01. Friday: [T] Mother and me
02. Saturday: Had a
call from Donald at 3 A.M. that he's bringing Debbie and Donnie, took Arline
to the hospital and at 4:47 a 9 lb. 2 oz. baby boy [Mark John] is born to her,
other dimensions Head 14 - Shoulders 16 - Chest 14 ½ -
Abdomen 1 - Hips 13 ½ - Length 22 inches.
05. Tuesday: [T] Arline
is ready to come home. I suggested they bring her to our house. Mother and I
would stay at the cottage, and so they did. Mary Ann stays with them. Otto
is still painting the dining room at Don's. Virginia Williams is elected
president of the Oshkosh School Board at the Board Meeting.
06. Wednesday: [1 R Mons. Bastian 1 R Fatima M 3 M] Karl Kieckhaefer is in this morning
at my office in regard to a policy for our little grand – son. Bought a 10 Pay – 10000 for him. I spent most of the day at the cottage. Picked up Aunt Annie Heip at 6 Oclock. Rose gets the job of baby sitting for Marion’s
baby while Annie is with us at the cottage.
![]() |
July 7, 1955 news clipping |
07. Thursday: [1 R Rose Binder M 6 M]
Took Annie back home this morning, but she is back again this afternoon with
Otto and Emma Lemke – and Thres Fretschl.
They spend nine hours with mother at the cottage playing Canasta – Sheephead
and Pokeno. Mary Ann and me have our
supper at Wirtz’s. I had the noon meal
with Donald’s family. Paid last respects
to Walter Allmus at Konrads.
08. Friday: [R 2 M] Otto Lemke has completed his
paint job at Donald’s and the family moved home this afternoon. They were at our house exactly 3 days.
09. Saturday: [M 12 M] Fred - Loretta Baumgartner - Art - Margaret Mueller leave for points
East this morning. Had company at the office this morning - Sisters Mathilda
and Alverna, their first look. Franz Stampfer is in to see about permission to
get work in Milwaukee for Bucyrus. The new Butte des Morts bridge is
opened to traffic. It is quite an affair. The Governor Walter Kohler, is
here for the dedication. We have more company at the house tonite. Karl –
Margaret – Gail - Jimmy Radomski - Mrs. Theodore (Anna Drexler) - Rose Gittings
from Chicago - Harry and Agnes Kujawa. Quite a reunion.
10. Sunday: [Bob Paulick married 10 years. TG] Somewhat cooler
this morning. We are at 730 Low Mass. Father Schorn's sermon
is on true contrition, he also speaks of the modesty in attire among the female
sex. Well our little grandson is baptized today by Father Milbauer. Name:
Mark John. Sponsors Floyd Esslinger and Our Mary Ann. Had Don and family for
dinner. Floyd could not come. Don takes the baby to the Sisters for a visit.
Sisters Mathilda, Alverna, Mary ___ are the only Sisters now home. They
all take turns holding Mark. Sister Alverna wins the longest hold almost an
hour. Annette Timmerman entertains at a
steak fry this afternoon at her home.
Present Mary Ann – Rose Weisheipl – Ginny –Grace Sitter –Margaret Tadych
– Marge Haverty -
Com. Deceased Holy Name Members.
11. Monday: [1 R Fatima 1 R. Anna Drexler 1 R
Monsignor Bastian 1 R Joseph Weisheipl
M 3 M] Bobbie Paulick is in to see me this morning. He tells me he is married 10 years yesterday.
12. Tuesday: [1 R Fatima] To Kiwanis Club – Al Bellmer
District governor is with us. Attended
Cemetery board meeting it is a long lasting one, many bills to be OK’d.
13. Wednesday: [R. Caroline Baier R Matt Baier]
Attended business mens rural tour with Ed Binder Rudy Haveman – John Greenough
also attended. Had a fine trip about 85
miles. Visited farm where bulk milk is
cooled –Sunset New School – Elo Church – remodeled by the parishioners, ended
with Chicken Barbecue at Winneconne Park.
Barry Hayes explained the making of chicken barbecue. Home at 800 on the way to
the cottage my auto engine developed over heat, stopped at ___ place. He tells me I had a leaky water hose –
hurried to town George Bonack put on a new one.
Arrived at cottage about 930. Don family and Mrs. Andrashko, Aunt Annie are
there. Aunt Annie’s Bingo Club spend the
day at the Cottage: Elsie Kirsch –Rose Miller –Alvina Putzer – Katie Duex –
Mary Schneider – Johanna Miller – Annie Weisheipl – Clara Andrashko – Clara Bischoff
– Emma Heppler.
14. Thursday: [Norm Brown to Winnebago. R Grandma Baier] Bernice Novitch birthday. She is 44.
Our Philco Refrigerator is working poorly. Two men from Appliance Mart had to put in a
new Control. Mrs. Frank Kriz called
about Donald’s fuel bill.
15. Friday: Norm Brown is now at Winnebago State
Hospital. He had been at Sacred Heart
Milwaukee for five days, could not keep him there, then also tried Shorewood
Hospital, does not seem to be the right place for his case.
16. [M 9 M]
17. Sunday: [R Joe Weisheipl] To 730
Low Mass Father Milbauer spoke on Confession.
Rev. M. David Fetter receives a call to Salem Lutheran Church Detroit
Michigan and is ready to accept. He came
to Oshkosh Aug. 28th 1946 and will preach his farewell sermon here Sunday, Aug.
Com. Monsignor Bastian.
18. Monday: [R Fatima] After a busy morning at the
store I’m all set to take the afternoon and evening off at the cottage. At 130 I get a visitor
Father Bernard ___ who is assistant to Msgr. Fitkau at St. Boniface Society. He staid until 330 P.M. Had a pleasant visit, I also helped him out
with information in regard to a list of donors he had from Oshkosh. I then got busy cleaning up the boathouse,
tore out the winch George Mertz had put in years ago I got no use out of it. Luckily Don came out and brought our junk to
19. Tuesday: Brought
the folks back to town this morning. Billy is out at 5 A.M. for fishing.
Attended Chamber of Commerce Steering Com. meeting at the Athearn this noon.
John Callinan, Geo. Wagner, Harry Glick, Mort Gazerowitz, John Greenough, A.E.
Potter. Two hour parking in business areas - and Uniform opening and closing
time for businesses on Main Street on the agenda. No more free rides on busses
on special sale days. At 315 we left with Ed and Dess Wirtz
for Two Rivers to visit with Father Alphonse Wagner. He is at St. Marks parish,
we had quite a time locating the place, had dinner at Arts 151 Club near
Manitowoc, back home at 12.15 A.M. Father Alphonse looks very good.
20. Wednesday: [R George Stopper R Fatima] We are
back at the cottage this morning, took Aunt Annie Heip with us. Emma Siewert Lemke comes this afternoon. Joanne Mauritz –Doris Heisler come at 1 P.M.
to spend the afternoon and evening. Don
brings his family out for the evening. I
took a drive to Joe Nehl’s to pay a debt I owed him for several years for work
in our back yard at the cottage. I
accomplished quite a bit of cleaning up at the boat house and shore.
21. Thursday: [R Fatima] The 18 Club (Card Club)
of the SSBM Auxiliary spend the day at the cottage which means I must have
cocktails ready for them. They enjoyed a
beautiful day, two are missing Leone Dodd and Mrs. Alma Thobaben. Official temperature is 90° today.
22. Friday: [R Fatima R Grandma Baier] Gerald
Calder is somewhat upset about the poor service he is getting on his orders
from our South Store. Well I promptly
get the boys busy and good service is restored – I hope. Talked to Sybelle Brown today over the phone. She tells me Norm is now at Winnebago State
Hospital. Was moved there a week ago
yesterday. He was at Sacred Heart San.
only 5 days and then moved to Shorewood Hospital.
23. Saturday: Art
Mueller and Fred Baumgartner are back from their vacation. They visited many
places of interest especially around Washington. Don and family are at the cottage
with mother. Don burns up a lot of hay and rubbish. I worked on his orders and
hope to have them out for him by tomorrow. Konrad Funeral Home marks 80 years
in business in Oshkosh. William Konrad founded a furniture and embalming
business in May 1875. Moved to 103 Waugoo in 1929.
24. Sunday: To 730 Mass
Monsignor Gerald Fitkau celebrant. He
also made his appeal for the St. Boniface Society which he is head of in this
country. Completed the completed the
orders for Donald and then we are headed for the Oshkosh Power Boat Club with
Thres and Ed Fretschl where the Annual Outing of our Employees takes place. It is an ideal day and was spent very sanely
by our entire group, they all enjoyed it very much. We are back home at 9 P.M. Arlene and Mary
Ann spent the evening at the Raulf Theatre.
Com. Geo. Stopper.
25. Monday: [R Fatima T] The temperatures are
going up again. Father Kraus and Msgr.
Fitkau are looking for me this morning.
I had quite a visit with Msgr. Fitkau this afternoon at my office. He is headed for Stevens Point and then
Minneapolis. Father Kraus will stay at 2
weeks more. Company at the Cottage
tonight Laurence and Audrey Kinateder – Leon and Dolores Moore and boys Gary – Lee
and. Marge Weisheipl is on vacation this
26. Tuesday: [R Fatima] Well it is hot today 99°
27. Wednesday: Still hot 94° today.
29. Friday: We all
are back in town this morning. Annie Heip was with us for 3 days. Mother gets a
permanent wave this afternoon. Had a severe electrical storm, had been
thundering heavily since noon but did not begin to rain until 2 P.M. and then
it came down in buckets. Took Donald and family to Columbus Club for dinner and
then to the Oshkosh Theatre to see “Davy Crockett” with
Fess Parker and Buddy Ebsen and “Hansel and Gretel” Fairyland Color by Walt Disney.
31. Sunday: [T] To 730
Mass Father Schorn. Worked all morning getting out orders. Ohio Street
Merchants have their childrens parade and picnic today. We have Bill - Rose -
Joanne - Billy - Barbara Mauritz, Joe - Faye - Joey - Mary Jane Baier, Ray -
Ann - Judy - Carol Ostertag, Clarence - Florence Westphal, Don - Arlene -
Debbie - Donnie - Mark Potter, Jean Horejs, Carol Schmidt and Grandpa Joe and
Grandma Barbara Mauritz at the cottage. Grandpa and Grandma Mauritz have
been looking forward to this occasion. Told them to be sure and come once
more this year. Party broke up at 11.30 P.M.
Com. William Hiatpas
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