exam.
Com. August Schultz
14. Monday: [TG
R 2 M 8 hrs.] Valentine Day
brings cards from the nieces and grand children. Thres plays cards at Angie Jansen’s. Mary Fenzl first with 65 in 60 hands, Elsie
Zentner was low with 27. Dr. Will Wagner
is in my office for short visit. Dr.
George Lynch has been out of circulation since Oct 15th. He is having quite a time keeping his blood
count up and diabetes is not helping his case any. Dr. Will is entertaining the Monday Night
Card Club. Directors S.S.B.M. meeting at
Ed Binder’s Office. No meeting for March
10 scheduled. Visited Annie Heip today. Cork writes every day she says, slight error,
he had not written for a week.
15. Tuesday: [8 hrs.] Arthur H Mueller (T and S)
leaves for hospital, “John Hopkins” via airplane. To Kiwanis luncheon. Rev.
Gordon Bender spoke on “Tall Men Wanted.” Dan Hildebrand resigns as a
member of the Board of Education, this morning.
Had quite a snowstorm tonite.
16. Wednesday: [R 4 M 6 ½ hrs.] A beautiful day, snow melts away
fast. Thres – Thres Froetschl – Annie
Heip –Maxine Siewert play 5 Hand Sheephead at Emma Lemke’s this afternoon. Cork Weisheipl wires to Rose for 15 dollars
to come home. Met little Barbara Mauritz
at the Caramel Crisp at 5 P.M. took her home and stopped at her folks for short
visit, then to Ray Ostertags, supply the girls with popcorn balls. Also had a funny story about Ed Fretschl. He evidently left work at 4.30 instead of his
regular time at 5 Oclock. As he was
rounding 9th and Oregon, heading for Tad’s Tavern he spied me driving toward
him, he quickly turned back and hid in the stairway of Security Bank. I saw it all and got a big kick out of it.
17. Thursday: [MW 3 M] Ed Shrank in my office
today for short visit. He is interested
in my office desk.
18. Friday: Woke up with a slight nose bleed this
morning. Dropped in to see Annie Heip
this noon, thought Cork might be home, he has not arrived as yet. Ed Binder – Harry Schmitt – Walter Patri –
George Timmerman leave for Hot Springs this morning, have several weeks
vacation. Thres and I to K.C. Club for
lobster tail and who should we meet there, Marge Haverty and Rose Weisheipl at
the bar. We had our meal together, took
the women for a ride to State Hospital, they did not wish to register, so I
took them to Stop and Go Tavern and Thres and I drove home.
19. Saturday: Visited Aunt Mary, she is not good
and the end may be near.
20. Sunday: To 730 Hi Mass,
Father Schorn. He reads the Lenten Rules
and comments or rather Elaborates on them.
Worked about 2 ½ hours this morning and back it 3.30 for 3 hours
more. Donald – Mary Ann to see Aunt
Mary, she is failing rapidly. This
evening we are at South Park Gym to see the “Globe Trotters” basket ball team.
21. Monday: [Bus
fare 15¢ today.] Sister Irene called at 730 this morning
that Aunt Mary was very bad. We arrived at the hospital shortly after, but Mary
had passed away. So ends the life of as virtuous and kind a person as I have
ever known. Sister said we have an angel in heaven praying for us and I'm sure
she's right. I'm kept busy most of the day making arrangements. Father Schorn -
Joe Poklasny - Bud Hrnak - Mary Stadler and pallbearers. Had quite a visit with
Rose Stievater, Fathers housekeeper. First occasion I had to meet her. Father
showed me the improvements they are working on at the parsonage and to church
to give me a close up of the new Tabernacle.
22. Tuesday: To Mercy Hospital to see Sister
Irene, if any of the sisters would like to see Mary. Mrs. Rojek brings them over this afternoon.
![]() |
Don Potter Aunt Mary Drexler? & Theresa Potter |
23. Wednesday:
Aunt Mary is laid to rest this morning, 10 Oclock
Hi Mass by Fr. Milbauer. Its a clear cold day. Margaret Radomski came in
at 6.30 from Milwaukee. Service well attended by many old timers. Had the folks
over for dinner about 25. Pallbearers Joe and Matt Drexler - Frank Drexler -
Joe Baier - Eddie Weisheipl and our Donald. Five Sisters from Mercy Hospital
attended. Anna Ostertag took care of the meal. Della Jackish made Jello.
24. Thursday: Took Margaret
to the depot for the 7.58 A.M. stream liner. She'll be in Milwaukee by 9.30.
Quite a bit of snow fell during the nite. I had an accident this noon, while
walking by the city hall on Otter Street. A hunk of snow fell from the roof and
hit me on the head. My hat saved me from serious injury, altho my head hurts
some. I think it will be OK, I hope. We get a postage meter for the North Store
25. Friday: [TG] Called Ed Binder’s secretary Jane
to call members of Rural Relations for a meeting tonite.
27. Sunday: [Billy Mauritz 21 today.] To 730
Hi Mass Father Milbauer. Worked this
morning, slept this afternoon, back to work at 6.00 oclock. Mary Ann’s Sunday to work. Billy Mauritz has a birthday. He is 21.
Joe Hemmer tells me he and some of the boys are going to visit Father
Alphone Wagner at Two Rivers. Don and
family spend the evening at our house.
Mrs. Plank, Sybelle’s mother would have been 72 today, had she
Com. Mary Drexler.
28. Monday: [R 4 M Ray Novotny tells me some political news.]
To 645 Mass. Father
Milbauer about 100 Communicants. Visited
Mayor Voss in his office, he is doing quite well since his operation. I told him about getting hit on the head last
week, by a hunk of snow falling from the roof of the City Hall. Had a note from Father Eckarth, who used to
be at Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Louisa
Poeschl sent him some Mass offerings for Aunt Mary. Also a card from Ed Binder with an offering
of five dollars for a Hi Mass for Mary.
Norman Brown is with us this noon.
Com. Jos. Weisheipl
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