01. Saturday: The New Year begins with mild
temperature about 36°. We attend 730
Low Mass by Father Schorn. He speaks of
the ways we can improve ourselves in the New Year. Our Stores are open until 12 Noon today. Norman and Sybelle Brown are here on a
surprize visit, we are unable to entertain them, Thres and I are headed for a
movie. Sybelle tells us her mother is in hospital. Taken there last Wednesday at midnight.
Honor Sacred Heart
02. Sunday: I attended 730 High
Mass without Thres this morning. Got up
at 710 A.M. and was afraid to wake her for fear the
excitement might be to much for her. She
attended 930 St. Johns Hi Mass. We are terribly busy at South this
morning. Had a surprise telephone call
this afternoon from Elmer Erickson, Waukau.
He operates the Ham Radio and had to relay a message from Romy
Czekalski, Milwaukee. I could hear Romy
– Lovie – Marilyn and Arlene talk, wishing us all a happy and prosperous new
year. This evening Bill – Rose Mauritz
–Ray – Ann Ostertag are with us. Olga
stopped in to see Mary Ann. They left
for home at 1 A.M.
Com. Holy Name of Jesus Com.
03. Monday: All of us back on the job this
morning, business as usual, temperature nearing 40°. Had a letter from Resi Rothbauer Parsberg,
did accomplish a lot with her Christmas present of 50 dollars. Her husband Joe is in the hospital at Neumarkt
about 24 Km from Parsberg. Also a letter
from Bob & Irene Sanchez. Mary Ann
stayed with them in Pacoima well on her vacation. Also a letter from Father Nicholas Wagner
Boys Town. Norm Brown is not with us
today, pallbearer at Harvey Schlintz funeral – Appleton. Walgreen Drug moving out today. Jack McCain opening Stacks Drug Store –Drug
Book Cenfusion.
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10th Street House (front) |
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10 Street House (side) |
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10 Street House (back) |
06. Thursday:
Our neighbors August and Della Jackish spend the evening with us viewing
television. They do not have a set. Marge Haverty is laid up with a bad throat.
07. Friday: [R 4 M MW 9 M -1/8/55] Am very busy getting the payroll deductions checked and balanced for the
year 1954, and that means getting out W-4's for the folks for their income tax
reports. Joseph Mauritz - Bill's dad is 80 years of age today. Met
Frank Pomerane retired mail carrier at the post office today. He carried
mail for us at the South Store forty years ago.
08. Saturday: Art (Boz) Hazen is 30 years old
today. He delivers his own birthday
cards. I got out 60 W4’s plus the pay
envelopes today, and had a heavy bundle of mail also, worked 11 hours and got
fairly well caught up. A lovely day –
temperature at 40° but tonight we get snow.
09. Sunday: [7 ½hrs.] To 730 Hi
Mass with Holy Name Men, Father Milbauer.
Feast of the Holy Family, we offer celebrate the Feast of the Holy
Name. Our Holy Communion is offered for
the welfare and the successful pastorate of Father Schorn. Im back to work at 5 P.M. Put in 7 ½ hours today.
Com. Father Schorn
10. Monday: [R 4 M 11hrs.] Cork
Weisheipl blew into town last night for a short vacation. He's been
playing at the Patio Club Cairo, Ill. Norm Brown is back with us
today. Sybelle's mother Etta has not improved much at the hospital.
Don takes Arline to Dr. Meli's office tonite. Looks like another little
Potter coming up this summer.
11. Tuesday: [MW 9M 10 ½ hrs.] Attended Kiwanis Club today and
was lucky enough to your way. Dr. Chuck
Behnke had a birthday prize which was held over from December. He did tie a string to the winning of it, the
third man called without a Kiwanis button
and after about 15 names were called I emerged the winner of a beautiful time
from Spoo’s.
12. Wednesday: [7 hrs. R 4 M] Mailed
a package to Resi Rothbauer this morning, dresses, coat, slacks. Donald has
a telephone at his new address as of today. The number B465. Had a
call from Debbie and Donnie this evening. Cork Weisheipl's vacation is
cut short; he leaves at midnight tonite for Greensborough, _____
Carolina. Stopped in with Mary Ann to wish him "Good
Luck." Took an evening off and listened to T.V. for 5 hours, thats
too much.
13. Thursday: [MW 3 M] Another nice day, took a
drive to Fond du Lac to St. Agnes Hospital to visit Father Adolph Wittman
brother to Steve Wittman famous Oshkosh flier.
We had a very pleasant visit, also stopped to say hello to Charles Pable
who is working in the pharmacy at St. Agnes.
Mary Ann attends a shower in honor of Betty Hill at the home of Maxine
Borst 99 Rosalia. I dropped in for short
visit at Haverty’s when I took Marge home from work. Mrs. Haverty looks very good, lost about 20
14. [R 4 M]
15. Saturday: This is Anna Jungwirths birthday,
she is 80, has been sick for several weeks.
We missed her because we usually take her home from 730 Mass on Sundays.
16. Sunday: [8 hrs.] To 730 Hi
Mass Father Milbauer. His Sermon about
the Grace of God. Visited at Don’s this
afternoon. The Felkers are there Debbie gets her presents today, her birthday is
tomorrow. Worked at the store until
17. Monday: [R 4 M] Debbie is 5 years of age
today. Norm Brown is with us this
noon. Sybelle’s mother has not shown any
improvement, must still have oxygen. Had
Ed Binder and Rudy Haveman in my office tonight for preliminaries to Thursdays
S.S. Business Mens Meeting. We also have
the Annual Mueller Potter meeting tonight at my office. It was attended by all the stockholders. Thres plays cards at Leone Dodd’s and wins
another first prize, two weeks ago at Marge Hagene’s.
18. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon.
19. Wednesday: Learn that we purchased 1600
dollars of Cenol Products in 1954.
20. Thursday: This evening I have my first
experience of conducting a meeting for the South Side Business Mens Club, and
things worked well, comments favorable.
Also honored Rudy Haveman and Matt Mertz with a gift for their many
years with the Club and Community Service.
Miss Olson formerly with Du Barry, now with Helena Rubinstein is in to
see us about establishing a Rubinstein agency.
She is to be married soon. Ed
Binder spends a couple of hours with us after the S.S.B.M. Meeting.
22. Saturday: Betty Hill is married.
23. Sunday: [6 hours] To 730 Hi
Mass – Father Schorn. Another Sermon of
the Grace of God, illustration St. Augustine whose father was a pagan and his
mother Monika prayed for 40 years for his conversion. Took a drive to Berlin this afternoon,
stopped at Harry’s and Agnes. Mary is home
for this semester. Her boy friend Jim is
there also. They are driving to
Milwaukee this P.M. We drive over to
Lake Poygan to see the fisherie there, at least 1000 persons registered.
24. Monday: [R 4 M] Norm Brown is with us for
luncheon. Sybelle’s mother seems to be
getting weaker. At intervals she knows
the folks and then again she does not.
Ken Sepersky and Mrs. dropped in to say hello at my office. Ken looks very good. Retirement must agree with him. Mailed a package to Rothbauers today, Postage
Charges 3.01. Mrs. Effie Olmstead was in
our South Store today. Havent seen her
for years. Lives at 146 Mt. Vernon. Mother to Alice (Mrs. Reuben Shekey).
25. Tuesday: To Kiwanis luncheon. Gust Harthun is back with the club and is my
side kick at table. He’s been out since
1941. A young lady who had been a 4H
exchange student in Denmark, gave an interesting talk and showed pictures of
Denmark. Temperature 3° below zero, this
morning, the first subzero this winter.
Just learned the young lady at Kiwanis Club today was Miss Mary Detlor
of Plainfield.
26. Wednesday: Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur is 75
today. He speaks at Los Angeles at the
unveiling of an eight foot statue of himself.
27. Thursday: Gaylord Johnson 32 Wife Jeanette 22
and two children 2 years and 11 months lose all their belongings in a fire from
an over heated stove at their home 28 Geneva Street yesterday afternoon.
28. [R 4 M
29. Saturday:
Called Ray Miller in regard to our rural relations program in March, sponsored
by the S.S.B.M. Club. We settled for
March 21 and hope to have a good attendance.
Norm Brown called this evening, informing us that Sybelle’s mother
Henrietta Plank passed away this morning at 11 Oclock. Ed Wirtz was taken to Mercy Hospital today,
he is suffering with pneumonia.
30. Sunday: To 730 High Mass
Father Milbauer.
31. Monday: [R 4 M by Billy] Thres entertains 16
ladies of the S.S.B.M. Auxiliary today and incidentally she wins first prize
again with 68 Points. This is the third
successive time she wins first. Ed Froetschl
is laid up with stomach flu. Daisy McCarthy
died unexpectedly at 8 A.M. at 1206 South Park Ave. Her husband Ray died Nov. 16 -1938. Born Dec. 15 – 1883, daughter of John and
Louisa Leonard.
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