01. Thursday: Haircuts
advance to 1.25 and shaves to a dollar in the city of Oshkosh. When I was a
young man shaves were 10 cents and hair cuts were twenty-five cents. Joe Baier
and Billy Mauritz are off to see the Milwaukee Braves battle the St. Louis
Cardinals, and what happens, the Braves loose 9-2. Stan Musial 2 Home runs.
Father Alphonse Wagner is in my office to say good bye. He is
to leave tomorrow for a vacation trip to one of the "National
Shrines." He has not yet received his new assignment from Bishop Bona.
02. Friday: [1 R Fatima 1 R Otto Christianson 1 R Father Francis Schoettl] To 6.45 Mass,
Father Milbauer. We are in for rain
today and much of it. Drove to Berlin
this afternoon to see Harry Kujawa about renewing Art Mueller’s and my
note. Harry is somewhat down in
spirits. Mary is not feeling well, and
the bank examiners had been with him all week.
Dropped in to see Agnes and find Mary up but no appetite. Promised Ag to check Marys prescription. Also paid last respects to Otto Christianson
at Konrads. He is laid to rest this
Com. Donald & Family – Mary Ann
03. Saturday: And much more rain this
morning. Took Thres to Sacred Heart
Church to Golden Anniversary Mass for Fred and Mary Schneider. We visit them this afternoon to congratulate
them. Bobbie Tulledge is in from De Pere
this morning with his father Ray, to make a loan. We learn that Dr. Charles Ware died
unexpectedly at his home 233 Central Ave. yesterday afternoon at 1.30. Born April 21 – 1896 at Boscobel Wis. He had his office over our store since
1924. Married Hazel Werner July 3 1951.
04. Sunday: [Johnny Kinderman brother to Aloys
born July 4 – 1894] Heres a new one, mother and I overslept and attended 9
Oclock Mass instead of one of the earlier services. The weather is clearing this afternoon. We’re off to the cottage this afternoon. Cork Weisheipl brings out Aunt Annie about 6
Oclock. We did not stay too long. Don and family come out after supper and we
all drive back home to view television until midnight. Don takes Aunt Annie home.
05. Monday: Today
turns out a grand day, not too hot. Back to the cottage by 11.30 took Aunt
Annie Heip along, had dinner at 1 P.M. Donald and family are with us. Don and I
spend the afternoon on the lake, did a little fishing also with very poor results.
Otto-Emma Lemke, Thres Froetschl out about 3 Oclock. When Don and I came in, we
prepared a wiener roast. We then took a boatride ride after supper - it was the
first for Donnie Jr. and Debbie. Donnie enjoyed it very much, sang most
of the time. Debbie looked a bit scared. After the ride we burned rubbish
by the lake. About 9 Oclock Ed and Rose Binder came over. We all played Pokeno
until about 12 Oclock. Don and family left for home (our house) to view T.V. at 930 back about 10.30 with
the news that Charles Blodgett had passed away. Emma & Otto left
immediately, we broke up after midnite.
06. Tuesday: Did not attend Kiwanis luncheon. Lots more rain today. Attended funeral service for Doctor Charles C
Ware this afternoon at Konrad’s funeral home.
Masonic Service. Art Mueller was
a pallbearer. Had a card from Msgr. Wm
Renner today from Venice.
08. Thursday: Donald and myself at the cottage
this morning, to begin cleaning out the weeds and thistles in the back. Jim Geffers stops out to look over his set
10. Saturday: [T] Busy paying bills today. This afternoon at 5.30 we leave for Berlin,
to meet Carl – Margaret Radomski and children, also Anna Drexler. The children Gail and Jimmy have certainly
grown and are very polite and lovable.
We are off to Norton’s at Green Lake.
I treated the folks to a dinner, then at Carl’s request to the
Republican House at Ripon, where a friend of Carl’s Andy Wargo is manager. Back of Berlin by 12.30 and home at 130. Our Mary Ann had a sick spell when we got back
to Berlin.
11. Sunday: To 9 Oclock Holy Mass, our new
assistant Father Julius Meyer, offers the Mass and has the sermon. After a nap, we move to the cottage for our
first overnite stay this year.
12. Monday: Mother entertains the S.S.B.M. (Card
Club) Auxiliary and it is a good day to entertain. Temperature is above 90°. Sixteen ladies came out, and I think they had
a very good time from Ma’s report. This
evening I took August and Della Jackish our neighbors along to the
cottage. It was their first visit with
us at the lake. Otto Lemke came out, and
Don and family after work, too hot in town they say. Just learned official temp was 92°.
13. Tuesday: Rose Weisheipl is back to work after
8 ½ days absence. Annie Weisheipl – Emma
Lemke – Thres Froetschl – are with Thres today.
Robert and Alexander Shilobrit come out about 11 P.M. The folks go home at 12.45.
14. Wednesday: This is hospital visiting day for
me. Dropped in to see Aunt Mary, she’s
happy as usual, also met Mrs. Ed Kleinschmidt, she doe’snt like hot weather,
dropped in to see Michael Eichman. He’s
there for kidney stone removed last Friday, then to see Victor Kandy. He is there with duodenal ulcer. He tells me he passed out twice last Sunday
morning. Father Norbert Lemke had 9
Oclock Mass at Winneconne. Thres had
company Mame Siewert –Meta Shekey –Vees Havemann – Jo Nolte – Rose Binder and
tonite Don and family and a surprize visit by Lawrence and Audrey
Kinateder. They learn to play “Pokeno”
and like it. Our little “Donnie” has
quite a time going to sleep. Party
breaks up at 12.30.
15. Thursday: Annie Heip – Thres Froetschl – and
Emma Siewert are back again this noon.
Mary Ann and I worked thru until 10 P.M.
Had our supper at Wirtz’s. Home
at 10.30 very tired, but the ladies manage to get me into their Pokeno game and
what happened, they kept me up until 2.30 A.M.
The women really set a record from noon until 2 A.M. at cards. They tell me they ate wieners with one hand
and played cards with the other.
16. Well I took the gang home this morning and
that should be enough card playing for a while.
Ma is glad to be back with plenty of weekend jobs awaiting her. This evening we attended Rosary for Barbara
Langkau at Sitters. Met Norbert who used
to work at Rothenbachs years ago, he tells me he’s gone 17 years, works in a
shoe store 3d and State Streets Milwaukee.
His brother Norbert is also there in some machine shop.
17. Saturday: Mrs. Langkau laid to rest. Frank Stepp newly appointed Director of
Vocational Education in Oshkosh passed away suddenly yesterday afternoon in
Menominee. He was attending summer
session at Stout Institute. Born July 25
– 1904 at Lake Mills Wis. Married
Mildred Eichinger October 1925 at Waukegan Ill.
Marianne Mueller – Gary Below are back from California this afternoon,
starved and out of money. They could not
get a job in California. Maybe they
didn’t try hard enough. Rose Weisheipl
is laid up with an infected tooth.
18. Sunday: To 730 Low Mass Fr.
Julius Meyer. Don and family leave with
mother for the cottage. Mary Ann and I
work until 12.30. Had plenty of company
today. Joe Baier and family – Bill
Mauritz – Ray Ostertag families – Grandpa Mauritz –Grandma Mauritz –Carol
Schmid – Doris Heisler – Gene or Jean Horejs, 28 of us all together. Its a beautiful day, we all enjoyed it
very. Robert Binder dropped in to give
us a ride in his own made boat. Had his
dad Frank and half brother John along.
Com. Barbara Langkau
19. Monday: [R Barb Langkau T G] Gave Norm Brown, a bumper order
today. Had him out to the cottage for
the noon meal. Drove his new Mercury
Station Wagon and must say I liked it very much. Don and Arlene completed burning rubbish at
the cottage. Temperature is 88° this
afternoon. Talk to Patricia Faust about
her husband Jack this morning. He is
gone for almost four weeks to Wood to take treatments again. The first time he tried Winnebago State
Hospital. Mike Haverty 16 fell asleep at
the wheel of his car yesterday morning about 5.40. He ran into a tree near Ray Lindseys,
suffered a broken jaw.
20. Tuesday: [R Vic Kandy] Jim Geffers sprayed
weeds at their lot yesterday afternoon.
Also removed “For Sale” sign.
Used pretty strong weed killer, Thres had to close all the windows in
our cottage. Otto Lemke is temporarily
laid off at Buckstaffs beginning yesterday.
He brought out Emma – Thres Froetschl –Annie Heip at 1 Oclock. They played Canasta –Sheephead and Pokeno and
stay until midnight. Arlene brings
Debbie in my office tonight to learn what she’s breaking out with. I don’t know for sure, it might be chicken
21. Wednesday: Brought mother in from the cottage
this morning. Dr. Ray Wagner confirms
that Debbie has chicken pox. She has
temperature 101°. The dances at the T
and O Bowling Lanes evidently did not pay off.
Even the free tickets did not draw a crowd. The last dance was last night. Mrs. Bertha Riemer, mother of Herb Riemer
died about noon at Herb’s 219 Second Ave.
Born Dec. 9 – 1868 Milwaukee. Her
husband preceded her in death May 28 – 1940.
22. Thursday: Kenny Sepersky is in town
today. Took him along to the cottage for
the evening dinner. Annie Heip – Emma
Siewert and Thres Froetschl are out for the day. Otto Lemke comes in about 8 this evening. They stay until midnight.
23. Friday: Ed Binder is in this morning, he
brings the bad news that Rose is under treatment again, confidentially the
doctors hold out little or no hope for her.
This is indeed a severe shock after so many happy years together. Billy Mauritz try some fishing at the
cottage. This is his vacation week. We take in “Gone with the Wind” in
technicolor on the new large screen at the Raulf. Clark Gable – Vivian Leigh – Leslie Howard –
Olivia de Havilland. From there to K.C.
Club for lobster tail etc. Herb Riemers
mother buried today.
24. Saturday: Debbie is getting along quite well,
has a good appetite and fever is down.
This afternoon we attend reception at Doctor and Laura Scheins golden
wedding anniversary. They were married
July 27 – 1904 at the brides home by Rev. Alfred Christiansen, now pastor at
Topeka Kansas. I gave the doctor a
Hawick Gold Plated shaving set, the bride a bottle of toilet water.
25. Sunday: To 730 Mass. Father Milbauer. Spent the morning at work. This afternoon a two hour rest and then to
the cottage with Thres. We visited with
Ed and Rose Binder from 715 to 915. Rose is not looking well at all. Their daughter and family the Fintags are
here for a visit. He is employed by
Allis Chalmer, they live in Wauwatosa.
Arlene and children spend the evening at our house enjoying T.V. and
brought Mary Ann to the cottage at 11.45.
Ma and me rack our brains over a game of scrabble. Ohio Street Merchants Children’s picnic at
South Park today.
Com. George Ruedinger
26. Monday:
[R. Rose Binder R. Matt Baier] Had Norm
Brown out to the cottage this noon.
Showed him around a bit in the country, he likes that, said he could do
this all day. So could I if I had the
time. Temperature is about 90°. Donald –Don Rothenbach –Ben Haberkorn –
myself met with the Finance Committee City Council Carl Mailahn –Bill Harford –
Arno Nonweiler about the purchase of Don’s house for parking purposes. We are off to a bad start, will meet
again. Leon and Dolores Moore, sons
Garry and Lee spend the evening at the cottage, until 12.15 A.M.
27. Tuesday: [R. Honor Lady Fatima] Rose Weisheipl
gets another two treatment. The three
musketeers are at the cottage with Thres.
I attended Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions and was surprised at the
good attendance – Father Julius Meyer. I
played with the folks after work. Otto
was there also. I lost 28 cents in 15
minutes. Aunt Annie Heip stayed with us
over night. The job of widening South
Main Street is begun today. Temperature
is up to 90°.
![]() |
Clippings found between July 27/28, 1954 pages. |
28. Wednesday: [R. Rose Binder] Thres has more
company. Alvina Putzer – Jennie Miller
–Elsie Kirsch – Rose Miller –Ann (Mrs. John) Drexler – Kate Duex – Clara
Andrashko – Annie Weisheipl – Clara Bischoff – Mary Schneider. Also stopping off at the place –Mary Bradley
– Mrs. Otto Stoegbauer (Minnie Sperka).
Otto was taken to Sunnyview Sanatorium today. After the ladies left Donald and family came
out played Pokeno and then a nice visit until midnight.
29. Thursday: [R. Caroline Baier] Donald and
family have dinner at the cottage and bring Mary Ann to work. I had my meal at Wirtz’s. Leonard Reinke help’ed pass the time. He also had luncheon there, also met Dan
Kraus from Kramp Construction Co. They
are winding South Main Street. Emma and
Thres Froetschl are back again, they play until 11 P.M. They took Annie Heip along, she was at the
cottage since Tuesday noon. Norm Brown
has a birthday. He is 46.
30. Friday: we are all back home this morning.
31. Saturday: [Art Mueller laid up with flu.] We
drive to Neenah this morning to Norm and Sybelle Browns. Father Bob is there and celebrates Holy Mass
at their home. It is his last day in the
service of the National Guard and he is allowed to offer Holy Mass wherever he
may be. It is rather unique but a
privilege to be there. Met a number of
friends and also made some new acquaintances.
On our way home stopped at Ernie Siewerts for food. This afternoon to Mercy Hospital, visited
Aunt Mary –Mayme Klemmer. Had a nice
visit with Rose Binder, she looks much improved with intravenous feedings.
Com. Rose Binder.
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